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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(35)
Author: Emma Holly

A moment later she realized Zane must have scads of practice guessing women’s measurements.

“Would you like to model this outfit for him?” Sybil suggested politely.

“Oh no,” Rebecca said, braced by the reminder of who Zane was. “That’s too damn Pretty Woman. If you think these clothes are all right, that’s good enough for me.”

Sybil might have hid a smile as she helped her remove the blouse again.

In the end, Rebecca chose five outfits, a simple cultured pearl necklace, and two pairs of low heels she expected her calves would tolerate. Sybil presented her with the total and accepted her credit card. If she noticed Rebecca’s tiny wince, she was too tactful to let it show.

The shopper had been professional, pleasant but not chatty. To Rebecca’s surprise, Sybil touched her arm to stop her before she left.

“Zane’s gift for you is hanging in the closet. I’m sure he’d be pleased if you put it on for him. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you, but this is a first for him. Although I’ve shopped for him and Mr. Hayworth, you’re the first female he’s called me in to help. I’m sure he doesn’t mean his present to come with strings attached.”

“You like him,” Rebecca said.

Sybil blushed even as she lifted her chin slightly. “Mr. Alexander is a gentleman. You don’t see that often these days.”

Rebecca supposed you didn’t—especially not in a man of so much privilege.

With Sybil’s testimonial to goose her on, she opened the room’s closet. A fragile dress hung inside, mid-thigh length and lovely enough to steal her breath. The fabric was a silver silk so shiny it shimmered like water. The matching sandals were tall enough to kill her if she weren’t careful.

She saw at once it wouldn’t be possible to wear underwear with it.

Oh boy, she sighed privately. She wanted to put that dress on; wanted to show Zane how she looked in it as much as she wanted to see herself.

He’s earned this, she thought, sitting patiently in the living room all this time. Maybe he was hoping she’d put out in return or maybe, as Sybil Spaulding claimed, he wanted her to have it without strings.

Unable to resist and feeling disconcertingly as if she were sixteen again, Rebecca stripped na**d and dropped the dress over her.

It was beautiful. She was beautiful. For the first time in a decade, Rebecca acknowledged that. Her face held a hint of the girl she’d been, but her body was a woman’s. She looked seductive in the thin clinging silk: firm where she ought to be, soft where a man would like. She was better than na**d wearing it. She was enchanting.

Squeezing her feet into the teetering sandal heels brought her back to reality, but she was determined not to do this half-assed. She’d always taught the twins the best thank yous were wholehearted.

As a precaution, she gripped the handrail when she went down the stairs. Zane was in the living room, working on his laptop. He looked up at the clack of her sandals. His reaction was priceless. He rose to his feet, hand on heart, as if she were a bolt of lightning that had struck him.

“Wow,” he said and swallowed.

“I have to keep this,” she confessed, laughing. “It looks too nice on me.”

“It looks amazing.” He took her hands as she reached the bottom, holding them out from her sides.

“Thank you,” she said. “You did a thoughtful thing.”

“You didn’t mind too much?”

“No. It reminded me I used to look forward to buying clothes. My mother loved taking me each fall before she got sick. She could pinch a penny, but she was into it. She’d pour over Seventeen before we went. She called it our girls day out.”

He dragged his eyes up to hers, simply staring at her. He seemed to understand she’d revealed something personal. “I, um— Wow. I’m having trouble remembering what I meant to say. Our picnic boxes are in the fridge. I told the captain we could cast off soon. We’ll eat on the aft deck, if you like.”

“We have a captain?” She was startled by this idea.

“We do. I can operate the yacht but, generally speaking, drinking and boating isn’t a good idea. I wanted to share a glass of wine with you and watch the sunset.”

Her fingers were tangling with his, their thumbs stroking together with a suggestiveness that made her knees tremble. “What time is sunset?”

A smile spread across Zane’s sensual mouth. “Not for hours yet.”

“We could maybe work up an appetite before we go admire it.”

Rather than speak, he scooped her into his arms. He carried her up the narrow stairs without clutching the railing or tumbling them to their deaths—a testament to his athleticism that she was grateful for.

He didn’t miss that she’d taken a tighter grip on him.

“You’re safe now,” he teased as they reached the top landing.

“It’s simple neurotic reflex,” she assured him. “I knew you had me.”

“Not yet.” He carried her to a new bedroom at the top of the quiet hall. “I’m hoping to have that privilege soon.”

The master cabin was bigger than the one where she’d tried on clothes. Decorated in brown and gold, its bed was custom-carved and king size. Zane laid her gently on the gold coverlet. He didn’t follow her down, but started unbuttoning his silk shirt.

“Please.” Rebecca rolled onto her knees. “Let me help you with that.”

Zane stopped working on the buttons. “Thank you,” he said—almost seriously.

Rebecca grinned and took over the task for him. She loved being this close to him. Smelling him, feeling his heart beat hard and strong under her fingers. The center of his chest appeared, its furring of golden hair narrowing to a line that dove into his trousers. His erection reshaped the front admirably.

“I remember this belt,” she said, releasing its buckle and pulling. “But I don’t think you’ll need it tonight.”

“Want your hands free?” he suggested.

Rebecca opened his waist catch and pulled his shirttails free. He helped her get the garment off his powerful arms, at which point she truly had to caress him.

As she did, a low sound of pleasure broke in his throat.

“You’re a fine looking man,” she said, palms and fingers exploring his rib cage. “Only a foolish woman wouldn’t want her hands on you.”

Zane was breathing harder, his big chest going up and down. He didn’t interfere with her petting by trying to touch her. “Have I mentioned how much I like you, Rebecca?”
