Read Books Novel

The Historic Neighbor from Hell

“Looks like we’ll be sharing an office,” he said with a wink before he pointedly looked down at his papers. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have work to do,” he said, watching her out of the corner of his eye.

She rolled her eyes and turned to face Gregory, giving him a rather nice view of her backside. He had trouble swallowing. He remembered all too well how that particular part of her body felt in his hands. Did she know what she was doing to him?

“You, sir, have my deepest sympathies,” she said to Gregory.

“F-for what, my lady?” Gregory nervously asked. The man always had problems talking to women, even his own wife. A beautiful woman would damn near kill the man with sputtering. He pitied the man for surely any attention from his minx would send him to an early grave.

“For being saddled with the likes of this man.”

Gregory swallowed loudly, not sure how to respond. He didn’t want to upset Elizabeth, but he definitely did not want to offend his employer. “Mr. Bradford is an excellent employer, my Lady.”

Elizabeth looked over her shoulder at Robert with a hint of mischief in her eyes. What was she about? he wondered as she turned back to Gregory and gave him another view of that beautiful bottom that he desperately want to touch again.

“What is your name, sir?”

“Mr. Gregory Jenkins, my Lady.”

She nodded and smiled as though the name pleased her. “Mr. Jenkins, I find myself in need of a man in your position. What do you say to coming to work for me for let’s say an additional two pounds a month?”

Robert jumped to his feet. Trying to steal away a good employee was considered rude, but to do it in front of the current employer was a slap in the face. “What the hell?” Robert snapped, not caring that he was swearing in a woman’s presence or that Gregory was leaving his service in a matter of weeks anyway.

Gregory looked nervously between the two of them. “M-my Lady, I…”

“Five additional pounds a month. I assure you, sir, this is a real offer.”

“But you know nothing of me, my Lady,” he said, shifting nervously.

“Ten pounds,” Elizabeth said without batting an eye.

Robert stepped in front of her. He knew with an offer like that Gregory would have to be a fool to refuse, especially since he had a child on the way. Gregory looked at him pleadingly. He didn’t know what to do, but Robert saw that he was tempted. Damn it, he was not about to lose the best employee he’d ever had to her .

“I’ll match the offer,” he said, giving Gregory a meaningful look to let him know that he’d make sure that his father, who he was pretty sure would hire Gregory, would match the offer once he left for America. Ah hell, the man was worth it. He’d already planned on giving him a good size raise soon anyway because of the baby.

“I’ll give you that plus one week off a year with pay,” Elizabeth said in a bored tone.

“I’ll match that and add a week,” Robert said almost desperately. He was not going to lose, damn it! Gregory’s face reddened. “But you have to agree right now not to leave my service and especially not to her .”

“I accept, sir. Thank you, sir,” Gregory said, struggling not to smile.

“Good. Then there will be no more of this nonsense.”

“No, sir.”

“Good,” he said rather smugly as he turned around to rub it in Elizabeth’s face, but she was no longer standing behind him.

She was sitting in his seat with a smug smile of her own. “Looks like I just got my chair back,” she said with a grin, shooting Gregory a wink.

The little minx winked!

It hit him then what she’d done. She’d never planned on stealing Gregory from him. In one swift move she took her chair back, humiliated him, and cost him an extra ten pounds a month, at least for the next month or two. He looked over his shoulder to find Gregory smiling in Elizabeth’s direction. The damn man had figured it out as well.

Elizabeth turned around, sighing happily, in her chair and pushed aside his papers. “If you don’t mind, Robert, you’re in my light and probably in Mr. Jenkins’s light as well. If you want the poor man to be able to work, then you should really move.”

When he didn’t respond she got nervous. She looked up slowly to see him practically shaking with rage. She gulped. Giving him a tentative smile she asked, “Too far?”

Slowly, he nodded.

Chapter 13

“Oh dear.” She jumped to her feet and ducked just as he reached for her. For some reason she always went too far where he was concerned. It really couldn’t be helped though, it was simply too much fun to pass up.

She hiked up her skirts and ran as though her life depended upon it. With one look over her shoulder she realized that it just might. He was chasing after her. She shrieked, but didn’t stop. Her father stepped out into the hall in front of her, flanked by James and Lord Bradford.

“Elizabeth?” he asked, looking stunned.

“Too far!” she said as if those two words would explain why a grown man was chasing his daughter. Evidently they did, because all three men laughed and nodded knowingly. She didn’t stick around to see if her father was going to help her. There was a madman chasing her after all.

“Beth!” Robert roared.

She yelped as she ran through the kitchen. “Stop him!” she pleaded to the servants. One look at Robert had them all stepping back.


She was out of breath and admittedly frightened. Robert as a boy was a formidable opponent. Robert as a man was deadly. She scooted around the long oak table, hoping to keep him on the other side.

“Leave us,” he ordered in a cold voice.

“No, don’t!” Elizabeth pleaded.

They weren’t stupid. They fled. She would have too if he’d given her the option. Hmm, perhaps he was. She ducked and tried to join the fleeing servants. His hand came down on her shoulder just when she thought that she might be able to sneak away.

“Oh, not you, Elizabeth.”

She laughed nervously. “Well, you weren’t specific.” She ducked away from him.

“You went too far, Elizabeth.”

“I-I know,” she stammered as she went back around the table. He followed at a predatory pace. This man was frightening. Why hadn’t she noticed that in the orangery?

He stopped suddenly and looked to his left. “Oh look, it’s laundry day,” he noted in a deceptively bored tone.

She didn’t want to move her gaze away from him, but her eyes wouldn’t listen to her. Of their own accord they followed his gaze to the large laundry tub full of water, clothes and soap.
