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Tempt (Take It Off #3)(27)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked for the hundredth time since we started walking.

Nash stopped suddenly, and I bumped into his back, stumbling backward a bit. He turned swiftly and glanced at me. “I don’t know what else to do,” he said grimly. “Do I want to walk into potential dangerous territory… with you right behind me? No. I don’t. But being a sitting duck isn’t safe either. I’d rather know what we’re dealing with.”

I glanced at Duke, who was standing there watching us. “Can’t you just tell us what’s there?”

“I already told you it was no good. I told you to stay away.”

“You won’t tell us why?” I implored.

“Because it is,” was his simple reply.

Nash made a sound and started walking again. “If it’s so dangerous, why are you coming with us?” he tossed over his shoulder.

Duke didn’t reply, but I felt his stare and I turned to look at him. It was because of me. He was coming along because of me. I glanced at Nash to see if he realized, but he hadn’t turned around. He was to intent on our path.

We walked in silence after that, forever it seemed. My feet grew tired and my body was damp with sweat. I was so not the camping/hiking kind of girl. And to make it worse, I kept thinking about the dream. About the two men who were right beside me.

Every so often I would feel Duke’s eyes and I would look at him. He had this way of gazing at me… this sort of longing in his eyes… It made me feel coveted. It made me feel wanted.

But then I would look at Nash, at the way his hips swiveled when he walked. The way his shoulder muscles moved beneath all that olive-toned skin. And his hands were magic. But beyond that… he seemed to care about me, like he thought of me first, even before himself.

I tried to direct my thoughts away from my company and pay attention to the surroundings. The island was lush and beautiful. The greenery was everywhere. Palm trees and tall plants full of colorful, blossoming flowers filled the air with a heady scent. Because we were close to the ocean, there was still a bit of a breeze, even this far into the island.

Still, it wasn’t as cool as it was right on the sand because the trees and plants kind of worked as a trap for the heat, keeping it in instead of letting it drift up and away. At least the sunlight didn’t shine directly on us. I wasn’t sure if my fair skin could take the brutal midday rays. So far I had been lucky to avoid a sunburn, but I knew it was probably only a matter of time.

I started to feel lightheaded when we stepped into a particularly cool part of the wilderness. The trees were heavier here so the shade was denser. It felt wonderful against my heated skin, but it also seemed to serve as a reminder of just how hot I actually was.

My thoughts grew thick and it felt weird to walk, my legs feeling like Jell-O.

“Do you think we could stop for a minute?” I asked. “Take a break?”

Both Duke and Nash came to my side, Nash reaching me first. “Of course.” He studied me. “Your skin is flushed.”

“I’m just really hot.”

He led me over beneath a tree where the leaves were bigger than my head. We sat down below it, leaning up against the trunk.

“Here,” Duke said, handing me his untouched bottle of water. I have no idea how he hadn’t drank any. My bottle was already gone.

He must have seen my shock when he handed me the full bottle because he said, “I’ve gotten used to this heat.”

“But you might need it,” I protested.

“You need it more,” he said, giving my hand a squeeze. Then he turned thoughtful. “I think there’s some fruit around here. I’m going to grab some. You should eat something.”

“You shouldn’t be alone.” I worried. “Nash can go with you.”

“I’m not leaving you alone,” Nash said instantly.

Duke nodded. “He should stay. I won’t be long.”

When I frowned, he offered me a smile. “I promise I’ll be okay.”

I nodded and within moments he disappeared behind a beautiful plant with bright-pink blooms.

“I don’t trust him,” Nash said.


“Just a feeling I get.”

“But he’s helped us. He showed us food. He gave us that machete.”

“I don’t like the way he looks at you.”

“I’m tired,” I said, leaning my head against the tree. I didn’t really want to talk about Duke with Nash. I sort of felt like I was caught between them.

He brushed a few damp strands of hair off my cheek. “Just sit here and cool off. Rest.”

It didn’t take long for my eyes to grow heavy and begin to drift closed…

I felt the blanket drift down over my chilled skin. It wasn’t warm like he was, but I knew that soon it would trap the heat the night air was leeching from my body and give it back to me. I sighed, settling in a little farther.

My comfort was slightly interrupted when I realized I was still on the beach, still lying in the sand. I turned my head and glanced at the bonfire, which had grown cold. The glowing embers had long gone out.

It was just me, the glittering stars overhead, and the sound of the waves crashing harmoniously against the shore.

But something was missing.


Someone was missing.

Just as I thought to lift my head, to call out for him, I felt a gentle caress brush my ankle. A little of the ocean air drifted beneath the blanket as his hand traveled farther up, caressing my calf and making me smile. I lay still, not wanting him to stop, wondering where his curious hand would lead him.

Farther up he traveled until his palm was brushing over the outside of my thigh, stroking the skin, coaxing my body to turn for him.

It did. With a soft sigh I rolled onto my back, opening my eyes just enough so I could stare up at the stars.

Starlight, star bright,

First star I see tonight,

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have this boy I want tonight.

And oh how I wished for him.

The universe heard my plea, and I watched as a shooting star dripped from the heavens, streaking the sky with a glimmering trail.

His fingers kept exploring, slipping beneath my shorts, hovering over my bikini bottoms, and brushing against my core. My hips tilted upward automatically, inviting his touch.

He was like a drug. An addiction. His fingers were my dealer and his lips were my poison. I lived for my next fix, the next time his knuckles would graze the softness of my inner thigh, the next time he would gently scrape his fingernails across my lower abdomen and then delve into my soft curls at the apex of my hips.
