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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(36)
Author: Emma Holly

“Only the once.” Amused, she bent to brush her lips across his peaked left nipple. “You could say it again any time you want.”

He caught her face in his hands, straightening her, looking into her eyes. His expression hovered between a smile and something more intense, something that might have been wonder. “I like you,” he repeated. “You’re smart and funny and so damn sexy my c**k is crying.”

He kissed her before she could answer, deep and hard, his long-fingered hands holding her in place. The slide and draw of his tongue, so like the motions of lovemaking, caused her body to react.

“Oh,” she gasped, breaking free. “I need to take off this dress before I get it wet.”

Zane’s handsome face darkened, muscles in his cheeks tightening with lust. “Rebecca,” he growled.

“It’s silk,” she said, though she didn’t think he was arguing. “I don’t want to ruin it.”

He released her so she could pull it off, hands curling at his sides as he watched. She crawled off the massive bed, draped the pretty silver dress on a chair, and then turned to him.

“There,” she said, completely na**d and only a little shy. “Now I’m ready for anything.”

He laughed then. “You’re a character.”

She hopped back onto the bed, one more concern rising while it still could. “How far away is your captain?”

Zane’s eyebrows arched. “I hope you don’t think we need his help.”

“Oh no.” Heat touched her cheeks in embarrassment. “I just wondered if it was safe for me to be noisy.”

Zane’s slow smile of answer was anything but safe. “The cabins are soundproofed. You can say—or scream—whatever you like to me.”

She leaned back, not quite brazen enough to stroke herself. “Well? Hurry up and make me.”

As if it were a race, he shucked his trousers and briefs, giving her a too-short flash of his tall nude body before clambering onto the bed over her.

“Wait!” she cried, pushing him to his back. “Let me look at you.”

Clearly happy, he grinned up at her from where he’d tumbled. “‘Hurry up.’ ‘Wait.’ Make up your mind, Rebecca.”

He wasn’t too shy to touch himself. He took his hard-on in hand, pointing its flushed tip at her. The other hand he wrapped warmly around her breast.

“Oh,” she said, liking the way his thumb circled her nipple.

Naturally, when he pulled his fist slowly up his shaft, his erection was all she could stare at. The length of it was solid, his own personal monument. Thinking of things she could do to it, her tongue curled over her upper lip.

“You see how he likes you?” Zane purred. “How he beads up and cries when I cup your br**sts.”

Rebecca put her hand lightly over his, fingertips caressing the dips between his knuckles. “I like him too. I want him inside of me.”

Zane stretched up until he could kiss her. He pulled his c**k again, tugging slowly enough that her hand rode his to the crest. She guessed being on the bottom wasn’t his thing. He rolled until she was beneath him, dwarfed by the size of his big body. He didn’t lie on her yet. With a longing moan, he dipped his head to suck her nipple.

“These are gorgeous,” he murmured, dragging his head across to the other breast. He must have shaved, because his cheeks were smooth. “So round, so perfect, I could suck on them all night.”

Her hands fluttered to his hair, fingers sinking into thick waves. Though she didn’t think of her br**sts as perfect, the way he nuzzled at them and groaned almost convinced her. He pulled at her, flicking the stiffened tips with his tongue. That got to her a little too well. She was aching terribly.

“Zane,” she said, rubbing the inside of her thigh against his waist.

He lifted his head, blue eyes lasering at her. “You don’t want to wait anymore?”

She shook her head, and he smiled. He reached across her, pulling open the bedside drawer, strafing her pleasantly with his chest hair in the process. His hand returned with a condom. He sat back on his bare heels.

“You put it on,” she said shyly. “I like watching you touch yourself.”

He must have believed tradeoffs were fair play, because he took one of her hands and placed it between her lolling thighs. “You don’t have to put on a show,” he said, urging her fingers into a curve around her labia. “Just hold yourself while I put this on. Just feel what watching me does to you.”

He opened the condom wrapper but didn’t roll it on. “Cup your breast with the other hand. Don’t cover the nipple. I want to look at that.”

Rebecca did as he asked, since it was simple enough. Watching her watch him, he pushed the pad of his thumb across his penis slit, employing more force than she’d have thought comfortable. Moisture welled from the opening. Rebecca shivered as he spread the fluid across and around his tip. His skin grew redder, his shaft standing more upright. He rolled the condom over himself, smoothing the latex until it clung to him. His veins bulged starkly under it.

“Wow,” she said, unused to finding this sexy.

When he smiled and lowered his gaze meaningfully, she noticed she was gripping her pu**y considerably tighter than before. Her whole sex was pulsating: lips, clit, the soft wet parts that were inside her. She wasn’t quite masturbating, but she was close.

“You’ll have to move your hand out of the way for me,” he said.

She did so with surprising reluctance.

When he came over her again, she knew there’d be no more waiting. His face was intent, focused on her and what they were about to do. He propped himself on his elbows and aligned his h*ps with hers. God, his shoulders were broad. She slid her hands over them, then down his sides to where she could hold on. His c**k rested on the line of her pu**y lips, hot and thick and pulsing with excitement.

Its weight felt amazingly good to her.

“We’ll take this easy,” he assured her.

She wasn’t worried. She and Trey had managed . . . and then she realized maybe this wasn’t the most appropriate comparison to make. She couldn’t help it. Trey was leaner overall, but erection-wise, they were around the same size.

The image of Trey’s highly aroused penis rolled into her mind: the wider flare of his cap, the dragon’s tail circling his root. Her pu**y contracted, embarrassing her.

Being turned on by the memory of another man wasn’t appropriate either.
