Read Books Novel

The Hardest Fall

When Dylan nipped my lips, I lost all focus again and there was just us. When he carried me away from the wall, he didn’t take me to the couch like I expected him to. Nope, he took me to the desk and dropped my ass right on it.

Before I had a chance to open my mouth or even catch my breath, he was taking off my shirt. For a really short moment, I wanted to hide myself from him, but instead, I reached for the hem of his shirt and peeled it off of him. Giving my breasts—which were hiding in my favorite light blue bra—a quick look, he groaned and pulled my legs open, stepping right in between. He put his palms on the desk on either side of my hips, caging me in, and brought his face down to mine to kiss me. I had to lean back and hold on to him to return his out-of-control kiss. He only stopped when my back touched the wooden surface.

“I didn’t even get a chance to learn what turns you on,” he murmured right before sucking and gently biting the skin on my neck.

“I don’t think you need to learn anything,” I rushed out, my voice coming out all choppy. “You’re pretty much killing me, so I’d say it’s working, and you just looking at me seems to get me going, so…”

He laughed, and the sound vibrated on my skin. “You telling me you’re wet for me?”

His hands gripped my waist and slid me downward in one quick movement. I gasped and laughed, holding on to his shoulders. Then I felt his thick, hard cock against the seam of my jeans and lost it completely. Biting his neck, I let out the most wanton moan. I wiggled and pushed myself down as hard as I could as his fingers tightened their grip on my waist to keep me still. Letting go of my hold on his shoulders, I reached between us and tried to unzip his jeans. When it didn’t get me anywhere, I pulled back from the kiss and hit my head pretty hard on the desk.

“Shit. Shit. Shit.”

He had the audacity to laugh.

“Easy, baby,” he whispered, one of his hands gently tangling in my hair and smoothing the pain away. “You want me?”

I couldn’t have wanted him more, and I really didn’t think I could speak at that moment, so I just nodded. We stared into each other’s eyes, not moving, and whatever he saw in my face made him shake his head and smile down at me. His cheeks looked flushed, his lips swollen—because of me. He took a deep breath as I held mine. His already dark blue eyes were darker, like the night sky, and I couldn’t remember ever seeing anything more perfect.

“I wish I could capture this moment,” I whispered. “You…just looking at me the way you do.”

“You’ll have all the time in the world to do anything you want to do to me, Zoe. Trust me.”

When I licked my lips, his hands finally moved down and he started to take off his pants. I did the same, wiggling and trying to get rid of them as quickly as possible. I knocked a few files off the desk, but neither of us seemed to care.

“Let me,” Dylan said, and he took my pants off in a second, my panties sliding off with them.

I didn’t think I could wait any longer, so I sat up and went for his lips again. He helped me by leaning down and wrapping his arms around me. I thought he was feeling just like I was, like he couldn’t get close enough.

I squeezed my hand between our bodies and wrapped my hand around his cock. When one hand wasn’t satisfying enough, I used the other one too. He wrenched his lips away and hissed into my ear when I rolled my thumb over the plump head.

“I want to taste you,” I moaned, my voice low.

“It kills me to say this, but not right now.”

I felt his fingers between my legs, parting me, pushing in, and I couldn’t even remember what we’d been talking about.

At one point he must have flicked open my bra because when he urged me to lie back, there was nothing but the cool surface of the wood against my skin. I shivered and watched him pluck the loose undergarment off of me. When his mouth closed in on one nipple, first licking and then sucking, I didn’t know what to do with my hands, so I just lifted them above my head and held on to the edge of the desk, arching my back and offering more. He gave the same treatment to the other one, making me squirm and pant under him.

Then he was right there, pushing his cock into me, straightening up and watching where we connected with a reverence I couldn’t explain. My ears ringing, blood roaring through my veins, I opened my mouth to gasp, but I was so overwhelmed by his size and by having him again that nothing came out. A split second later, another gasp, and then I groaned, feeling him slowly work himself inside, stretching me wide open.

“You have no idea how much I missed you, Flash. Missed being inside you. Feeling you work my cock. Fucking you.”

My body shivered, and I smiled.

Then he stopped, and I had to force my eyes open.

“Wh-What? No, don’t stop.”

Still halfway in me, he dropped his forehead right in the middle of my chest, his warm breath on my cool skin causing me to shiver under him.

“Condom—I forgot the condom.”

“Shit. Get one, please.”

One of his hands moved on my thigh, caressing, pulling me deeper into madness.

“I don’t have one, Flash. Goddammit, I don’t have one on me.” His hips moved as if he couldn’t help himself, pressing into me, going deeper, and we both groaned.

“You realize that you’re failing at this college thing, right? What college student doesn’t carry around condoms?”

“Smartass,” he murmured with a smile to his voice, then we both groaned.

It was on the tip of my tongue to say, I don’t care, just please fuck me, but he spoke first.

“I haven’t been with anyone else since you,” he murmured, his tongue finding my nipple and swirling around it. “I’ve never been with anyone without a condom, and I promise I’m clean.”

Relief washed through me and I pulled him up to my lips.

“I’m on the pill,” I whispered against his parted lips right before taking a deep breath and kissing him. He moved just an inch, causing my body to twitch in pleasure. “Please, fuck me, Dylan.” I panted, gasped. “Please.” I didn’t mind begging—not at all.

Thank God that was all it took. He slowly pushed the last few inches into me, swallowing down my groans with his mouth.

“That’s it…just a little more.”

When I tried to ease his thickness off a little by rolling my hips against him, he straightened and held on to my waist, watching with such an intensity. I opened my legs wider, putting my feet up on the edge of the desk. Meeting my eyes, he pulled almost all the way out then thrust back in, causing me to bow up.

He put his hand on my stomach and stroked my body into delirium, all the way up to my throat and then down again. Tipping my head back, all I could do was feel his fullness inside me and try not to lose it too early.

I was plenty wet, but it took a few minutes to get used to him. When I looked at him, my eyes barely open, I saw him watching himself gently thrust in and out of me. I chose to watch his abdominal muscles, the way they contracted and released. I watched the way his strong shoulders rolled with his thrusts, the way his arms flexed, how fascinated he looked, lost, yet found.

When he lifted his gaze and found me watching him, his pace quickened. Reaching for my hand, he pulled me flush to his chest and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I spread my legs wider and wrapped my legs around his waist, wanting and needing more.
