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Tempt (Take It Off #3)(28)
Author: Cambria Hebert

I moaned softly when he dipped beneath my bottoms, his skin touching my skin. I was already wet for him, and I felt my moisture coat his fingers as he slipped along my entrance.

He moved closer, his body settling between my spread legs and his free hand reaching up to cup my breast, to squeeze it lightly and roll the hardened nipple between his finger.

“Nash,” I whispered, arching into him, practically begging for more.

I had no idea that my body could ever feel this way. That I would ever need another person’s touch so much. That if I didn’t get it, I might slowly go insane. It was like he started a clock the first time he touched me, a ticking clock on a bomb that counted the minutes, the seconds until the time ran out and I exploded in a heap of desire.

He stilled, his fingers pausing in their perusal, and I felt his stare through the dark. I started to sit up, but he pressed me back down, his fingers scissoring open, testing me, stretching me.

My breathing turned ragged; my body hummed. Now. I wanted him now. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him up over me, blocking out the stars with his dark shape.

He was completely shrouded in darkness. I couldn’t see his face at all.

Something like hesitation creeped over me. My body tried to deny it, to push it away and hang on to its need.

“Nash?” I whispered, staring above me.

Slowly he shook his head…

I jerked awake. Sweat slicked my skin and my heart pounded erratically. That was the most vivid dream I ever experienced. Not to mention the sexiest one.

“Hey,” Nash said from right beside me. “You having another nightmare—about the crash?”

“Did I fall asleep?” I asked, looking up at him.

“You were tired,” he said gently, tracing a finger beneath my eyes where I was sure dark circles resided.

“I never sleep in the middle of the day,” I said, frowning.

And I never have sex dreams about strangers, either.

“You’ve never been a victim of a plane crash, out in the heat all day, traipsing over an unknown island, and practically dehydrated, either.” Then he glanced at me. “Have you?”

That elicited a giggle. “Are you kidding? This is like my hobby.”

He snorted.

I couldn’t help but notice the way we were sitting. Side by side, but I might as well have been in his lap. My leg was firmly pressed along his and my upper body was leaning into him, draped over his chest. His arm was around my waist, securing me close, and I knew that my head likely was resting on his shoulder.

“You drool,” he said, offering me a grin.

I smacked him. “I do not!”

“Maybe you weren’t having a nightmare. Maybe you were dreaming about me.” He wagged his eyebrows.

My stomach lurched.

He frowned. “Hey, you feeling okay?” he asked, concern totally eclipsing his playful tone from just seconds ago.

“I’m fine,” I said, sitting up, pushing away from him.

“Here,” he said, uncapping a bottle of water and holding it out. I took it and drank a few gulps.

The water was warm, but I didn’t care. It was wet.

Wet. Oh God, between my legs was wet. That dream had really turned me on.

Why would I dream that? What was wrong with my body? We were off on a hunt for who knows what, and I was falling asleep and having naughty dreams like we really were on vacation.

“Ava,” Nash said. He took my hand and I glanced at him.

Man, I loved his hair. All messy, unruly curls that caught in the breeze and moved around his head like they just wanted to flirt with me.

It’s just him, I told myself. I’d never been this turned on, this amped up sexually before. After what happened last night by the fire, it was only natural that I would dream like that, considering the fact that every time he looked at me since, all I wanted to do was finish what we started.

Get a grip, Ava! I yelled at myself. Geesh, I was like a guy, thinking about sex twenty-four-seven.

Once again, my brain didn’t seem to get the memo. A vision of the man over me in the dream floated behind my eyes. I concentrated hard, looking for the outline of those curls in the dark.

I tried to think about the way he smelled, if the scent was familiar, like the natural scent Nash carried.

There wasn’t anything. Not an inkling of a clue. But it had to be him. No one, and I mean no one, ever affected me the way he does.

Besides, who else could it be?

Duke stepped around a tree, his eyes going straight to me. He smiled and my stomach did a little somersault. Okay, it didn’t do a little somersault. It did one of those ungraceful belly flops that have people wincing in pain as they watch you smack into the water with a sharp slapping sound.

Oh no.

Duke came closer and sat down on the other side of me, effectively making me into a man sandwich. I laughed at little beneath my breath. Ava was a man-wich.

I was completely losing it.

“I found some fruit,” Duke said, holding out some fresh mangos and an avocado.

“Thank you,” I said, reaching for the mango.

Nash made a sound and reached around me. “No. Eat the avocado. I think you need something a little more substantial right now.”

Did he know I was losing it too?

“Clearly your body is running really low on fuel.” He continued. “It’s why you’re so tired.”

Was that all it was? Low blood sugar?

When I glanced back at Duke, he’d managed to split open the avocado, exposing the light green and ripened flesh.

“Thank you.”

I threw myself into eating. And I avoided the stares from the man-wich. It was easier to eat than think right then.

Probably because my thoughts were very disturbing.

That dream… If it hadn’t been Nash… there was only one other person it could be.

I glanced back up, my eyes instantly colliding with Duke’s.

Could it have been him?


It was easy to realize when we got close to the other side of the island. Duke grew quiet, even stoic. So much so that I fell back a little and matched my steps with his, walking at his side.

He glanced at me and I offered him a small smile.

He reached out and threaded our hands together, holding tightly to me. I didn’t pull away. I couldn’t. I realized I needed the reassurance just as much as he seemed to.

Up ahead the trees seemed to part, giving way to the beach, and I could hear the waves crashing onto the shore just ahead. We all slowed, creeping to the side and behind a large fern, ducking behind the leaves.

Nash turned to look at me, his eyes going right to me.
