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Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(53)
Author: B.J. Harvey

I’m stunned. My mouth falls open, and I’m stuck in a brain freeze. Right now, if there was a fly catching competition, I’d be top of the freaking table.

“See, the thing is, gorgeous, he seems to think that we’re having a baby…together.”

I’m speechless. All the words I want to say have disappeared. Even Angel Mac has gone into hiding. How did I screw this up so badly?

“Is that right? Are you pregnant?”

“Y-yeah I am.”

“And is it mine?”

I gasp. “Of course it is!” My heart is racing, and I can feel my body tense up.

He rakes his hand through his hair again, looking down at his feet as he tries to compose himself. I can see him taking a huge breath, his shoulders lifting and falling as he lets out a huge sigh.

He looks back up at me, and his eyes have softened. “Why didn’t you want to tell me? You know how I feel about you, don’t you?”

Now it’s my turn to stand up. I pace the lounge once, willing myself to say the words. “I don’t want to be with anyone else, I haven’t been with anyone else since I met you. I’ve been terrified of losing this baby, of losing another baby, and I love you too much to put you through that pain.”

All of a sudden, he’s standing in front of me, just inches away from my body. “What did you just say?” he asks softly, cupping my face in his hands.

“I said that I didn’t want to put you through the pain of losing a baby.”

“No, gorgeous, before that.”

“I love you,” I whisper.

“Say it again.”

“I love you,” I repeat, stronger and more sure of myself.

“God, I’ve dreamed about hearing those words come from your mouth,” he says before crashing his lips against mine, delving his tongue into my mouth and kissing me like his life depends on it. I wrap my arms around his neck and lose myself in him.

Pulling away, I see the biggest grin on his face. I decide it’s now or never.

“I’ve been fixing myself. Fixing my life. Trying to get myself in the right head space to be with you because that’s all I want, but then I didn’t want you to just want to be with me because of the baby. When I found out about our little superhero here…” I rub my hand over my stomach. I’m nowhere near showing, but I’ve already developed a habit of holding my hand on my belly.

“Our little superhero?” he asks with a grin.

“Ah, yeah, the name kinda stuck,” I say with a shrug.

He moves his hands down my body and rests them on top of mine on my stomach, causing my breath to hitch.

“Gorgeous girl, for a smart cookie you can be pretty f**king clueless sometimes. So, I’m gonna lay it out for you one more time. Hell, I’ll keep saying it until you start believing it. I’ve wanted you from the start, and I told you that you were mine. That I would wait. And I’ve been waiting, gorgeous, but I was about ready to come beat down your door and make you see reason. You’re my forever girl. My Lois Lane. You always have been, and if I have my way, you always will be.”

I open my mouth in shock. This is more than I could have ever imagined.

“When I got sick of waiting, I tried pushing the issue which only made you move further away. After that night at my apartment, I thought you’d felt it. I thought you realized what we had was real. But then you ran, and a little part of me gave up hope. But I was already in too deep with you, way over my f**king head, and I’m tall. That’s pretty deep,” he says with a cheeky grin.

“I told you that I loved you so much that I’d keep at you until you realized it, or gave in to my sexy charms. One of the two.” He lifts his hands up, cupping my face in his warm, soft hands. “I’m sorry I didn’t make you stay and talk it out with you. I was in shock that you were willing to walk away after what we’d experienced that night.”

“No, Daniel. I’m sorry I didn’t believe in us, or in you enough to fight harder.”

“So this is why you’ve been avoiding me? Because you were scared?”

I nod, unable to stop the tears falling down my face. These pregnancy hormones have a lot to answer for.

“Let’s get one thing clear, Mac. I would never be with you just because we’re having a baby together. I wanted you before this, and now that there is going to be a mini me I’m beyond happy. I may be a little shocked, but this is without a doubt the second best thing to ever happen to me in my life.”

“Second best?” I ask with a smirk.

“The first being the night you dropped your phone on the L,” he replies with the biggest grin I’ve ever seen. “I know it’s going to be scary, and there will be a few freak outs, but I’m going to be here for you every step of the way if you’ll have me.”

There is a tenderness in his eyes that melts me to the core. He almost looks wary, like he’s not sure what I’m going to say or do next. It’s totally un-Daniel like, and I suddenly want to jump him and kiss the shit out of him.

“My turn now?” I ask. He nods and waits. I lean forward and kiss him again, trying to prove to myself that this is actually real. Daniel is here, in front of me, and I’m not freaking out.

Hell, I’m not freaking out!

After a few minutes of making out like horny teenagers with a curfew, he pulls away just slightly, looking down at me with a huge smile.

“I’m liking these pregnancy hormones. Especially if I get eight more months of you like this.”

I pull him close to me, planting soft kisses all over his face, and not stopping until I’ve kissed everywhere I can reach.

“Superman, you have NO idea.”

The End

But Wait…


I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been a bit clueless when it comes to pregnant women.

Until now.

Mac is five months pregnant and is starting to bloom. It makes her even more beautiful, almost radiant. And with all the books she’s reading, I’m getting a rapid initiation not only into the world of impending parenthood, but the quirks, beauty, and interesting adaptations that come with any first time pregnancy. I’ve heard about more swollen body parts, birthing techniques – including how some women have orgasmic births! – and things being cut that just shouldn’t be cut.

Mac complains that she is getting fat, making a cute pouty face and telling me that I’ll have to roll her in flour to find the wet spot when she’s the size of a whale, then chastises me when I crack up laughing at the mental picture that conjures up.
