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The Hazards of Mistletoe

The Hazards of Mistletoe (Hazards #4)(33)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Congratulations!” Glen smiled. “That’s great news.”

Laney hopped out and grabbed her towel. “I’m going to tell Mom.”

“I’ll go with you.” Dalton got out. “Don’t stay out here too long.” He winked as he followed Laney back inside.

“Looks like you’re going to have some company at school next year.” Glen put an arm around me.

“Yeah, I’m excited about it.” If only Glen could move closer too. That would make things even better.

“We’ll all have to celebrate later. I bet my Dad has some champagne he’d be more than happy to break out early.”

“Sounds great.” I snuggled into his side.

“You look great. I may have seen you in even less last night and this morning, but that bikini is kind of killing me.”

“Well, seeing you shirtless is hard on me too.”

“Is it?” He brushed his lips against mine.

“And that’s making it worse.” I glanced up as something cold fell on my face. “It’s snowing.”

“Is it me, or do you actually sound excited about that?”

“I am… it’s Christmas Eve tomorrow, snow is a good thing.”

“I knew I’d get that Christmas spirit back.”

“You know what would help even more?”


“If you kissed me again.”

“I think I can manage that.” He cupped my face with his hands. “I plan to do that any chance I get.”

My planned reply of ‘me too’ was lost as his lips met mine.

I got lost in the kiss, and I needed more. I wrapped my arms around his neck and crawled into his lap. I didn’t want any space between us.

Throat clearing had me jumping to the other side of the hot tub. “Oh, it’s just you.” I let out a deep breath. “I thought you were my dad.”

Dalton laughed. “It would have been, but I had a feeling I’d find you guys this way. Any chance you can uh, finish this up later? Laney is dying to go celebrate.”

“Of course,” Glen answered for us. “I was just telling Savy I need to ask my dad for some champagne.”

“You were just asking her that?” Dalton raised an eyebrow.

“Maybe a few minutes ago.” Glen hopped out and got my towel ready for me.

“Thank you.” I eagerly accepted the towel from him before running inside. Being wet outside in that weather was painful.

Glen followed right behind with Dalton.

“I think we should go out for ice cream.”

“Ice cream?” Both guys looked at me.

“Yeah. I think it’s just what Laney needs.” I hoped a certain boy was working the counter. The only thing that was going to make things even better for her was a phone number.


Christmas Eve was so much better that year. I spent the morning snowboarding with my Dad, and that afternoon the whole family went over to listen to a choir sing in the center of Lionshead. It was beautiful and put me in such an amazing mood. The only thing that could have made it better would have been if Glen could have joined us, but he had to work. I tried not to dwell on it because I knew he’d be around that night.

There was something magical about the mountains at Christmas time. The snow everywhere made everything that much more festive. After the concert we all went back to the condo to hang out before Glen, his parents, and his roommate joined us. My grandma and Gina were busy cooking in the kitchen, and the rest of us hung out around the fireplace drinking my seasonal favorite drink, egg nog made with Southern Comfort.

A knock on the door had me jumping out of my seat. I really hoped it was Glen. I wrenched open the door, and when I saw him on the other side I practically jumped into his arms.

“Miss me?”

“Just a little.”

He kissed me on the cheek. “I got here as soon as I could. My parents will probably be over in twenty minutes or so.”

After he said hello to everyone we walked outside onto the balcony. I wrapped my coat around me.

“I wanted to talk to you about something.” He walked around the corner to the one spot no one inside could see us.

“About what?” Normally I would have been panicking, but he seemed happy. I refused to assume the worst.

“Your present.”

“What do you mean? You didn’t have to get me anything.” We had an unofficial rule never to buy each other gifts. We’d never done it in ten years.

"Of course I did. You already got me the best gift ever."

I stared at him. “What are you talking about?”

“You. You gave me you.”

“Well then you’ve already given me a gift too. That is if I get to keep you.”

“Of course you get to keep me. You’ve had my heart for a while. Now you get the full package.”

I pushed his arm. "The full package, huh? I’m guessing there’s no returns.”

“Nope. No returns.”

“I wish you were the kind of package that could be shipped.”

“Shipped, huh?”

“Or packed in my luggage. That is if you wanted to be.”

“Would I want to be in your suitcase? Not particularly because I don’t like small places, but would I want to go with you? Well, you know that answer.”


“Ready for your second gift?”

“I’m ready for anything from you.” I meant it.

“It’s not much yet, but it’s going to get even better.” He handed me a gift wrapped package.

I carefully unwrapped it. “A journal. Cool.”

“It’s not just any journal.”

“It’s a really pretty one?” I ran my hand over the beautiful iridescent blue cover.

“Look inside.”

I opened the front cover. Inside were a few lines written in Glen’s handwriting. I can’t wait to continue this new adventure with you, but I’ll never forget how we got here. With Love, Glen.

“Thank you.” My heart swelled. “Are we going to use this to record what we do together?”

He nodded. “Yes, but first look at the back cover.”

I turned it over and opened it up. Inside was a picture of us as kids. We were grinning as we sat snuggled up in the back of a sleigh. He’d written a few lines. Ten years later, and you make me feel just as complete. Can’t wait to see what happens after ten more.

The tears started pouring down my face before I could close the book. Glen’s arms came around me. “I hope those are happy tears.”
