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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(50)
Author: Emma Holly

He brought her eyes back to his by slapping his palms on the car hood beside her hips. This too was a dominant gesture. She was very aware that—of the three of them—only she was naked. Moisture trickled through her folds, hot and slick. Trey leaned forward until the crest of his penis touched her where she was wet.

“I thought about this,” he said, his tone dangerous. “Every time we were together at the restaurant, no matter what else was going on, I wanted to be f**king you.”

She wet her lips, her gaze caught and held by the fire in his. She touched his penis lightly, adjusting its angle to fit his wide glans to her entrance. Trey sucked in air but didn’t move forward. “I wanted that too.”

Her answer freed him. He pushed in: one long stroke slow enough to count as careful. As his c**k disappeared inside her, Zane made the same low sound he had before. Trey stopped when his slinged-up balls met her ass.

“Come closer,” Trey rasped to Zane. “Rebecca, lean back so he can see.”

Rebecca could hardly help herself. The pressure of his c**k inside her was delicious. She had to arch at it. When she did, the shift in position bared the veiny width just above his root. Zane’s eyes totally locked on it. His fascination made her crazy, like the dial on her arousal was spun to ten. She needed to be taken as she never had in her life.

“Please,” she said to Trey, her grip tight where she hung on his strong shoulders. “Please do this.”

Trey snapped his reins but good. His smooth hard strokes reverbed along every nerve in her abdomen. The result was heaven and hell together—making her want desperately to come, yet also to go on like that forever.

“Rebecca,” Trey gasped in that way he had, as if her name was one he knew intimately. She supposed she understood why now. He’d been dreaming of her for years.

The thought excited her even more; the crazy intensity he brought to every plunge into her. Her br**sts bounced on her ribcage, drawing his eyes to them. He palmed one, thumbed one, then simply gripped her h*ps and churned. That must have been what he wanted most. His head tipped back with pleasure, his Adam’s apple standing out. Groans issued from his chest and echoed through the garage. Rebecca dug her fingers deeper into his shoulders and timed her upward humps to his.

“Fuck,” he cried, approaching some crisis. “Fuck. Fuck.”

As amazing as his actions were, she couldn’t forget Zane. From the corner of her eye, she saw him wrap his crotch in a killer grip. He didn’t rub his bulge, but—boy—was he squeezing. New heat streaked through her at the sight of his white knuckles. Her pu**y contracted helplessly around Trey’s shaft.

This shot Trey to a new plateau.

Groaning, he slammed her back down onto the car. His hands caught her wrists, trapping them so he could pull her arms out and up. Rebecca’s body writhed. She wasn’t fighting the hold but enjoying how unbreakable it was. Trey seemed to like her faux struggle. His c**k stretched and throbbed inside her, his thrusts resounding against the car’s metal. His groans had devolved to snarls.

“I’ve got you too,” Rebecca panted, pulling her heels inward for his next drive. “You’re not getting away from me.”

She was small, but she was wiry. She used more strength on Trey than she would have dared with another man. The muscles of his butt clenched for her, giving her heels lots of firmness to dig into. His h*ps began to twist with his plunges, as if he craved the strongest possible pressure on every part of his c**k at once.

Maybe Zane’s view of Trey going in and out wasn’t as good as before. He stepped right up to the car, his free palm planted inches away from her. He was so close Rebecca registered the waves of his body heat.

Trey gasped, sweaty hands threatening to slip on her outstretched wrists. “God, you’re so . . . f**king . . . tight.”

He swelled one more millimeter, and that was it for her. The sensations coiling inside her sex burst in an explosion of sweet feelings. Trey jerked his c**k up into her, and up into her, like he couldn’t stop the motions. Bending, he caught her nipple in his mouth and sucked. He came like that, his moans of ecstasy vibrating through her breast.

He didn’t release her nipple or her wrists until they’d both finished.

“God.” He straightened and pressed a soft kiss into her brow.

Her arms were trembling from being stretched, but she wrapped them around him. Oh that felt good. His nice shirt was damp with sweat, his lean and powerful body warm inside it.

“Next time, no clothes for you,” she slurred.

He laughed, still breathless, then turned his head to check on Zane. His friend had let go of himself and was astonishingly hard, his prick pushing out his zipper like a tent pole. A star of creases in the cloth attested to the force with which he’d gripped it. Like Trey and Rebecca, he was breathing raggedly.

“Saving that for something special?” Trey suggested.

His arch words didn’t amuse Zane. “Shit,” he said, sounding shaken. “I can’t— I’ll catch up to you two later.”

“Zane,” she called a second before Trey did.

Zane stopped in the middle of striding off. He turned his head back to them. “I’m okay,” he said over his shoulder. His breath came out on a shaky laugh. “I guess Rebecca isn’t the only one who needs to think.”

“Shit,” Trey swore after he was gone.

Rebecca touched his shoulder.

“Sorry,” he said, maybe believing he shouldn’t let her see he was upset.

“That’s okay. Of course you want him to be all right with this.”

Trey wagged his head ruefully. “I went at you like a crazy man. He saw how into it I was.”

“It turned him on, Trey—a lot. He couldn’t take his eyes off us.”

“I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

“I don’t think that was the problem.”

Trey pulled gently out of her.

“I don’t,” she repeated, because he remained troubled. “And I’m probably an expert on the sort of things people can have problems with.”

He smiled crookedly, his fingers smoothing her hair back from her hot face. The caress was spine-meltingly pleasant. “I don’t know how to hide my feelings. I don’t know how to slow them down. I’ve been waiting too long to let them out.”

God, his sweetness made her eyes sting. She stroked his hair like he was stroking hers. “You have to be yourself,” she said, more than half wishing her nature was as brave as his. “Once you start pretending, you tend to get stuck with it.”
