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The Alpha's Virgin Possession

He packed the women out of his house leaving him alone with Clara. Turning around he saw Clara wasn’t standing behind him. Nick found her folding up clothes and placing them in a neat pile. She tugged off the tags hanging from the neck of each item.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m putting my new clothes away,” she said. Her agitation was easy to read.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re pissed at me?” he asked.

She stood up, glaring at him but not saying a word.

“Am I supposed to guess what’s going on in your head?”

Clara picked up the clothes and brushed past him. Staring up at the ceiling, Nick wished they were back in the pool when she was softer against him, loving what he did to her body. Checking his watch, he saw it was only a little after three. Dean wouldn’t be arriving ‘til six, and then they had the rest of the night. There was no way he’d be spending the rest of the day dealing with her mood.

Following upstairs, he found her putting clothes in the walk-in wardrobe. “What’s your problem?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she said, brushing him off. She pushed past him to grab another item of clothing. For several minutes she busied herself ignoring him at every turn. His anger was increasing. She was supposed to be thankful to him. Not only had he bought her but he’d also given her a far better life.

“Stop.” He grabbed her arm as she tried to pass him.

She stared at the ground, not giving him the time of day.

“For f**k’s sake, stop being a baby and tell me what your problem is.”

Her eyes sparkled, shooting him with a glare. He found her anger incredibly cute.

Not good. She’s pissed.

“I’m being a baby? I’m not the one who has to be in control of everything.” She growled out her frustration. Tugging her arm out of his hold, she finished putting away her clothing.

His frustration was piqued. “What the f**k are you talking about?” he asked.

“You have no idea, do you?”

“I’m not a bloody woman. I can’t read minds either.” Running fingers through his hair he was confused by what went wrong.

“Fine. It’s all right for you being used to being this f**king god to all women, but people like me are not.”

“What the hell are you getting at?” he asked.

None of her words were making sense. Why couldn’t they go back to the pool where she was more than happy to give a part of herself to him?


Nick was going to make her say it. Clara folded her arms underneath her br**sts aware the shirt she wore rode up her thighs. She had spent the last hour listening to the women laugh and giggle. Every noise made her aware of how she stood out like a sore thumb. He could have any woman he wanted. Instead he’d bought her.

Why would anyone want anything to do with her? The women were gorgeous and didn’t have a single ounce of excess fat on them.

“What are you trying to say?” he asked, repeating his question.

“Why me? Why did you pick me?” She opened her arms wide feeling all the years of insecurity clawing up on her.

His eyes looked up and down her body. “Whatever you’ve got to say, Clara, just come out and say it,” he said.

She knew he was angry, but so was she.

“I’m not like other women. I eat food, and I’ve got extra weight on my bones. I’m not beautiful at all. Why me? Why did you pick me?” she asked, glaring at him.

When she finished, she was panting for breath.

“You didn’t learn anything from your punishment, did you?” His hands rested on his h*ps waiting.

“This morning wasn’t about punishment. You were just looking for any excuse to get me naked. You’re like them.” She pointed downstairs thinking about how the woman left her feeling. “You only want to humiliate me.”

Clara stared at him accusing him at every turn.

“So you think I only want to hurt you, humiliate you?” he asked.

“We don’t know each other. What am I supposed to think?”

Nick took a step back. “I don’t care what you think, but whatever it is, I need to get away from you, otherwise I’m going to hurt you.”

He left the room, leaving her standing, staring at the space he’d been standing in.

What had just happened? Folding her arms, she held onto herself trying to ground her rioting thoughts. Shit, she’d just accused him of using her when the truth was she’d been angry and jealous of the women. When he left the room they’d talked amongst themselves ignoring her.

Why had she lashed out at Nick? He’d not done anything but make her feel special since knowing him. This morning had been the highlight of her life. His touch made her burn in ways she didn’t know existed.

Great, Clara, you’ve f**ked up big time.

Feeling awful at blaming Nick for everything, she started walking around the house trying to find him. He was nowhere to be seen. His office was bare along with the kitchen, sitting room and the garden. The doors were no longer closed. Her chance to escape was at her fingertips. Stepping out, she looked up at the sun feeling the heat glowing over her.

“No,” she said, speaking to herself.

She couldn’t leave.

Turning, she walked back into the house and went toward the gym. She found Nick pummeling the life out of a punching bag that hung on a hook. He didn’t stop as she entered.

“You could have run,” he said, hitting out.

“I know. I didn’t want to leave.” She answered him truthfully.

He jerked, turning to look at her. “Why? I’m such an awful person.”

Staring down at the floor she wished it would open up and take her away. “I was an idiot.”

Nick started to hit at the punching bag.

“I’m sorry, okay. I don’t know you at all, and I lashed out. I shouldn’t have done it, but I did.” She ran fingers through her hair, looking around the room. “You bought me with money, Nick. What do you expect me to say?”

“I took you away from cruel bastards who were abusing you.” His eyes shone amber as they stared at her.

“I don’t know you. You’re outlawed.”

She’d seen the silver in his chest showing his outlawed status. The sight didn’t affect or offend her. Clara recalled women saying how ugly it made the person who carried the outlawed mark. Nick wasn’t ugly. Nothing would stop his sexiness, not even silver embedded in his chest.
