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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(68)
Author: Emma Holly

“Yes . . . sir,” Trey managed to pant out.

He jumped suddenly. Rebecca suspected Zane had just pinched his rear.

“You have five more lashes to go, and I’m not sure you’re worthy. I’m not sure you can last long enough to serve your mistress as she deserves.” Zane’s arm moved, his palm circling their slave’s butt. “She seems to think your balls have been neglected. Perhaps I’ll see to them now.”

Trey sucked in air as Zane’s hand found them. Whatever he was doing felt good to Trey.

“Please,” he moaned, straining and squirming inside her.

“Please more?” Zane mocked, doing whatever it was again. “Or please stop before I make you come?”

Unable to answer, Trey bit his lip hard enough to turn it white.

Zane released him. “Your unworthy ass has had enough. You’ll take the next five across your back.”

He returned to the foot rail, drawing the short lash along his hand. Rebecca could see him now without turning, but he wasn’t focused on her. The bulge at his crotch was huge, lines of sweat rolling through the golden hair on his bare chest. His big taut body was beautiful, his expression utterly determined. She was afraid and excited at the same time.

As if Trey knew Zane was readying himself, he clamped her bottom tighter and rested his brow on hers. Zane filled his lungs with air.

Sound burst from both men in tandem as the sixth lash fell.

“Unh,” Trey grunted for the seventh, h*ps twisting desperately against her.

Rebecca’s ni**les turned to stone for the eighth.

“God,” Trey gasped as her sex melted around him.

“You don’t go until I say,” Zane snarled. “You don’t f**k her until I say the word.”

“Yes . . . sir,” Trey agreed.

He gave Trey nine, and Trey’s head snapped back in reaction. She knew most of that reaction was pleasure. His c**k had swollen even more inside her. Trey forced his gaze to hers again. His eyes were blazing, tiny tremors making his skin twitch. They were so close she could have counted his eyelashes as easily as his heartbeats. What he saw in her eyes, she didn’t know. She felt as intimately connected to him as a person could be. How much he wanted what was happening seemed profound.

Zane brought the quirt down for the tenth time.

“Not yet,” he barked when Trey began to lift her up his c**k to stroke.

“I want her,” Trey said.

“You’ll wait,” Zane answered, his voice unrecognizable. “You’ll f**king wait for me.”

Rebecca and Trey’s eyes had a second to widen. Then Zane was climbing onto the narrow bed behind Trey. A catch popped and his zipper whined downward. His hot hands covered Rebecca’s where they still clenched the chains.

“Let go,” he ordered her like Doom itself.

Rebecca couldn’t disobey him. She was mastered. She let go reflexively.

He pushed Trey forward and she tumbled onto her back with the shackled man on top of her. The four lengths of chain were slack enough to allow this, though the metal clashed crazily. Trey was still inside her, but not moving. Maybe he wouldn’t until Zane told him to. Maybe he was mastered too. Zane stretched over them both to dig in the supply drawer.

“Jesus,” Trey breathed as Zane’s hand emerged with a container of KY.

Zane cursed as he fumbled with the top. They heard a squirt and a slap as he rubbed the slippery stuff on his cock. Lubed all the way up and down, he kicked Trey’s knees wider. Then he moved into position behind him. Zane’s face was a picture she wouldn’t soon forget: flushed, tense, as if he had to do this or die.

Rebecca’s sheath tightened on Trey without her willing it.

“Fuck,” Trey gasped, pelvis twisting at how good the contraction felt. “Please don’t do that. I’m about to—”

And then Zane shoved into him.

Trey’s head went back the same as it had for the ninth lash, his mouth stretched open with shocked bliss. Zane pulled back and heaved again. Pushed farther by the thrust, Trey’s c**k seemed to knock her womb.

“Now,” Zane said, guttural and urgent. “Now you can f**k Rebecca.”

Trey cried out, using his muscle power to shove back toward Zane. “Not so hard,” he panted. “Between the two of us, we’ll hurt her.”

Zane growled in frustration but not protest.

The last thing she expected happened.

“Follow my lead,” Trey said, apparently still in charge of himself. “I can feel how she’s responding.”

The men took a couple thrusts to coordinate but then they went like a well-oiled machine—or as well oiled as cocks so close to exploding would let them be.

She was glad they were being careful. Their combined strength could have bruised her. As it was, their combined energy—their huffs and groans and sweaty bunched muscles—drove her excitement to heights she hadn’t known it could reach. She wasn’t able to hold back her responses. Moaning with pleasure, she gripped Trey’s side and Zane’s arm and prayed the little iron bed would survive the beating it was taking.

Trey made a noise as Zane thumped something good inside him.

“Fuck,” Trey said, shoulders hunched, head dropping to her shoulder. “Unh. Yes. Keep f**king me right there.”

Zane clamped his fingers around Trey’s hip to continue pummeling him at the same angle. His eyes were screwed shut, and a vein stood out at his temple. Trey found a sweet spot in her and blotted out the image.

Her spine arched off the bed, despite the men’s weight on her. Trey grunted at the strength of her contractions on his cock. She couldn’t stop them. She needed to work against his thickness like she needed to gasp for breath. Just when she thought the pleasure couldn’t get more intense, someone’s thumb compressed her cl*t and rubbed.

She keened, fingernails scoring skin.

The men sped up at her cry, maybe too excited not to, maybe greedy to join her. The effect of their acceleration was inevitable. Zane hissed, big body locking as he lost it and shot his cl**ax into Trey. Trey’s chest arched back from her. His expression was ecstatic. He was almost there, straining to go over even as he tried to hang on. With the last of her brainpower, she remembered a trick Zane had shared with her, one he said Trey especially got off on. She slid her hands up his heaving ribs . . .

And yanked off both nipple clamps.

Trey cried out at the sudden pain, c**k jamming deep into her to spill.

“Christ,” he gasped. His prick throbbed hard, shooting everything he had with abandon.
