Read Books Novel


Tempt (Take It Off #3)(32)
Author: Cambria Hebert

He jumped into the water, swimming toward the falling water. Then he turned back. “You’re welcome, by the way.”

“And what do you think I need to thank you for?”

“It would have been all kinds of awkward for him when you didn’t kiss him back.”

“Who says I wouldn’t have kissed him back?” I countered, lifting an eyebrow.

A few strokes and he was beside the rock. He reached up and wrapped his hand around my ankle and slowly towed me forward. I slid right into the water, but before I could plunge into its depths, he pinned me with his body. My back arched against the rock and he leaned in close.

“Because he isn’t me.”

A shiver started at my feet and worked its way all the way up. He looked smug.

“I’m cold.” I lied.

“Are you?” he whispered, coming close—so close that I could feel his warm breath fan across my lips. My tongue jetted out, moistening them, waiting for his kiss.

He didn’t kiss me.

He swam away. “We better go, then.”

I stared daggers at the back of his head and his laughter echoed around the cove. He was standing on the shore when I swam up, and he helped me up, reaching down and scooping up my dress.

“I want to show you something,” he said, taking my hand.

He led us onto the darkened beach, walking across the sand, past the place where we had a bonfire. I didn’t pay attention to how far we walked because I was completely distracted by the moon.

It was perfectly round, huge, and the color of a russet sunset. It was absolutely stunning. The kind of sight that made me wish I had a camera because I knew I would never see it quite this beautiful again.

It was still rising, sitting just above the water, and it was so large and produced so much light I finally understood the term “a moonlit night.” I never really got it at home. Yes, the moon came out, but it was never really bright enough to light the dark. Until now.

“I’ve never seen a more beautiful moon,” I told him as we walked.

“Me either.”

I could stare at it all night. I wanted to commit it to memory, to never forget just how incredible it was.

A little while later, he pulled me closer to the trees and I looked at him, puzzled.

“I have something for you,” he said, pulling me around so the only place I could look was his beautiful moonlit face.

“What is it?”

“I thought you deserved something special after the day we had.”

I melted a little at his words, though it wasn’t really his words. It was the consideration behind them. The fact that he thought of me enough to want to make a craptastic day just a little bit better.

Curiosity pulled at me and I smiled.

“Ready?” he asked softly, grasping me by the shoulders.

I nodded, squeezing my eyes shut with anticipation. He spun me around.

I opened my eyes and looked.


It was swaying lightly in the breeze and was big enough for two.

I smiled. “Where in the world did you find a hammock?”

“The other side of the island.”

I bit my lip. “Do you think they will notice it’s gone?”

He shook his head. “It was in that boat with all the rope and the tarps. It was buried at the bottom.”

“I love it.” Now we really could stare at the moon all night. “When did you do this?”

“When you were in the cove, kissing Duke.” He teased.

But it wasn’t a joke, not to me. “Nash,” I whispered, touching his cheek. Trying to find the words. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to say.

“I was only kidding, bella,” he soothed, pulling me closer. Both of us were still slightly damp from the water. “I know he’s interested. I can see it every time he looks at you.”

“Are you jealous?”

He shook his head. “No.”


“He’s jealous of me.”

“And why is that?” I murmured, looping my hands around his neck and playing with the ends of his hair.

“Because I’m the one with you right now. I’m the one who’s going to steal away your heart.”

“Confident,” I replied, trying to play it cool, even though deep down inside I was sweltering. My heart was definitely considering a leap into his hands.

“Not confident,” he murmured, finally brushing a kiss across my lips. “Certain.”

I let him have the last say. I was done bantering. I wanted his lips upon mine. He gave me a deep kiss, his tongue massaging against mine, and then he pulled me backward toward the hammock.

He was the first one in, leaving one foot firmly planted on the ground as he opened his arms up to me, inviting me into the little swing. I snuggled up along his side and he lifted his leg, wrapping it around my legs and setting the hammock to a gentle swaying motion.

I sighed as the cool ocean air flirted with my skin, the sound of the surf lulled my body into a boneless position, and the moon stood watch over the night.

Nash played with my hair, pulling his fingers through it all the way until they cleared the long strands, and then he would start all over again. I curled my fingers into his chest, snuggling as close as I could against him. If I could have found a way inside him, I would already be there.

Eventually his hands drifted away from my hair and traveled down my body, grazing the side of my breast. I was already wound tight, still worked up from the night before, and I groaned, arching into his hand farther.

“You like that?” he murmured, stroking me again.


The next thing I knew, my top was gone and I was lying flat against the hammock as he stared down at me with passion-laden eyes. He kissed me deeply, his tongue taking over the inside of my mouth. I was completely breathless when he pulled away, his lips closing over my puckered nipple and gently sucking at it while he made tiny growling sounds that vibrated my entire breast.

I grabbed his head, holding it to me, not wanting him to stop, needing more of his lavishing attention. He moved on to the other breast, stopping in the hollow between them, licking the skin and then blowing on the wet flesh. I shuddered and began to writhe below him.

He rocked his hips forward and I felt the rock-hard length of him. Immediately, I spread my legs, wrapping them around his waist and locking him into position.

The hammock swayed as we dry-humped each other until I literally ached with need. When he pulled back, my entire body was shaking, shaking so badly that my teeth were chattering.
