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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(66)
Author: Emma Holly

She knew she had him. She didn’t wait for his response, but pushed sharply at his chest. He’d been leaning into her space, and this made him back off. He sat on his heels, satisfied she’d show the spine he wanted. Satisfied with him, she pulled a pair of nipple clamps from the drawer.

“Do you want these?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said, his earnestness not put on.

The clamps were new, chosen by her perhaps. Their business ends were rubber-coated to prevent them cutting into his skin. Rebecca attached them to his ni**les. Zane must have showed her how to use them. She knew to squeeze in his areola to give them enough flesh to grip. That task accomplished, she turned the wing nuts that tightened them.

“More,” Zane said from behind him. “Don’t stop until our prisoner gasps.”

She gave each screw two more twists and he did, unable to restrain the intake of air—or the momentary shutting of his eyes. The pain was perfect: enough to make his nerves jump but not enough to discourage his arousal. Wetness leaked from his rigid penis, tempting him to make good on his threat to simply take Rebecca. He knew he wouldn’t. Waiting would make this better for all of them.

The thought of marauding was in his head all the same. When he opened his eyes, the things that were in them caused Rebecca to scoot back cautiously toward the pillows. He liked that, probably more than he ought to. She set the drawer of goodies back onto the nightstand. Looking nervous but excited, she nodded at Zane that she was ready.

Zane wasn’t ready, and Trey thought he knew why. Rebecca sat with her knees pressed together almost primly. She dried her palms on her smooth pale thighs.

“Tell her to expose herself,” Trey said hoarsely. “I want to see her pu**y.”

Startled, Rebecca jerked and looked past him to Zane.

“Our prisoner deserves encouragement,” he conceded, “if he’s to get through his ordeal. Spread your knees as far apart as they’ll go.”

Blushing furiously, she spread them.

“Now that’s pretty,” Trey said, observing her wet and engorged state.

“No one asked your opinion,” Zane snapped, ramping up the role play. “Grab the chains higher up. Go to your knees and stay there.”

As soon as Trey obeyed, the paddle landed. The sting sang through his bu**ocks, stirring the pleasure he never could manage to suppress—no matter how twisted that made him. A sound broke from him, low and grateful. Zane hit him again and twice on the other cheek. Trey moaned helplessly when he stopped. Zane was strong and knew what he could take. Trey’s ass was hot and pulsing.

“Kiss his cock,” Zane ordered Rebecca, his voice harsh with arousal. “Lick the tip very gently until I tell you he’s had enough.”

Rebecca bent forward. Trey tensed as she approached, chains rattling from his grip on them. This was almost too exciting. He and Zane never played together in front of an audience, much less a woman they both wanted. For that matter, Trey always took the dominant part with guests. He was na**d here, and on uncharted ground. His responses were all amped up. He held his breath as the pointed tip of her tongue made contact with his glans and licked.

It felt incredible, much more intense than a light touch should.

“Shit,” he said, unable to stay silent.

Zane didn’t miss the reaction, though it wasn’t Trey he cautioned.

“Careful,” he said to Rebecca. “Don’t use your lips. Just lick him around the head.”

She was very serious, like she truly had to follow his instructions. Her earnestness got to Trey more than any roleplaying could. Positively tormenting him, she licked him—circles and swipes and soft little flicks across that sensitive pulsing flesh. Beads of pr**cum welled from his slit. She gathered them until he trembled, until his veins began to stand out. He couldn’t hold on much longer. He wanted to give in too badly. As if he knew, Zane finally said stop.

Without being told, Rebecca retreated to the bed’s head rail. Her eyes were wide, her breathing nearly as broken up as Trey’s.

“Prisoner,” Zane said, his manner all authority. “You’re going to take ten strikes, and you’ll count them aloud for me.”

Trey counted. Each stiff blow was hard. At first they were welcome, because they helped him back off the edge, but soon they excited him as well. For whatever reason, he was wired to respond that way. His ass was on fire within a minute, his inner muscles twitching with their desire to be f**ked. Zane seemed unlikely to satisfy that craving in front of Rebecca—a fact that only made Trey want it more. He wanted to f**k and be f**ked simultaneously. The instant he acknowledged the desire he knew he was stuck with it. This was his obsession, the yearning no amount of wooden paddles could beat from him. He wanted Zane and Rebecca at the same time.

“Ten,” he rasped with all the frustration he had in him.

Zane ceased swinging. Sensation throbbed through Trey’s whole body.

“Do you want your reward?” Zane asked sternly.

“Yes, sir,” Trey answered, a response Zane only drew from him sometimes.

“‘Yes, sir,’” he repeated with the faintest wisp of a sneer. “That’s polite, prisoner. I’d double your reward, except I know you prefer suffering.”

“He’ll need protection,” Rebecca said softly. “Would you do that for me?”

She tossed Zane a condom, and he caught it. There was a little pause. “For you,” he said, huskiness in the words. “I’d do anything.”

He walked up the side of the bed to roll the rubber on. With absolute fascination, Rebecca watched his hands on Trey’s cock. Zane didn’t fumble under her regard. He was too accustomed to handling Trey. Cranked up by the whole situation, Trey’s balls jerked closer to his body.

“Will that do?” Zane asked when the task was done.

Rebecca’s eyes flicked from Trey to him. Did she realize she could order Zane to touch him more? He’d shown her more deference than any previous play partner. She pressed one finger thoughtfully to her cheek. Her next words flashed through Trey like a rocket trail.

“You could have caressed him more,” she observed, “around the balls or shaft, but I admit he looks well prepared.”

“If I’d excited him more, he might not last through his reward.”

“True,” she said.

“What’s my reward?” Trey dared to ask.

“You took ten strokes from me,” Zane said. “You can have ten strokes inside her. If you survive them without coming, I’ll use the quirt on you.”
