Read Books Novel

The Alpha's Virgin Possession

He lashed out, kicking the punching bag off the hook. She watched the dent the bag made in the wall. His strength shocked her.

“You want to know about me, fine, I’ll tell you what you need to know.” He turned to stare at her.

She glanced down to his chest, biting her lip at the silver. It must have hurt to have his flesh cut apart and the silver poured into the cut.

“I was an alpha. A f**king good one. I ruled my pack and took pride at how they flourished. Every decision I made, I did so to bring them a good life. I’m not a mean son of a bitch like some of them.” He picked up the bag, resting it against the opposite wall. She saw him shake his head at the damage he caused.

“Then one day I invited some of the alpha collective to my place in kindness and celebration of a mated couple.” He stared at something over her shoulder, clearly seeing into his own past rather than at her. “The celebrations were high, the alcohol was flowing, the love building to a combustible level.” He swallowed. “I walked into the house to hear screaming and scuffling. The smell of fear came from the basement. Without calling for any of my pack I went to see what the damage was.”

Tears filled her eyes at the memory he was creating. She didn’t want to know what happened next but felt compelled to listen.

“I found the mated female dead on the floor. Her body was badly bruised, and one of the collective alphas was trying to clean up the mess of his rape and murder.” Tears glistened in his eyes at the bitter memory. “I helped that girl. She had been part of my pack from a baby. I was there when she reached full maturity. The full moon was a festive reason to gather and enjoy.” He stopped to bite his lip. “The alpha took that away from her. He forced himself on her, and before she could shout out, he killed her. Suffocated her until he was finished.”

The sight must have been horrific, but to have known the woman would leave more scars that were worse than any kind on the flesh.

“He was an alpha, and he had hurt one of my females. I loved her like a daughter, and he ended her life because she refused him. I didn’t seek justice from the others. I took care of my own justice. I killed him and gave his head to her mate as a prize.” Nick took a step closer. “That’s the kind of man I am, Clara. If anyone tries to hurt what’s mine, I will exact my vengeance. I was tried and then outlawed.”

“What happened to the man, the mate?” she asked.

“He killed himself. If they could outlaw a man for killing a ra**st and murderer, it didn’t leave him much hope. He thanked me in his final letter for giving him some kind of closure.”

He stormed past her, leaving her alone to dwell in everything he said. Nick was a good man regardless of the fact he had bought her.

Chapter Eight

Nick stayed away from Clara after admitting the truth. For the next week he only saw her for breakfast and dinner. He left for work early only to return late at night to find his dinner keeping warm in the oven. The e-reader was in the top part of his desk. He still needed to give it to her.

His reluctance to be near her was ridiculous. Staring at his phone on his office desk, Nick wondered if he should call her. At night he snuck into her bedroom to hold her throughout the night. Come morning, he left her alone. She never said a word about him staying with her.

She tried to have conversations with him, but he cut her short, finding peace in another part of the house.

“You know, buying a woman was supposed to mean you’d stop being so bloody moody,” Dean said, sitting opposite him.

“What?” Nick asked, jerking up to look at the other man.

“You’re moody. Your employees are afraid to enter your office in case you have a go at them.” Dean leaned forward taking one of the sweets, Nick left out.

“What the f**k are you doing in my office?” He wasn’t in the mood to deal with his friend. The other man’s perky attitude was not welcome. He needed to think.

“I got a call from your personal assistant, who is worried about you. She asked for me to come down and see you,” Dean said.

“I should fire the woman.” Mrs. Lambert was amazing. She put up with all of his quirks and never argued with him even though he deserved it half the time.

“Trouble in paradise?”

Glaring at him, Nick turned off his computer and stood.

“Didn’t the e-reader work?”

Ignoring his friend, Nick tried to think of an excuse to get rid of him. Even Dean took offence at being used and told him to f**k off.

“How was your meeting with the alphas?” Nick asked, getting ready to leave for home.

“Stop dodging my questions. You bought Clara. Why are you looking moody? I thought the point of her was for you to let off steam.”

Nick didn’t say anything.

“For f**k’s sake, stop cutting everyone off. Talking actually helps. I know it’s strange for you to even consider shit like that, but it does f**king work,” Dean said.

“I told her why I was outlawed. I lost my temper with what she said and told her everything. We’ve not spoken in the last week. To be honest, I don’t have a clue what to say to her or how to move past what I’ve said.” He shrugged, feeling lost for the first time in his life. When he was being sentenced to be outlawed, he hadn’t felt lost. All of his life he’d known everything there was to know about his pack. Clara made him feel lost at every turn.

“Shit, what did she say?” Dean asked.

“I haven’t given her chance to say or do anything. I won’t say anything, and I don’t know what to do in order for us to start talking.”

Dean was silent for several seconds.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going home. I try to find ways to break the ice, but I stop before I get the chance to mend our fences.”

He walked toward the door. Dean was one of the few men he actually trusted.

“Give her the e-reader,” Dean said, catching his attention again.


“You bought her the damn thing. Give it to her over dinner tonight and start talking. I don’t know. Sit with her while she downloads books. Don’t give up.”

Nick would certainly think about it. He’d love the chance to hold her in his arms before she fell to sleep.

“What happened with the alphas?” he asked, interested to know what was going on in the world he’d left behind.

“They’re talking about the selling of women. They’ve stumbled onto the websites along with the auctions of female wolves. They’re not happy and are asking for my help.”
