Read Books Novel

Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(34)
Author: B.J. Harvey

I walk the four blocks to his apartment, nodding to the doorman as I walk through the lobby, pushing the elevator call button.

I’m a nervous wreck. Every minute that passes I’m warring with my conscience. The sexy devil in her fishnets and high heels on one shoulder shouting obscenities at me about how I need Daniel in my life and in my bed. The pure, virginal angel on the other hand (the only thing that’s still virginal in my life) whispering encouraging soothing words in my ear about being a martyr for the sake of Daniel’s future happiness and the life he can have with a wife and two point five kids in the suburbs. The life I know I will never be able to give him.

There’s a dull ache in my chest that seems to grow stronger as the elevator goes past the floors leading to Daniel’s apartment. Why is this affecting me so much? It was supposed to be casual, no strings, no feelings, no worries. All of a sudden, this idea doesn’t seem so shit hot.

I reach his floor and pause in the elevator, wondering why I’m even here. I could just make him hate me. All I’d have to do is have a long forgotten on-call room hook up with the walking dildo to do that.


Daniel deserves better. He deserves honesty not a pseudo-relationship with a commitment-phobe woman who will only hurt him in the long run.

Walking up to his door, I push his doorbell, my heart beat speeding up as I hear his footsteps get louder before the door opens, and he greets me with a gorgeous smile.

“Hey,” he says, stepping forward to give me a kiss. I freeze as he gets close to me, but melt the moment his lips touch mine. He wraps his arm around my waist just as my knees buckle. Pulling me backwards into his apartment, he closes the door with his leg before leaning me against the wall as he continues to ravage my mouth.

By God, it’s hot as hell!

I bring my hands between us and pull his shirt up. He moves off me long enough to tear the shirt over his head before he’s back on me, attacking my mouth with renewed hunger. I grab his hair, gripping tight as I hold him close to me. We’re both breathing heavy as he moves his mouth to my neck, peppering kisses along my jaw and sucking my favorite spot underneath my ear.

Slamming my head against the wall, I close my eyes and give in to the sensation and the inferno he’s creating between my legs. Fuck it! Our talk can wait. He’s too damn good at this to let this go to waste. I push him backwards, matching him step for step as I steer him towards his L-shaped couch, going for his belt and pulling it loose as his legs hit the back of the sofa and he falls down, pulling me on top of him.

“Hi,” he muses, looking up at me.

“That was quite a welcome.” I smile down at him, my eyes moving to his luscious lips, wet and inviting. I can’t resist their call to me. I lean down and rake my teeth against his bottom lip, earning a growl that rumbles deep inside his chest.

“You’re going to pay for that,” he says with a dirty grin, and dammit if my heart doesn’t twinge a little.

“I damn well hope so,” I say, trying to hide the sudden breathless feeling that is rushing through me. Without warning, I’m lifted up and flipped over, Daniel is now lying on top of me, his chest to my back, his hard c**k now wedged between my ass cheeks. A swath of new positions flash before me, pushing out the strange emotional thoughts being thrown around my head. I let out a soft moan as he thrusts himself hard against me.

“Now this is interesting,” he rasps in my ear, nipping it with his teeth before tracing it with his tongue. “The things we could do.”

“How about you stop talking the talk and start walking the walk?” I pant.

Another hard thrust. Damn, that feels good, if only we were naked and the thrust was inside of me.

“You’re wearing too many clothes,” he says. I buck my hips up against him, smiling at the resulting groan.

“Well, let’s rectify that.”

I roll over, ripping up my hoodie and top at the same time, and throwing them over the side of the couch. He leans back on his heels, undoing my jeans and pulling my panties down with them. I’m left naked before him.

I look up at him, quirking a brow. “Now who’s wearing too much?”

“Have at it,” he says with a devilish grin, beckoning me with his fingers.

I look at the impressive bulge in his shorts and damn, I want to trace that c**k with my tongue. I gaze up at him, and his hooded eyes speak wonders.

“It drives me insane when you get that look in your eyes, Mac,” he says, grabbing my neck and roughly pulling me in for a hard, spine-tingling tousle of tongues.

While he’s exploring my mouth, I move my hands to his shorts, undoing them and sliding my hand inside his boxers to his waiting monster. It’s hard and hot as I stroke my hand up and down its length. I feel it pulsate in my palm, and the sheer knowledge that it’s me doing this to him is too much. I push him on to his back, pulling down his shorts until his big hard c**k is exposed to me. Moving my head down, I trace a vein up his length, circling the tip before taking it in my mouth, flicking my tongue over the salty pr**cum that has leaked out. I suck the tip hard, scraping my teeth against the head as I wrap my lips around him and take him deep into my throat. His hand goes to the back of my head as he gently raises his hips, encouraging me to go deeper. This isn’t our first rodeo, and he knows that I like it rough.

I want him to f**k my mouth.

His hand tangles in my hair and grips tightly as I lift up and drive him back down into my mouth. I moan around him, causing his whole body to shudder.

“Fuck, Mac, that feels incredible,” he spits out as I pull him out of my mouth and jerk him off with my hand as I lick his balls, the musky scent sending my body into overdrive. “Fuck, I need to taste you.”

He lifts me up and spins me around until my lips are wrapped around his c**k once more and his face is buried tongue deep inside my pu**y, moving in and out so fast that I’m losing all hope of concentrating on the job at hand, deep throating him and driving him crazy.

“Oh God!” I cry out.

“Not God, Mac, just Superman,” he says as he zeros in on my hard swollen clit, trailing kisses around it, but purposefully avoiding it.

Knowing that I’m in desperate need of a home run, and soon, I flatten my tongue and give a long lick up the underside of his shaft, circling the head before diving down and taking him deep at the back of my throat. I feel my throat muscles relax around him and I swallow, clutching around him, feeling the thrill of making his whole body jolt underneath me.
