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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(37)
Author: Emma Holly

Thankfully unaware, Zane smiled at the increase in her wetness. Tipping his c**k down between her labia, he angled it to notch her. To her delight, he bit his lip as he pushed inside.

This, of course, wasn’t her only reason to be happy.

“Oh boy,” she said, palms sliding up his back. “Oh wow, that feels good.”

He entered her in one slow glide, working his right hand beneath her bottom to ensure his c**k squeezed in all the way. All the way felt incredible, like she was filled and then some. Rebecca bracketed her legs around him, leaving her heels on the mattress. When her h*ps cocked up to get closer, he chuckled.

“My cock’s still crying,” he informed her. “You are so f**king soft and tight around me.”

“Better move,” Rebecca advised. “Give your friend what he’s crying for.”

He didn’t need to be asked again. Zane moved like he was the boat rocking her: slowly, smoothly, long ins and outs that left them both moaning. When one position got him too restless, he shifted into another. He rolled her to her side for a while, then on top of him. As she sat above him, his fingers plucked the aching tips of her br**sts. When that no longer addressed his needs, he pulled her down to kiss her shoulders and urge her mouth tight against his neck. His hands stroked her everywhere, even the crack of her butt cheeks. Nothing felt wrong to her. His touch was magic no matter where it went.

Patience fraying yet again, he eased her off him and onto her stomach. Rebecca clutched the edge of the mattress as his c**k plumbed her sheath from behind.

“Zane,” she said, arching her ass to him. “You can go faster.”

Zane gave a little grunt. “I want this to last.”

Apparently, he thought their latest mutual torment could be improved on. He shifted her more onto her side and crooked her top leg up, thrusting in from a close rear spoon. With his left arm pushed beneath her, he was able to wrap her up with both. That was a nice position, the spots his cockhead knocked against and rubbed over delicious. The way he held her felt marvelous, the nuzzling of his face against her shoulder. The only drawback was the incredible wound-up tension in their bodies.

“I need you to go faster,” she admitted. “And I can tell you need it too.”

He moaned out a sound of protest, but his next shove surged in harder.

“Yes,” she urged, tightening on him.

He shoved again, harder still.

“God,” he gasped, letting her know this felt as great to him as it did to her. He wrapped one hand around her mons veneris, shifting his weight a bit more on top of her.

His next thrust was hard enough to make her cry out.

“Good,” she praised for fear he’d think he’d hurt her. She fumbled back to grip him behind the thigh. “Please, Zane, do me more like that.”

Her plea made him growl, made his erection stiffen and swell in her. When she clenched her sheath around him, he cut loose. He f**ked her then, no other word for it. Both their right knees dug into the mattress, his forcing her leg higher and more open. The stretch felt wonderful, being overwhelmed by all that big male power. His abdomen slapped her butt like it was spanking her.

“You’re . . . too small for this,” he gasped even as he went wild.

“I’m not,” she promised, groaning with pleasure. Heaviness gathered in her pu**y, an ache only he could cure. “Zane, Zane—”

The pad of his middle finger dug firmly into her cl*t and rubbed. She came with a spike of feeling that blinded her. Zane cried out, churning into her so fast it was insane. Then, with a cry and a good hard slam he crashed over the edge as well.

His c**k throbbed inside her, his ejaculation so distinct, so strong she couldn’t have missed it. Finding that sexy beyond belief, she came again.

“Re . . . becca,” he said, her name broken by panting.

His c**k slipped from her as his body relaxed.

“Mm,” he hummed and—as easily as that—he was unconscious.

Caught beneath half his weight, Rebecca laughed softly. She’d had men fall asleep after sex before, but never so abruptly. Coming had felled Zane like the proverbial tree. She wriggled around beneath him until she lay face up. Zane’s cheek settled on her breast. Still asleep, he snuggled to her, one long arm and leg wrapping her. His slumbering self seemed determined not to let her get away.

Rather than allow the rubber to get them both messy, she reached between them to peel it off. Zane grumbled as she stretched to discard it. Finding a luxury brand tissue on the nightstand to stroke him dry earned her a melodic sigh. She was done then, free to enjoy his snuggling and his warmth and the oddly pleasant intimacy of his nakedness and hers. Like Trey, he smelled incredible after sex, a combination of personal chemistry and what was probably hundred dollar an ounce cologne.

Now that she wasn’t occupied with Zane, she could look around. The space was bigger than her bedroom at home, the furniture in it equally oversized. Like the bed, the wall panels were dark wood. Whatever sealed them left them with a glossy shine, an effect echoed in the nightstands and the portion of the elegant en suite bathroom that she could see. The counters there were white-veined black marble. Apart from the bedroom rug, which glowed in subtle desert hues, everything her eye fell on gleamed softly. She might have been shut up in a very expensive box—a protective box, it actually seemed to her. Nothing bad was allowed to happen here.

Extending from the wall above the bed was a wooden half-moon canopy. Two reading lights were recessed within it, suggesting—in case she’d ever doubted—that this bed hadn’t been designed for one person to sleep in.

Oh whatever, she chided. She’d known Zane wasn’t a monk. Maybe she should simply savor being here tonight. She had plenty of time to remind herself not to get used to it.

She closed her eyes, smiling at her temporary worry sabbatical. Not intending to fall asleep, she didn’t realize she had until the dream came to her.

Night had descended. She was waitressing on Zane’s boat. Its spacious dining room was packed, Boston’s skyline twinkling behind the long windows. She was serving her own food, and for some reason all the courses were on her tray at once. Knowing that was wrong, she debated returning to the pass-through. The last thing she wanted was to humiliate herself in front of all these people.

“Here,” Zane called, signaling her from a table. “We’re ready for dinner now.”

Trey sat across from him in a gorgeous all-white tuxedo. That was awkward. What if Trey realized she’d slept with his closest friend? Unlike Zane, her new boss wasn’t smiling.
