Read Books Novel

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(69)
Author: Emma Holly

Neither man collapsed, but they probably wanted to. Thanks to the domed room’s acoustics, it sounded like a dozen people were panting inside it.

“Whew,” Rebecca said once she had sufficient breath. “I guess that screw we had left over wasn’t important.”

“What screw?” Trey asked hoarsely. A drop of sweat plopped from him onto her belly.

“From putting the bed together. Zane and I had one left over when we were done.”

Trey chuckled, then sucked a breath as Zane pulled out of him without warning.

“Sorry,” he said, staggering off the bed with one hand on the foot rail to support him.

In less of a hurry, Trey withdrew from her with a groan. He sat up in the clear spot between her legs. She didn’t know where the men found the strength to move. To give himself more room, Trey pulled her right calf across his lap. He stroked it and her foot as he watched Zane zip up.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Of course I am,” Zane said. “That was incredible.”

He wasn’t telling the whole truth. Though he was smiling, the creases around his eyes seemed strained. Rebecca guessed he hadn’t meant to take Trey while Trey took her. He’d been swept up in the overwhelming heat of the moment—and now that heat was over.

She had no doubt Trey saw this as clearly as she did.

Discovering she could sit up after all, she laid her cheek on Trey’s shoulder. “Thank you,” she said to both of them.

“Thank you,” Trey corrected. “That was a great surprise.”

Rebecca rubbed his chest, suspecting he could use the comfort. For a while there, he’d had everything he wanted.


You’re not going to run, Zane ordered himself. You’re not going to be surly. You don’t want to hurt Trey that way.

He rescued his shirt from the playroom floor but didn’t put it on. God, he’d come hard. His c**k was limp from it—and from going at Trey like a jackhammer. He’d loved knowing Trey was inside Rebecca, loved that each thrust into Trey’s ass pushed his friend’s c**k harder into her. Rebecca couldn’t have missed what f**king Trey did to him, how excited he got, how he couldn’t have stopped what he was doing for anything. She’d gotten off on it. He shouldn’t be embarrassed.

Zane needed to purge his bastard father’s pronouncements on “real men” from his brain. So what if he wanted to lay his lips on Trey’s that second? So what if he loved touching him as much as he loved touching Rebecca?

Zane was a real man. If he’d been completely g*y, that would have been the case. His father was an ass**le. After all these years, Zane shouldn’t still be fighting this battle.

Dressed now, Rebecca came to him and stroked his arm. He looked at her, and she kissed his shoulder. “Don’t regret what you did,” she murmured.

He stroked her hair. His hand was big against her delicate cheekbone, different than when he cupped Trey’s face. He started to say he had no regrets but decided the moment deserved more honesty.

“I’m trying not to,” he said.

Rebecca smiled and stretched up to kiss him.


Last Chance

THE rest of the week flew by faster than Rebecca thought possible. Each day felt more relaxed than the last, until she actually began to worry she’d get back into work mode. They made love, they played, they had lazy conversations over Mrs. Penworth’s straightforward but tasty food. On Saturday, they took the yacht out, where the men finally relented and let her cook for them.

Afterwards, the night was cool enough that they snuggled in one shared blanket out on the Bad Girl’s deck. The captain had anchored in the bay, beyond the reach of the city lights. Thousands of stars danced on the wavering mirror of calm water. The universe was big, and the three of them were small. That they’d come together was a miracle.

“This is the best,” she sighed against Zane’s chest, happily tucked na**d between the men on an island of lounge cushions. “I’m going to remember this forever.”

Trey rubbed his cheek on her shoulder. He was behind her with his arm draped across her waist. His hand rested on Zane’s belly, fingers playing with his line of hair. “This doesn’t have to end.”

“I’m going back to work on Monday,” she warned them. “And so are you two tycoons.”

“Right. But we aren’t going to disappear into a puff of smoke. You can see us again.”

“We want you to see us again,” Zane put in.

They sounded truthful. Rebecca wanted to believe them, but she questioned how long the inclination to keep in touch would last. This week had been intense—like erotic summer camp or the final day of high school. Emotions ran high in those situations. People were convinced they’d made friends for life. Then they went back to their normal lives, and the feelings faded. She took comfort in the fact that she’d see Trey at the Lounge now and then—at least until he got sidetracked by his next project.

“This isn’t casual for us,” Trey said as if he could read her thoughts. “We’re not capable of loving and leaving you.”

She wriggled around to face him, chest aching with the knowledge that she’d never known a man this sweet. “Kiss me when you say that,” she teased, hoping to keep tears at bay.

Trey kissed her, and then Zane did, and then the stars had something new to shine down on.

She stole an hour Sunday morning to meet Raoul in Quincy Market. The young driver, Owens, chauffeured her downtown and dropped her at an open-air cafe. She and her head chef had a last few t’s to cross before their official start of business, a task they were sweetening with coffee and biscotti.

Zane had dug up another outfit for her from wherever he was getting them. This one paired black jeans and a wraparound shirt printed with colorful Italian tourist scenes. A couple of the scenes were restaurants, and Rebecca hadn’t been able to resist, despite the neckline baring more cle**age than she was used to. She supposed the style suited her, because Raoul’s eyebrows rose.

“Something agrees with you,” he observed slyly once they were done with their hugs. “Maybe to do with the fancy limo that dropped you off?”

She had to answer. Conceivably, her activities could affect their jobs. “Trey Hayworth and I hooked up,” she confessed, conveying as much of the truth as she thought germane.

To her surprise, Raoul wasn’t horrified. He leaned back in the small cafe chair and smiled. “I thought something like that might happen. I never saw that man look at you like he didn’t want to eat you up.”
