Read Books Novel

The Hazards of Mistletoe

The Hazards of Mistletoe (Hazards #4)(32)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“What are your plans for the rest of the week?”

“Maybe going snowmobiling with the Fells today. I work tomorrow and then hopefully spending Christmas with you guys if you’re willing to have me. Well and Savy too.”

“Wonderful.” Mom smiled. “Maybe we can do something together with the Fell’s like we used to.”

“Sounds great, but is it ok if I bring my roommate? He’s here for the holidays.”

“Absolutely. You know we always end up with too much food.”

I wasn’t sure whether Winston would be interested, but I needed to at least ask. He didn’t have any family around, and he’d proven himself to be a good friend the last few days.

“Go have fun with Savannah. We’ll catch up tonight.”

“Thanks.” I hugged them both. “I’ve missed you guys.”

“We’ve missed you too.”

Chapter Fourteen


I couldn’t believe I had agreed to go snowmobiling. Evidently it was one of the planned activities my dad had eluded to. Adding Glen into the mix was easy, especially since I had no intention of driving a snowmobile myself. I was more than happy to get my view while holding onto Glen. Driving a car was the only kind of driving I did, and it wasn’t my strong suite.

To his credit, my dad didn’t say a word about the change between Glen and me. He seemed to accept we’d worked things out on our own, and he was glad I was enjoying myself. I’d tell him eventually, but I just wanted to get the most of every minute I had with Glen and my family.

My dad pulled me aside when we reached the lodge where we were meeting for our snowmobile tour. “Can we talk for a second?”

“Sure.” I was in such a good mood that I felt prepared for whatever he threw at me.

“You seem to be getting along well with Dalton and Laney.”

I nodded. “I like them. They’re really down to earth and fun.”

“That’s great.” Dad looked off into the distance.

“Dad? Is there something you want to tell me?”

He looked at me. “How would you feel about spending more time with them? And Gina?”

“I want you to be happy, and Gina makes you happy.”

“But what about you? What would make you happy?”

I smiled. “You already made me happy by even talking to me about this.”

“Does that mean you’re giving me a green light here?”

“Did you really need my approval?”

“Yes. Yes I did.”

I hugged him. I held onto him for a full minute before I finally let go. “Love you, Dad.”

“Love you too, kid. Now go have fun.” He patted my shoulder, and I walked over to where everyone else waited.

We went on a two hour tour through the picturesque snowy landscape. The wind was biting, but it didn’t seem nearly as bad when I held onto Glen. He knew exactly what he was doing, but I could tell he was trying to keep his speed in check for my sake. I loved that without me telling him, he knew exactly how I felt. Eventually he slowed to a stop as we returned to the lodge we’d left from.

“You doing all right there?” He helped me down and pulled off my helmet.

“I think so, you’re good at that.”

“It’s more enjoyable with your hands on me.”

“I like having my hands on you.”

He grinned. “You have permission to have your hands on me anytime.”

“That permission goes both ways.” I kissed him on the cheek and walked over to where Dalton and Laney waited. My dad and Gina had fallen a little ways behind.

“Don’t tease me,” Glen called after me.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

Dalton rolled his eyes and Laney grinned. I was really starting to enjoy their company.

Exhausted and cold, we split from my Dad and Gina and decided to head over to a hot tub when we got back to the condo. Glen had to run over to his apartment to grab a swimsuit, so he told us to go on ahead. Laney was bursting at the seams to go, so I agreed. I hoped I’d still be in the water when Glen got back.

I hesitated inside the door to the deck where the hot tubs were before making a run for the water. I threw down my towel, and slipped in next to Laney. The water felt unbearably hot at first, but then it became relaxing. I tried to keep as much of my body in the water as possible to avoid the chilly wind. Despite the cold, it was a beautiful setting. The snow covered mountain dotted with evergreen trees was so breathtaking it almost looked fake.

“Are you ready to tell us about last night?” Dalton asked with a quick glance over his shoulder. It was only two o’clock and earlier than the usual hot tub rush. Most people were still out on the slopes.

“What do you think happened?” I eyed Laney. Wasn’t Dalton the one who was worried about me being a bad influence on his sister?

Laney groaned. “Oh come on. I’m not a baby. You can talk about sex in front of me.”

Dalton shook his head. “No, no we can’t.”

“Laney has a point. She isn’t a kid.”

“She is to me.”

Laney rolled her eyes and picked up her phone from where she left it just outside the hot tub. She was kind of attached to the thing.

“Ok, then let’s change the subject.”

“But you guys are together now, right?” Evidently Dalton wasn’t ready to drop it yet.

“We are,” I said without wavering. I believed Glen when he said he knew we could make it work. If we both wanted it badly enough it was possible.

“Look at that confidence.” Dalton grinned. “Glad it worked out for you.”

“I’m happy.”

“And happy is a good thing.”

“Like making friends is?” I arched an eyebrow.

“Oh my god. On my god.” Laney looked like she was in a state of shock.

“What?” Dalton asked with alarm.

“I got in! I got into Harrison!”

“What? Now?” I found myself getting as excited as she was. “That’s so awesome! Congratulations!”

She held up her phone. “Just got the email!”

“That’s amazing, Laney. Congrats!” Dalton beamed.

“Ahh, I have to tell Mom!”

“Hey, did I miss something?” Glen stripped down to just his swimsuit and got into the hot tub right next to me.

“Laney got into Harrison!” I liked the idea of us going to the same school. She was fun to be around.
