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Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(54)
Author: B.J. Harvey

She has always been beautiful and sexy. God, that woman has driven me to my knees more than once. Now that we’re together, and she’s finally caught up with the fact that we love each other, life has been so much better.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that Mac has really changed, but she’s not so skittish. I’m no longer having to watch everything I say or do. I can wrap my arms around her, kiss the shit out of her and tell her I love her without fear that she’s going to run the other way screaming. This is progress. And to be honest, a hell of a lot less stressful than the past seven months have been.

She took a while to convince, but in the end the connection we had was too hard for even the stubborn Makenna Lewis to ignore. Our little superhero in waiting did play a big part, but I was getting close to breaking point by the time Noah congratulated me on the baby I didn’t even know I was having.

Tonight we’re staying at Mac and Kate’s place. We watched a birthing video earlier which I had to stop watching because I didn’t want to lose my libido completely. If I see another pu**y look like it is pushing out something the size of a watermelon, I’m going to be stuck with a soft on for the foreseeable future.

Now we’re in bed, and Mac is lying on her back with my head to her stomach just listening, or trying to listen while I talk to our little superhero (yep, the name kinda stuck). We’ve decided not to find out the sex. Mac says it’s one of the only true surprises in life, and I like the idea of that. With technology becoming so advanced that you can be tracked everywhere, contacted everywhere, find out international events within minutes of them happening, I like the idea that this was the one thing we didn’t have to find out. When our baby is born, we’ll find out together whether we’re having a super hero or heroine (like I said, the name stuck).

Will I have a Chicago Bear in the making that I can teach to play ball? Or will I need to go buy a shotgun to keep everyone away from my little girl?

Something I’ve been thinking about for a while now is changing our living arrangements. I’m sick of switching between my place and Mac’s. I want her in my bed, my apartment, my space. Hell, I want to be able to say our bed and our house for once. We’ve spoken about it, and I’ve even brought up the possibility of us buying a house together before the baby is born, but Mac never fails to avoid the question, managing to change the subject every time. Either that or she feigns heart burn, or the baby kicking which is something she knows will never fail to distract me because I’m yet to feel the baby kick.

It frustrates the hell out of me!

Now that I have an extremely sated and happy Mac lying beside me, I decide it’s the perfect chance to raise the subject again. “Gorgeous, we need to decide what we’re going to do once the baby arrives,” I say, raising my arm and slowly stroking my hand up and down her naked back.

“Ah, what do you mean? We’ll have to look after it, you know, like most other new parents.”

I chuckle. “You know what I mean, Mac. Where are the three of us going to live?”

Her body stills before she lifts her head up, propping her head up on her hands as she looks up at me. “Babe, what do you mean? I’m going to live here with Kate.”

Now I’m pissed off. It takes a lot to annoy me, but being separated from my family will do it every time.

“Mac, that ain’t gonna happen. You, me, and the baby will be living together, in the same house, under the same roof, at the same address. You understand me?”

“Yeah, but…”

“No buts. We’re going to be a family. I love you, you love me. Together, we’re going to raise this baby so that means we need to live in the same f**king house. I know you and Kate are close, and yes you’ll miss each other, but it’s not like you’re moving to another city or state. You’re moving two blocks south.”

I pull my hand up, tangling it in her hair before bringing her face closer to mine and kissing her softly at first, deepening the kiss when a moan reverberates in her chest, egging me on. My grip in her hair tightens, and I can feel a shudder run through her body as I suck her tongue into my mouth, my other hand gently massaging her breast. Point understood.

One of the best things about Mac being pregnant is her tits. I swear to God that those puppies grew overnight. And they’re so sensitive, the lightest of touches affects her.

It’s f**king awesome.

Mac has always been a freak in the sack, but pregnancy has definitely made her hornier and sexier than ever before. I give her another sneaky grope before she pulls back and just looks at me, centimeters away from my face.

“It’s not that I don’t want to because I do. In fact, there is nothing I want more than for you, me and baby to have our own place, our own home. But Kate needs me. She doesn’t have someone like you in her life to lean on. I’m it for her. Her family live out of state now. I’ll constantly be worried that she’s sitting at home alone. I can’t do that to her, Daniel. She’s always been there for me.”

Her face is flushed, and her eyes are glistening with tears. I know this is a touchy subject for her, and I can’t help but smile at her sincerity. She does want the same things as me, she’s just worried about her best friend and I can’t fault her for that. Those two girls are so close that they’re almost like sisters.

“Okay, babe. We’ll shelve the idea for now, but bubs isn’t going to stay inside you forever, you know. In four months’ time, our little boy or girl will make their grand entrance and all I want is for us all to be settled and ready. A baby needs a home. And as for Kate, she’s a big girl, and I think she would’ve realized by now that there will be changes in the living arrangements sooner or later.”

I cup her cheek with my hand, wiping away a lone tear that is sliding down her cheek with my thumb. She smiles down at me, brushing her lips softly against mine, then snuggling back down and burrowing her head into my chest.

“And I love you for that.”

“Say it again,” I sleepily murmur against her hair, pulling her in tight against me.

“I love you,” she says as she lightly kisses my collarbone and lays her head down.

“Never gonna get sick of hearing you say that, gorgeous. Three of the best words in the world when they come from you.”
