Read Books Novel

The Historic Neighbor from Hell

“Doesn’t she need a man to handle her estate? Are you handling it for her?” James asked, not bothering to hide his interest.

Richard and Harold laughed. “No, my dear boy. I don’t even handle my own affairs. I have a man for that. No, she handles her estate affairs from her study.”

“She has a study?” Robert heard himself asking. It was probably more feminine than this one if that was even physically possible.

“Yes, the library is hers. No one ever goes in there but her so it just made sense to let her have it. I offered to hire a secretary to help her, but she refuses help. I want nothing to do with it, but it would be nice to see the reins of her estate go to a man though. I’d feel more comfortable knowing that she was well taken care of.” His eyes drifted to James as he spoke. He didn’t even glance Robert’s way. Interesting. Not unexpected though after his past history with Elizabeth and all.

“We may need to be in London for the rest of the season, Richard. Are you sure we won’t be in the way?” Harold asked, bringing the conversation back to the matter of their stay.

He smiled. “Of course I’m sure. It will be good for the women and help you relax. You have enough to handle without the addition of another house to manage. No, you will all stay here and that’s final.”

“Thank you, my Lord,” Robert and James said in unison.

He nodded and continued to sip his port, happy that was done. A scratch at the door before it opened let them know they had company. Alexander stepped inside the office.

“A Mr. Jenkins for Mr. Bradford, my Lord,” the butler said with a respectful bow.

Robert stood. “That would be my secretary. Is there a room I could use? I’m afraid that I have a few things to go over with him since I’m going to have to stay in London longer than I had originally planned.”

Richard waved it off. “Of course, use Elizabeth’s study while you’re here. She won’t mind.” Robert wouldn’t bet on that. He was sure that it would irritate Elizabeth to no end to share a study with him. A slow smiled spread over his face at the thought of annoying the little pain in the ass.

“Thank you, my Lord. That is very generous. If you’re sure it won’t bother her?” he asked congenially although he hoped it would bother the hell out of her.

Her father chuckled. “Go on. It’s still my house after all.” The other men laughed as well, knowing Elizabeth wouldn’t like it one bit.

After the other night when Elizabeth had finally managed to escape the old music room, and he was still curious about that, she’d marched into the dinning room where he’d been eating with the rest of their family. He’d been minding his own business when she’d snatched a glass of red wine from her mother as she stormed past her and proceeded to pour it over his head. That hadn’t bothered him as much as when the little brat reached over and snatched up his plate filled with apple tarts and turned around to storm off with his precious treats.

When he made a move to rescue his delicious morsels, his father, brother, Lord Norwood and every available footman in the house tackled him to the ground, probably thinking that he meant to kill the little brat over the wine. He could have cared less about the wine, but he very much cared about the fact that she’d stopped in the doorway to shoot him a smug look as she ate one of his apple tarts while he’d been helpless to stop her.

At that moment he didn’t care if he had to work on a desk covered in pink lace. He would use that room just to annoy her. It was a sick pleasure, but a pleasure nonetheless to aggravate her.

Alexander led him to an ordinary white door. Robert opened the door and had to bite back a gasp of surprise. The room was very masculine and very similar to his old office. The desk was actually bigger than his. The books looked well read and there was nothing dainty in this room. Actually, everything looked rather new. Elizabeth decorated this room? Impossible.

Gregory, his man of affairs, was already seated at a small desk in the corner, working. He stood upon seeing Robert enter the room. “I was sorry to hear about your family’s misfortune, sir.”

Robert was still looking around the room. “It’s no matter. My family will rebuild, but I’m afraid that we’ll also stay here for the remainder of the season, Gregory.”

“You’re staying, sir? I thought you were to sail for America in three weeks.”

“Change of plans. Do you think that you’ll be able to manage?” he asked Gregory.

He nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“Good. Let’s get to work.” He moved behind the desk. It was clean and well organized. He pulled back the chair, sat down, and sighed loudly. It was the most comfortable chair he’d ever sat in. He leaned back. It was perfect. He was going to have to find the maker and have one made for himself or steal this one, he decided. He looked up to find Gregory watching him with a bit of a frown.

“Good chair,” he simply said. Gregory nodded knowingly and returned his attention to the ledgers.

Robert stretched his legs out before him. The space was deep and wide. He ducked his head to have a look beneath the desk. It was also covered, probably a good idea for a woman so that no one sitting across from her could see her ankles. He rather liked it.


Robert looked up and grinned at a very irritated Elizabeth. “Very much so. Thank you.”

Gregory immediately jumped to his feet and gave an awkward bow. “My Lady,” he mumbled nervously.

She smiled pleasantly in his direction and scowled in Robert’s. He chuckled freely, earning a haughty glare that she couldn’t quite pull off. She practically marched around the desk until she stood in front of him. He leaned back rather comfortably.

“Yes?” he drawled, amused by her expression.

Elizabeth sighed. “You’re in my chair.”

He looked pointedly around him. “Hmm, I don’t see your name on it.”

She groaned. “You know bloo-darn well that’s my chair. Now, are you going to move?”




“You’re annoying!”

“Yes.” He chuckled. “You’ll just have to get used to it.”

“Why?” she asked cautiously.

His lips tugged up slowly into a huge grin. “Because your father has decided to take us in until our house if fixed.”

“W-what?” she asked, unable to hide her surprise.
