Read Books Novel


Tempt (Take It Off #3)(33)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Are you cold, bella?” he asked, concerned.

“No.” I reached up to the button on his shorts. “We were interrupted last night,” I said, releasing the closure.

“We were.”

“I still want to see you.”

We moved so he was lying on his back and I was lying along his side, my breasts brushing up against him. Eagerly, I slid down his zipper, guiding it past the large bulge in his shorts.

He wasn’t wearing any underwear.

The only other time I ever looked at a man’s privates was the one time I had sex—but that time had been in the dark, it had been very quick, and I certainly hadn’t been presented with it the way I was now, and even though it was dark, the oversized moon shed just enough light for my hungry, curious eyes to explore.

He was larger than I expected. And it looked silky smooth, the skin pulled taut over a member that seemed to be reaching for me. Suddenly, I wanted all the fabric away. I didn’t want his shorts anywhere near his body. and I tugged at them, making a frustrated sound.

He chuckled and reached beneath him, pulling something out and quickly dropping it beneath the hammock. I barely paid attention. My eyes never left his manhood. My hands begged to touch him.

Nash helped me pull off his shorts and he kicked them out of the hammock, where they landed in the sand.

Finally, he was completely bare. Finally, I could look at him the way I truly wanted.

“Just your heated gaze is enough to make me come,” he murmured as he reached out and stroked my nipple.

But I wasn’t only going to look.

Tentatively, I reached out to touch him with a single finger, trailing down to the base. He shuddered.

My eyes snapped up to his face, but he wasn’t looking at me. His eyes were closed. Feeling a little bolder, I continued down, cupping his warm balls in my palm. The skin here felt a little different, a little less smooth, a little thinner, but it wasn’t a bad feeling. I kneaded the round globes that rested just between his thighs, rolling them around gently in my hand while the other came up and wrapped around the base of his erection.

He groaned and I smiled. I moved my hand up and down along the length of him, enamored by the reactions I got whenever I touched him certain ways. His skin was utterly soft, almost like velvet, and I couldn’t get enough of exploring him.

I encircled my thumb and forefinger around the tip, noting the way it got a little wider at the top, squeezing just a little. He jerked in my hand, his stomach muscles contracting at my touch. A small bead of moisture formed at the very top and I glanced up at him, a new desire forming in my mind.

His head was tilted back and I couldn’t read his expression, so I scooted just a little closer, my face right in his pelvic area, my feet hanging off the hammock, and I wrapped my lips around his hardness. He tasted slightly salty and tangy. I licked at him like he was a giant lollipop and his hands grabbed the back of my head, his fingers digging into my scalp. His hips thrust forward, and I took him deep into my throat.

He groaned. As I moved my head back and forth, I cupped his balls again and massaged them gently.

Too soon, he reached down and pulled me away. I looked up, afraid I’d done something wrong, or maybe I’d been too overzealous and hurt him. “Nash,” I whispered, my voice deep and husky. “Did I hurt you?”

“No, baby, you definitely didn’t hurt me,” he replied, carefully moving us so he was on top of me. I loved the feel of him over me, like I was small and protected, caged in by him.

His weight bore down as he brushed the hair away from my face. His lips grazed my cheek when he whispered, “Ava, I want to make love to you.”

“I want that too,” I whispered back.

Like he’d done it a hundred times before, he untied the strings on my bikini bottoms and tossed them away in the sand. He fitted himself between my legs, resting there. His long, hard length pressed against my core, resting right along my folds, the very tip of him sliding against my clitoris and making it hard for me to breathe.

Just when I thought my desire couldn’t be any stronger, a new hunger swept through me.

He kissed me, a fiery kiss that scorched my skin, scorched my insides. It scorched my heart.

“I’ll stop,” he reminded me, pulling back just slightly. “You can change your mind.”

“I know.” I reached up and ran the backs of my fingers down his incredible face. His eyes deepened and fluttered closed. “I want this. I want you.” He’d already made me feel so much that I wanted more; I wanted to see what else he could give me.

“I don’t have any condoms. I didn’t exactly prepare for this,” he said, a hint of regret in his voice.

“I’m on the pill,” I said as he kissed my nose, my cheek, and the corner of my lip.

He took my face in his hands and looked into my eyes. “I’ve never had sex without a condom before. I swear.”

“I believe you.”

He started kissing me again, deep, long kisses that had my hips searching for him as he moved against me but never slid inside.

Just when I thought I was going to go mad with need, he plunged in, one long, quick stroke. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. I felt my body stretch out around him, hugging him tightly and welcoming him inside.

He cursed softly, burying his face in my neck and holding himself still. I wanted him to move. I rocked my hips, the movement sending shivers across his skin. He moaned in my ear and then rose up, pulling back and then plunging in again.

The hammock began to rock. The rope he used to tie it to the trees made a groaning sound as it rubbed against the trunk. He didn’t seem to notice, but pulled out and plunged into me again. My body arched up as pleasure shot through me.

We proved to be too much for the hammock and it tipped, dumping us out. In the fall, Nash managed to wrap me in his arms and turn so he landed first and broke my fall.

I gasped and pushed off of him. “Are you okay?”

He groaned and grabbed my hips. I noticed then that I was straddling him, that he was still rock hard and he was pressing against me. I rocked against him, sliding along his pubic area. He moaned.

I rocked up, leaving some space between us, and his penis stood up, presenting the perfect opportunity for me to slide my body down over it.

Tiny waves of ecstasy rolled over me. The angle of him was different; the feel of him was stunning. I bucked my hips slowly, like I was sitting on a mechanical bull. My entire core was against him; every inch of me was in contact with him.

The friction of the short, rough curls on both our bodies drove me wild as we moved together. Little sounds erupted from my throat and chest. It was like I couldn’t possibly get enough of him.
