Read Books Novel


Tempt (Take It Off #3)(34)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Oh, I definitely wasn’t broken.

This was unbelievable.

This was more than I ever thought possible.

It was like my body was no longer my own. But it was ours. We moved as one. We breathed as one. We rose to the very pinnacle of pleasure as one.

I bent at the waist, bringing my chest up against his, and he wrapped his arms around me, anchoring me to him and then he started moving. Up until this point, I had set the pace; I had moved atop him with single-minded precision. But now he was taking control once more… He was holding me close and hammering into me, our hips banging together as pressure built inside me.

“Come with me, bella,” he said and rocked upward, rubbing his pelvis against my super-sensitive clit while diving deep inside my body.

We both exploded. Everything fell away, everything but the ecstasy. Everything else around us was completely lost.

I don’t know how long we floated, how long we lay there joined together. Eventually, he lifted me up like a ragdoll, and I hung limply above his body. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. He kissed each of my eyelids, and then he sighed. “Mi adoro,” he spoke in Spanish.

“What does that mean?” I asked, not bothering to lift my head off his chest.

“That I adore you.”

I smiled.


I felt my heartbeat against my chest. It was a slow and steady rhythm, kind of lethargic and lazy. But that was because I was barely breathing. I was holding my breath.

He was touching me.

His fingers drifted over my skin like a breeze on a summer day. It was a feather-light caress that never ended because he didn’t lift his hands.

It started at my collarbone and drifted out across my shoulders and then descended downward until he hooked his fingers around my elbow, brushing against the sensitive spot on the inside of my arm. Downward he traveled until his fingers pulled away from mine to hover just barely over the tops of my thighs.

Then his direction reversed, climbing upward so the slightly rough pads of his fingers traced the outline of my belly button and then dragged over my ribcage.

Tiny shivers raced up and down my spine, creating goose bumps that scattered over my scalp and caused my eyes to flutter closed.

His hands splayed my waist, gripping my flesh and pulling me closer, but he didn’t kiss me. He buried his face inside my neck and used his tongue to wet a circle of tender skin, then pulled back slightly to blow across the area. I shuddered.

My body started to arch into him, but something caught my arm, something large and warm. It wrapped around my bicep in a possessive manner, causing my head to turn and cast a glance in the direction I was being pulled.

My heartbeat accelerated instantly. The lethargic rhythm was chased away by a shot of adrenaline so pure that I could taste it on my tongue.

He yanked me away from the teasing, gentle caresses and cupped my face in his palm, lowering his lips toward mine. Excitement crackled along my nerve endings and my tongue jutted out to moisten my lips.

Just as he was about to claim my kiss, I was yanked away again, this time by the one who had me first.

I cast a look to my left at green eyes flashing with possession and then once again to my right where chocolate eyes gleamed with jealousy.

I was caught in the middle of two very enticing choices.

A choice that I didn’t want to make.

Brown eyes stepped closer, his body brushing against the entire length of my arm. He reached out and pushed the hair back over my shoulder, exposing the side of my face. He leaned down and captured my earlobe between his teeth and sucked it into his mouth. The gentle suckling sounds that whispered through my ear loosened something deep inside me.

I turned my head toward him, not wanting him to stop.

But green-eyes was not to be cast aside.

His palm covered my breast, gently kneading the area and causing my hardening nipple to brush against the smooth fabric of my bikini top. And then his mouth was on my neck, pulling the skin into his mouth and massaging it with his tongue.

Two mouths…

Two sets of hands…

And my single body.

I wasn’t sure who to touch, who to grab, but I didn’t want either of them to stop. The sensation of being kissed in more than one place in a single moment made a moan escape from my lips.

My fingers began to twitch, wanting to elicit shivers of their own.

As my hands lifted away from my sides, I vaguely wondered who they would reach for first…

My eyes shot open. I stared up at the dark summer sky and drew in a long, shaky breath.

Holy crap.

What the hell was that? A threesome… that’s what that was. Never had I ever imagined myself and two guys getting it on at the same time. I might have been embarrassed if my body wasn’t so incredibly turned on.

I squeezed my eyes shut as images taunted me, teased my mind and my body. Nash in front of me, Duke behind.

Neither wanted the other one there, but no one would walk away. The Ava man-wich had turned into the Ava buffet.

Thoroughly disturbed, I turned my head and looked at Nash, who was lying right beside me, looking peaceful in his sleep. How could I have a dream like that? How could I betray him that way?

And that’s what it felt like. A betrayal.

I pushed up and walked quietly away, toward the water, where I stood, letting the surf rush over my feet and the wind tangle my hair. The moon was much higher now; the night seemed darker. But I didn’t mind. I felt like hiding. Hiding from myself, that dream… my desires.

Maybe it was just stress. This wasn’t exactly an easy situation. Added to the fact I practically lost my virginity (well, the actual first time clearly didn’t count; I mean geesh, Nash made me feel more when he just looked at me) a few hours ago, well, maybe that dream wasn’t as unsettling as I thought it should be.

A wave of homesickness swept over me, so strong that it hurt. I missed my family, my tiny apartment. I missed hunting for a new job, I missed worrying about paying the rent, and I even missed those annoying Friday night dinners when my family would ask me what I was going to do with my life.

Being here with everything essentially taken away made things seem clearer. It opened my eyes to facts I might not have wanted to see before. I was living my life in limbo—suspended between living and drifting. And it was all because I was scared.

What if I put myself out there like I did with my ex, like I did with my last job, only to have it blow up in my face again?

For so long I felt like a complete failure. A quitter. I quit school. I flitted between one job and the next. I finally gave up my virginity only be dumped and ridiculed. I finally committed to a job I liked, and I was let go because the economy sucked.
