Read Books Novel

The Hardest Fall

With a challenge like that, what else could I possibly do?

I got up on my knees, dragged her legs over my thighs, and tugged her even closer with my hands on her hips then started fucking her like there was no tomorrow. She pushed herself down on me, her hands braced against the headboard, and I could feel her slowly tightening around me, her legs squeezing, her whimpers louder.

“Zoe,” I hissed out. “Zoe, you feel so fucking good around my cock, squeezing me like that. Look at you, all ready to let go and come all over me.”

Then her orgasm took over and she tried to pull her legs closed from around me, but I held them open and kept pumping into her until she went straight over and gasped, almost soundlessly, and then she came with her mouth open, her body arched, her breath lost.

Watching her face, watching her breasts move with the force of my thrusts, I knew I couldn’t hold back any longer. I was so goddamn deep in her, and she was so goddamn tight that I didn’t know if I could ever stop.

My blood hummed in my veins and my spine tingled.

Zoe stopped coming and found her breath as my name spilled from her lips again. She reached up and ran her hands across my chest and stomach, making me shiver. I didn’t know how long I could keep moving inside her, but I was getting close to losing my mind.

“I can’t,” I forced out. She was burning me inside out and I had no idea why I was trying so hard to keep going instead of letting go.

“Don’t,” she whispered, pulling me down against her skin. We were both covered in sweat, and feeling her boobs pressed against me, her strong heartbeat, her scent, her breathlessness…none of it was helping things at all.

The headboard was hitting the wall with every single thrust, and both Zoe and I were moaning through every second. I felt her tighten around me again and she cried out, coming again, her hips moving, her arms around me, holding on to me. She hid her face in my neck and got incredibly tight and wet around me.

“Look at me,” I moaned with urgency. “Zoe, look at me.”

Breathless, she dropped her head back on the pillow and our eyes met in the dark. With a groan of my own, I took her lips and buried myself to the hilt, again and again. I kissed her as deeply as I could, our heads moving and tilting, and spilled myself inside of her in a rush like I had never felt before. I came, but it felt different, like it had been ripped out from somewhere deep inside me, like what we did in that damn tiny bed was something much more than just having sex, more like an exorcism.

When I could see and hear again, I found myself still moving inside her gently, slowly sinking in as deep as I could go. I never took my lips off of hers. I kept kissing her until we couldn’t anymore. My hands never stopped roaming her skin, memorizing. I could have kissed her like that for hours, for days, years. When it felt like I would die if I kept moving, I dropped half on top of her and tried to catch my breath.

“Fuck. I think you broke me,” I muttered into the pillow. “Let’s do that again.”

She laughed, the soft sound giving me shivers.

I pulled out and stepped away from her to get rid of the condom. When I came back, she was pulling the sheets over herself, hiding again.

Slipping under the covers, I put my hand behind her waist and pulled her flush against my chest as my dick lay half hard, half soft between us.

“Don’t hide yourself from me,” I said quietly. “Please.”

“I’m not,” she whispered back.

I brushed her messy hair back away from her face and stared at her for a moment. “Zoe, that was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” I pressed a kiss to her swollen lips and when she parted them, I went in for a longer one without hesitation. When we stopped, she sighed and pressed her forehead to my shoulder, right under my chin. I kept going. “It feels like I’ve been waiting for this to happen all my life, waiting for you to happen.”

I caressed her back, up and down, up and down until she looked back up at me.

“That was intense. I’ve never done that before. The…coming twice thing, I mean. I think I was too wet. Is that even normal?”

“I think it’s our normal. Was it too much?” I frowned down at her. “Did I hurt you or something? Your neck?”

She shook her head. “No. No, it’s not that. I’ve just never felt like that, so…crazy. I just wanted you deeper and deeper even though it felt like you were all the way in there…you know.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. I tried to go easier, but it wasn’t happening.” I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes. “We should get a little more sleep, Flash. Tomorrow is gonna be another tough day for you.”

She sighed and snuggled in closer. “I can sleep with you?”

“Just try to get away from me.”

She seemed to settle in after that and we fell silent.

I was about to doze off with her in my arms when she spoke up quietly. “Dylan.”

Suddenly, I was wide awake. Still, based on her tone, that conversation was not one I was ready to have just then, not when I could still feel her tightening and pulsing around my dick.

“Not now,” I said shortly.

“I think we—”

“No, not tonight, not after I just had you. We’ll talk tomorrow or the day after. Then we’ll move out as fast as possible.”

“Move out? What are you talk—”

I gave her a squeeze and she stopped. I looked down and met her confused gaze. “We can’t stay here, in his apartment. I won’t.”

Her frown only deepened until understanding dawned on her and she started shaking her head.

“No, Dylan. I mean, yeah, but—”

I kissed her lips, cutting her off, because I couldn’t help myself.

“Not tonight. Please.”

“But you need to know. There are things—”

“I’ll know everything tomorrow or the next day. Just give me one more day, okay? Just us, you and me, no one else. Nothing else between us.”

She stared into my eyes for a few more beats then exhaled a burst of air and nodded.

More seconds ticked by and I couldn’t fall asleep. I cleared my throat. “By the way, you kissed me. You lost the bet you were so sure you would never lose.”

Her head shot up, hitting me under my chin. “I didn’t! You kissed me!”

“I don’t think so. You went for it first.”

“No. That doesn’t count. You kissed me first.”

I had the biggest grin on my face when I finally fell asleep after arguing with her about who had lost the best. In the end, I’d gotten her, in every sense of the word—only I had no idea none of it would matter the next day, not after the way she broke my heart.

Chapter Twenty-Four


He was playing with my fingers; I think that was what woke me up initially, that and hearing his voice murmur my name against my skin. It was just a little more than a whisper that suddenly spurred my heart into a fast beat. It was too damn early to get that excited just because you heard someone’s hot, sleepy voice.

I opened my eyes with a cheesy grin plastered on my face. One look at that bed and you’d have bet money there was no way two people—especially with one of them being Dylan’s size—would fit in there, but we did. We fit perfectly. Sure, his feet and half of the arm that was under my head were off the bed, my legs were tangled with his, and my knees were hanging off the side, too, but who cared? Like I said, we fit perfectly.
