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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(65)
Author: Emma Holly

“How did you pull this together?” he asked once his voice recovered.

“We rush ordered the bed last night on the Internet. It arrived in pieces and we assembled it down here. You should have seen Owens’ face when I told him Rebecca’s help was all I needed. Our driver seems to think billionaires and women are equally helpless.”

“He’s wrong there,” Rebecca said, emerging from the shadows of a niche. “I can lift hundred-pound tuna.”

She knew how to make an entrance. She wasn’t wearing a stitch: not makeup and not clothes. She was no vamp as she came toward them. Her walk was just a walk, not shy but maybe self-conscious. Her body was naturally beautiful—slim, strong, the faint cooking scars on her arms picked up by the strong spotlight. Her small rounded br**sts jiggled like maracas, better to him than any centerfold’s.

She stopped on the nearer side of the bed. The frame was tall. She rested her butt back against the mattress. His breath caught as he noticed her pubic hair was waxed. A honey brown strip replaced what had been a triangle.

“Do you like it?” she asked, noting where his gaze had gone.

He nodded, his throat choked with arousal.

“Would you undress so I can see for myself?”

He wasn’t averse to making a show of himself. Aware that both his lovers were watching, Trey removed his clothes. Rebecca smiled when his erection came free of them. He stood, letting her enjoy her eyeful. If he was going to be chained like a slave—and he sincerely hoped he was—he might as well get into character.

Pleased by his behavior, Rebecca clambered onto the bed. She patted the red coverlet. “Join me up here. Zane showed me how to lock you up.”

If he’d ever heard a phrase more delightful, he didn’t remember it. Fighting a last unsureness, he shot a look at Zane. How much had he told her about his preferences? She could have guessed Trey’s fondness for bondage from what he’d done to her.

“Go on,” Zane said, waving him forward. “This game can’t start until you’re secured.”

It had started for him. His motor was revved and his knees shaky. As he swung up and faced her, his c**k was very erect. Its shaft was hard and aching, impatient for pleasure. With one finger Rebecca flicked its tip. The subtle but sharp sensation sent a deep thrill through him.

Maybe Zane had told her everything.

“Pretty,” she said. “But we’ll see to it later.”

She attached the shackles at his wrists and ankles. She was slightly awkward, the task new to her—which only aroused him more. This wasn’t some practiced scene from a cookie-cutter script. She’d be involved as this unfolded.

He tried to wrest control of his breathing, but it was difficult. The chains the shackles were attached to stretched from him to a hook on the domed ceiling. Though they allowed a good range of movement, their weight and rattle reminded him he was bound.

“Sit back on your heels,” she said.

Her voice was different, not authoritative but husky with arousal. That was fine. Strictly speaking, Trey didn’t need to be mastered; he was happy to volunteer. Rebecca turned on her hands and knees to open the bedside table. He didn’t think she was consciously trying to display herself, but the position did. He clenched his hands, wanting to lick his way up her slit and bite that sweet little ass. Her newly groomed folds were rosy, the glistening of her sex forcing him to swallow back a groan.

She rummaged through the drawer and huffed out a curse. “I can’t find anything in here. I’m pulling out the whole thing.”

Trey heard Zane snort as she yanked it free and set it on the coverlet between them. He caught glimpses of objects that made him shiver.

“Sorry,” she said, lifting her gaze to Trey’s. “I guess I should be smoother about this.”

“No, no,” he demurred. “I find your inexperience charming.”

He was too breathless for her to doubt the words. Her attention fell to his erection, which was pointing skyward and throbbing violently.

Grinning, she extricated a quirt from the jumble in the drawer. With a slowness designed to torment him, she drew the braided leather across her palm. “Zane tells me this is for after you’re warmed up. We’ll set it aside for now.”

She laid the lash neatly on the bed. In his reluctance to drag his eyes away, he missed her making her next selection. She held a wooden paddle, seven inches square with a high gloss finish. The handle was wrapped in rubber to prevent it from slipping in a sweaty hand. Having been on its receiving end, Trey knew it dealt out a smack. “Zane says this is good to start with. I’ve decided to let him use it. His arm is stronger and, well, he knows what he’s doing.”

That explained, she handed Zane the paddle. He’d taken off his shirt, but was dressed otherwise. Trey guessed he was enjoying Rebecca’s first performance. A considerable bulge distorted his zipper. He stretched to warm up his arms and loosen his shoulder joints. The shifting of his muscles had Trey swallowing. Sometimes he forgot just how powerfully built Zane was.

“Yes, he’s something,” Rebecca agreed when he turned back to her. “Makes me wonder where I find the nerve to let him have at me.”

“You enjoy it,” Trey burst out. “You love all that strength and size overwhelming you.”

“That’s true. I do.” She looked so directly into his eyes that for a second he felt like he was falling. “You’re big enough to overpower me. If Zane decides you deserve it, maybe he’ll let you.”

A stab of longing shot through his cock. “If Zane decides . . .”

She tipped her head to the side. “Don’t you like him being in charge? He thought I’d make a nice reward for good behavior.”

“What’s to keep me from just taking you? These chains are long enough for that.”

A flush crept across her cheeks, her eyes suddenly brighter. “He’d stop you.”

She didn’t sound sure, and Trey like that immensely. When he responded, his tone was darker than hers had been.

“Maybe,” he said, “and maybe I’d shove my c**k into your pu**y before he could rescue you.”

Any dominant but Zane would have smacked him for his defiance, but he seemed curious to hear her answer too. Her respiration had sped up, her br**sts starting to tremble.

“You’d have to be careful if you took me,” she said, surprisingly steadily. “You’re very excited, and when you come, the game is over. I think we both know you don’t want that happening soon.”
