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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(51)
Author: Emma Holly

He kissed her then, and helped her hop off the car. “Grab your clothes,” he said. “I’ll give you the dollar tour of Sodom and Gomorrah.”


Zane and Trey’s garage was bigger than most houses. Clad in brick and draped in ivy, it resembled a residence from outside. Rebecca was dressed again, at least haphazardly. Following Trey, she padded barefoot across the long stretch of grass to the house proper. A bright partial moon lit what appeared to be very spacious, very picturesque landscaped grounds. The plantings were nicer than Boston Common. No question about it: Rebecca had left the humdrum world.

Trey caught her hand as she slowed to gawk. “Do you like it?” he asked, long fingers squeezing hers.

“It’s beautiful.”

He smiled, seeming to hear her unsureness. “We earned it,” he reminded. “I doubt we grew up any fancier than you.”

His hand was warm. Though she tugged a little, he didn’t allow her to pull away.

“Let me,” he coaxed. “I like this kind of thing.”

It seemed silly to object when he’d just ravished her atop a car. Holding hands wasn’t more serious than that. She had no cause to feel self-conscious simply because the gesture might be interpreted as romantic. She didn’t have to interpret it that way.

The problem was, part of her wanted to.

Trey let her in to his and Zane’s mansion via a side door. Whatever staff lived in were snug in their beds. Trey and she had the plush antique-laden halls to themselves. Here and there she spotted a touch of modernity—an abstract sculpture on a pedestal, a bold contemporary painting, a streamlined chair or lamp. Mostly, though, Zane and Trey’s furnishings were old. They looked comfortable to her, but they weren’t what she was used to . . . or what she’d expected.

The dollar tour didn’t reveal evidence of Sodom or Gomorrah. It also didn’t reveal Zane. Short of opening every one of the zillion doors, Rebecca couldn’t imagine how they’d find him.

“And this is our suite.” Trey opened one half of a set of paneled doors on the third floor.

The doors led to a shadowy sitting room. Through the arch behind that was an orgy-sized heavy wooden bed, its design reminding her of pews in a cathedral. The suite took up the end of the floor. Tall paned windows brought in light on three sides. At the moment, the light was strictly nocturnal. No lamps had been turned on. The space was peaceful and empty. Zane wasn’t here either.

Trey exhaled a small disappointed sigh.

“I should let you wait for him,” Rebecca said. “Give you a chance to talk. I’ll be fine sleeping in a guest room.”

“I wouldn’t be fine with that. I’d rather you slept with us.”

Rebecca looked at her bare toes. It seemed impolite to point out that us didn’t exist right then.

Trey repeated the quiet sigh. “If Zane wants to avoid us, he can take a guest room.”

“I don’t want to create awkwardness between you.”

Trey took her face in his hands. “What do you want for you, Rebecca? What would you choose if you had no one to consider but yourself?”

The question was hard to answer. She wanted to stay with him, but she was frightened to. She was bet he’d cuddle, that he’d hold her and stroke her until she fell asleep. She also bet she’d like it.

He laughed at the length of her hesitation. “You’d think I was offering you a line of coc**ne.”

He was in a way, and she feared addiction. On the other hand, did she really want to live the rest of her life never risking anything? What was the point in having survived so much if she didn’t move forward?

“I’d like to stay with you,” she confessed shyly.

He smiled, hands sliding from her cheeks to her shoulders. “Good,” he said. “I’ll give you the dime tour of our suite.”


Zane hadn’t gone inside after he left the garage. His feelings were too intense, and he’d needed air. He’d strode stiff-legged and stiff-cocked to their lagoon, a small manmade lake he and Trey sometimes rowed out on. The reeds at the edge were tall, the water wavery with moonlight. Zane calmed a bit as he stared at it.

He’d expected jealousy to be his worst problem. He did have a possessive streak. To his surprise, when he’d watched Trey and Rebecca f**k on that car, he hadn’t known who to be jealous of. He wanted to be taken with the animal single-mindedness that Trey was taking her, but he’d also wished her tight hot body were all his to play with.

She was so damn cute, so touchably firm and curved. He hadn’t realized watching Trey’s c**k pump in and out of her pu**y would flip his brain upside down. Her wetness had gleamed on Trey’s shaft, on his swollen veins, on her engorged clit, the flow lubricating each fervent thrust. It seemed perverse that she was na**d and he was dressed, like she was extra vulnerable. Her beautiful pink ni**les had stood out like fingertips on her bouncing br**sts. Zane had longed to suck them even as he’d longed to suck Trey’s. Torqued by what he was doing, Trey’s had beaded behind his shirt as if it were December.

When Rebecca pulled the trick where she hammocked Trey’s balls on his underwear, she could have been trying to drive Zane insane. He was accustomed to having a strong sex drive, but from their first hungry kiss, Trey and Rebecca had shot his through the stratosphere.

He couldn’t help thinking a real man wouldn’t enjoy watching a friend screw the girl he wanted . . . or vice versa.

He didn’t know how to handle it. He felt like he was out-of-control drunk, and someone ought to take his car keys. He couldn’t join in with them. Sliding behind that wheel would be dangerous. He’d crash and break into pieces. He needed more control before he went to them.

He groaned to the clear night sky. The thought of going to them punched his c**k hard again. Were they making love even now? Was Rebecca running her hands over Trey’s lean torso? Was Trey’s adorable ass clenched with longing for someone to f**k it?

“God,” he swore, covering his face. He needed half a dozen cocks to do everything he wanted to those two.

He glanced back over his shoulder to the house. He was far enough away to see the whole structure. The windows of the bedroom wing glowed gold, the only ones lit up. He knew how sweet Trey was, how he crept into a person’s heart and made them want to keep him forever. Could Zane leave Rebecca to his charms? No matter how off balance he felt right now, didn’t he want to stake a claim on her too?
