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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(49)
Author: Emma Holly

“We’re in the garage. We’re home.”

They were in a freaking airplane hanger. Everything needed to service vehicles was here, up to and including a hydraulic lift.

“Wow,” she said, craning around Trey to take it in. Two limos gleamed side by side in slots: a vintage black with a fancy grill and a classic white modern. Zane’s silver convertible was behind her. Its nearest car buddy was a shiny red Bugatti, low-slung and—even to her unsophisticated eyes—thoroughly sexy. After that, she noted two Harley motorcycles, some sort of giant black SUV, and a relatively sedate Mercury sedan.

She had a hard time imagining her beat-up delivery van parking here.

“We drive them all,” Trey said. “Or if we don’t, staff do. Zane’s weirdly attached to the car he bought in college.”

Rebecca smiled, endeared by his defensiveness. “They’re pretty. You have no idea the silly things I’d buy for my home kitchen if I could afford them.”

He smiled back, his brief tension relaxing. “My Bugatti is the prettiest.”

“Oh here we go,” Zane groaned liked he’d heard this before.

“Because it’s red,” Trey said. “And faster than his old Mercedes. Plus, its curves are sexy.”

His cars’ curves seemed to remind him she had some. He slid his palms around her ass, hitching her higher and closer. As he lifted her off her feet, Rebecca’s eyebrows rose. Trey was all the way hard, the firm swell of his erection nudging her pelvis. Unable to help herself, she squirmed. Trey’s penetrating eyes darkened.

“What do you say?” he asked in a rougher tone. “Want to get this adventure started?”


“Why not? This is our territory, home to our manliest man toys. And no one will interrupt us. Once we drive through our front gate, we can do and be what we please.”

Having spent much of her life hiding things, Rebecca saw the appeal of that. She laid her cheek on Trey’s shoulder and looked at Zane. He stood maybe ten feet away, seeming rooted to the sealed concrete floor. He was a handsome man: tall, built, and pricey in his tailored trousers and custom shirt. His expression inspired a shiver. He was watching her and Trey as if someone had cast a spell on him. Lust had him in its grip, from the parting of his bedroom lips, to the quickened rise and fall of his chest, to the sizeable hump behind his zipper. Wanting that and more, she swung her legs around Trey’s hips.

“What about you?” she asked Zane. “Do you want to get started?”

“Yes,” was the answer he grated out.

“Thank God,” Trey whispered a second before he kissed her.

He walked with her as he did, arms tight around her and mouth hungry. Though she’d closed her eyes, she wasn’t the least surprised to be laid back over the hood of his Bugatti. Happy to be there, she crossed her ankles behind his tailbone.

“Let me do the work,” he murmured in her ear. “I don’t want your back to seize up again.”

Her back was fine, but she sensed that wasn’t behind the instruction. He wanted her restricted. He got off on it. Zane had come closer while they were kissing, only a step away from the sleek sports car. One palm rested on his belly, like he was afraid or maybe embarrassed about moving it to his cock. He hadn’t minded touching himself before. Trey had to be the source of his hesitation. He was opening the buttons on her blouse. Zane met her gaze and flushed.

“Zane bound my hands the first time he got me off,” she said.

Trey lifted his head, breath suspended for a heartbeat. She’d spoken impulsively. From the men’s reactions, this was the right topic to bring up.

“He used his belt,” she went on. “He wrapped it around my wrists and went down on me.”

“In his car?” Trey’s voice rasped like sandpaper.

“In his car. He barely had room to move.”

Air wafted over her cle**age, above the satiny bra she wore. Trey closed his eyes. “Are you saying you’d like him to bind you now?”

“I’m saying if you want, you could restrain me some. I didn’t mind when he did it.”

“‘Didn’t mind’ isn’t the same as liking it.”

“Oh I liked it,” she admitted.

Trey groaned like she was killing him. Suddenly, he moved in a flurry. Her blouse was gone, and her skirt, and then he pulled her panties off.

“You have amazing legs,” he panted, hands cruising up her calves and thighs. She supposed they were strong. She was on them all the time. Chances were she was lucky Trey noticed them. He snapped her bra free in a second, pushing each breast up for a hard kiss. The sting of his lips pulled a gasp from her.

“Okay?” he asked, soothing her now blazing ni**les with his thumbs.

She nodded, somewhat surprised for enjoying it. She couldn’t doubt she had. The pulsing of her cl*t had just doubled in tempo. As if he knew, Trey stepped between her knees. He sat her up, yanking her to the edge of the hood with a vigor that caused her skin to skid on the cherry paint.

It didn’t hurt, but it made her gasp as well. She hadn’t expected her sweetheart boss to be quite this decisive. Zane did, apparently.

“Here,” he said, tossing Trey a small object.

The object was a condom. Trey caught it in one hand and yanked his zipper down with the other. That left him a hand short.

“Take my c**k out,” he ordered her.

It absolutely was an order. Rebecca had given enough of them to recognize the tone. Nothing inside her minded, not when the order came from him. Shaking just a little with anticipation, she spread his trouser front. His big erection pushed out his underwear. Carefully, Rebecca folded the cotton under him. She tucked the waistband beneath his balls, which resulted in lifting them. Pleased with that picture, she wrapped her hands around his hipbones, her thumbs stretched beneath his shaft. The stiffened flesh jolted with his pulse, the slit beading with pr**cum.

“I love your dragon,” she said, her right thumb running over it where the pointed tail stretched up his underside. Aside from its erotic suggestiveness, the tat was beautiful in the brightness of the garage, its colors and scales vivid.

“He’s going into you,” Trey said hoarsely. “As soon as I get this on.”

She wasn’t the only one turned on by this idea. Zane let out a low moan. Trey jerked but didn’t look at him. She suspected Trey would have liked Zane to roll on the rubber. Perhaps he didn’t want to push his luck. He did it himself instead, quickly and with deft motions. Rebecca watched him, mesmerized.
