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The Hardest Fall

“I don’t think you can do what I want you to do with those pants on, Dylan,” she murmured when I just stood on my knees like an idiot and moved my hands all over her. I reached for the hand she was busy clutching the sheets with.

“Just a minute,” I murmured then wound her legs around my waist and settled between her naked legs, my shaft pressing and pressing right over her clit. I just wanted to feel her heat. “Get me naked then.”

“Shit,” she mumbled, her hands moving over my chest and curling around my shoulders. Then they traveled lower as I leaned over her, kissing and sucking her parted lips. Her legs dropped from around me.

I lifted my hips enough so she could lower my pants without trouble then I looked down between us to see the head of my dick make an appearance. If she touched me, she’d feel I was already leaking pre-cum. She pushed a little up and lowered my pants a few inches more, freeing my entire length. It bobbed between us, the tip touching her stomach.

“Now that you took it out, what are you planning on doing?” I asked in a rough voice. I rested my forearms on either side of her face and looked down at her. I could just imagine her biting her lip and looking unsure.

Instead of hearing words, I felt her fingers wrap around my hard, swollen length, nothing unsure about her touch at all. I twitched in her hand and felt her thumb brush the wetness down and around me. My heart hammering in my chest, I moved my hand lower, slid it all the way down, dragging my palm against every inch until I felt her wetness on my fingers, and that was it for me. I was gone.

“Condom,” I said, my mind working just enough to remember that we needed condoms—lots of them. “Condoms. I don’t have condoms, Zoe.”

Her hand stopped moving on me, but she didn’t pull it away.


I slammed my hand on the bed and dropped my face on her neck. I licked and bit her earlobe before I spoke because I couldn’t quite stop myself. “I don’t have any condoms.”

“I do!” she half yelled, and then her hand wasn’t pulling on my dick anymore. “I do. One—I have one.”

She let go of my dick, slid out from under me, hesitated, then grabbed the pillow and hugged it to her perfect naked body before jumping up and running out of my room. Seconds later she was back, and I was sitting on the edge of the bed, my fingers itching to touch her, to pull her, to keep her.

“What’s up with that?” I managed to ask as I gestured toward the pillow, my dick painfully hard, and even more painfully ready.

I offered her my hand and she took it without hesitation. With my other hand, I grabbed the pillow away and threw it back on the bed.


“It’s already too dark in here as it is. Don’t hide yourself from me, Zoe, not anymore.” I gave her a gentle pull and she climbed into my lap.

“Here,” she said, handing me the condom after sitting on my thighs. “I just have this one.” She paused. “Jared gave it to me, just in case.”

“Just in case what?”

She shrugged. “Just in case you and I…As a joke.”

“Fucked. Are you too shy to say fuck?”

“Just in case you and I had sex.”

“Fuck sounds better to me.”

“Fine, fuck then.”

I chuckled and kissed her. Her arms slowly wrapped around my neck as she melted against me.

“I want to watch you put it on,” she said against my lips.

“Whatever you want, just tell me and it’s yours.”

She worried her bottom lip between her teeth and tilted her head down to watch me as I worked it over my length as fast as humanly possible.

I lost patience somewhere along the way so I lifted her off my lap and dropped her back on the bed with a bounce right before climbing on top of her. “I need you so bad, Zoe. I can’t look at you any longer and not know how it feels to sink into you.”

She pulled my head down and went for my lips. Keeping our chests apart, I reached between us and went to feel the wetness between her legs.

“Shit, Zoe,” I hissed, resting my forehead against hers. “You’re all ready for me, aren’t you?”

“I’ve been trying to tell—”

I pushed two of my fingers inside her and she stilled under me, her legs tense, her fingers digging into the skin of my arms. She was dripping. After a few shallow thrusts, I tugged them out and dragged her wetness over her clit, stroking and swirling. Her hips were restless under me, demanding, her hands still on my skin, her touch searing.

I leaned down and whispered against the shell of her ear. “I need you so bad, Zoe.”

“Please…Dylan, please.”

I took her at her word and wrapped my hand around the base of my dick so I could slowly slid inside until she had all of me. It took a few seconds and a few sexy grunts and gasps from her as she arched under me, but I was all in and nothing had ever felt so tight, so right, so utterly…mine.

I wanted to fuck her till the morning light streamed in and I could memorize every dip and curve of her skin. Feeling a little dizzy, I pulled out until she had just the wide head inside her then pushed it all the way back in. I dropped back on my forearms and finally started fucking her with a slow rhythm.

A small moan slipped from her lips and I bent down to capture it with my mouth. I wanted all of her moans, all her sighs and gasps. I wanted everything from her.

“I’m going to take everything from you,” I whispered against her skin. It was only fair to let her know.

“Good,” she answered. Her hands cupped my face, and I could feel her staring straight into my eyes as I moved inside her with hard, shallow strokes. “Great even.” Another grunt after a particularly hard thrust. “As long as you give me everything of yourself.”

“You already have me, baby.”

After that, it was all lost in a frenzy. I was lost in her. I grasped one of her legs and pulled it high up around my waist so I could get even deeper. When my movements picked up speed, so did the soft noises she was making. She clutched at my biceps, squeezing and pulling and cursing when I went especially deep and fast. Then she was arching, her breasts protruding, offered to me so sweetly, and I was tasting her.




“You’re driving me crazy,” I gasped, my heart beating like crazy in my chest, having trouble keeping up with us. The sound of our skin slapping with each thrust was the best sound I would ever hear in my life.

“You feel so big inside me,” Zoe gasped, bringing my attention from her breasts to her swollen lips.

I slowed down my thrusts and kissed her lazily, sucking on her tongue, dragging my cock out of her as slowly as possible and then pushing it all the way back in.

“Too much?”

Biting her lip, she shook her head.

“Does it feel good?”

“I want to come,” was her answer as her fingers closed tighter around my arms. “I want to come on you,” she repeated, her voice all hoarse and breathy. I kissed the edge of her lips.

“Tell me. Say it out loud. I want to hear. Does it feel good?”

She put her palm on my cheek before she gave me an answer.

“It feels amazing. It feels like I’m going to explode.” A gasp. A moan. “You feel amazing, love it, but I want to come. It…doesn’t happen every time for me, but it’s so close, I can feel it. I want you to make me come. Please make me come on you.”
