The Journey Home (Page 63)

The Journey Home(63)
Author: Kelly Elliott

“When did she cut her first tooth, or run her first fever? Does she like carrots? What was the first word she ever said? Has she taken her first steps yet? What’s her favorite thing to have in her cereal? When she fusses at night, what settles her down?”

Mrs. Jones’ mouth dropped open, but nothing came out. Zoey’s father hung his head down, not even bothering to look at me.

“You can’t answer a single one of these questions,” I said, “because for the last year you have had zero contact with her. None.”

The woman narrowed her eyes at me and slammed her hand down on the table, making me jump. “You. Are. Not. Her. Mother.”

Cale went to stand, but I put my hand on his shoulder. I shook my head. “I’m more of a mother to her than you would ever be. Even if Zoey were alive, you and I both know she’d never have stayed. She’d have left Cale and gone back to her single, carefree life.”

Mrs. Jones stood up. “You don’t know that.”

“She didn’t even think Lily would live. She never even bothered to set up the nursery. She didn’t buy a single thing for Lily. Not even a crib. You know, you weren’t even around when your daughter was pregnant. You abandoned her, just like you abandoned Lily the day she was born.”

Mrs. Jones squared her shoulders and held her head higher. “Well, I’m ready to be here for my granddaughter now. You are not her mother. You will never be her mother.”

I locked eyes with her. I was not backing down from this fight. Lily was my daughter, and I would stop at nothing to keep this woman away from her.

I laughed gruffly, looking down at Mr. Jones. I had the feeling he wanted nothing to do with this fight. Why Zoey’s mother had decided to pull this shit now was beyond me.

“I’m going to find out why the hell you are suddenly so interested in our daughter. And, as far as me not being Lily’s mother, and you getting visitation rights? You can go fuck yourself.”

I pushed my chair back and walked out of the room. My hands were shaking and I felt sick to my stomach. I covered my mouth and made a beeline for the restroom.

After I threw up everything in my stomach, I sat down, finally letting my tears fall.

“I’ll never let her have my daughter. Never.” I whispered.

I PACED BACK and forth outside the bathroom door. I was about ready to go in when Maddie came out. I quickly pulled her into my arms. When she broke down in tears, I wanted to go back and pound the shit out of Zoey’s mother. I had never hated anyone in my entire life, but I hated that woman with everything I had.

“Shh, baby, don’t worry. They have no legal rights to her.”

“Surely no judge in their right mind would grant her anything. Right?” she said.

I held her tight. “No, with zero contact, there is no way. Dad seems to think there is something else fueling Zoey’s mother. Whatever it is, we are going to find out and put a stop to it so she never bothers us again. The lawyers are also drawing up the papers to have you legally adopt Lily.”

Maddie wiped her eyes and looked up at me. Her beautiful, green eyes were so bloodshot from crying, and mascara streaked down her face. It broke my heart. “Come on,” I said. “Let’s go home and see our daughter.”

She slipped her arm around my waist as we walked out of the courthouse. I glanced over and nodded at my father’s lead council. He smiled and gave me a thumbs-up. I’d given him the phone number to Jack’s private investigator. I knew that guy would get to the bottom of this. There had to be a reason Zoey’s parents were showing up out of blue.

We’d driven in silence for twenty minutes when I finally asked Maddie a question. “Did you find your dress?”

For the first time since she’d flown in yesterday, she smiled. “I did,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows. “And I’m pretty sure you are going to faint when you see it.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Really? Will I want you out of it?”

She nodded and giggled. “I even know what I’m wearing underneath it.”

I felt my pants getting tighter and I adjusted my growing dick. “Damn it, Maddie. You’re going to make me pull over and take you in the car.”

She laughed. “I like that you get so horny for me,” she said. “Just so you know, I don’t plan on wearing any panties when we get married. I want you to think about me wet for you during the entire ceremony and reception.”

I hit the brakes and quickly pulled down a side dirt road.

“Where are we going, Cale?” Maddie asked, laughing.

I had no clue where the hell I was going. I drove a bit further until I saw another small road. Turning, I drove about a mile. I parked, jumped out and walked to Maddie’s side where I opened her door and pulled her out.

“Cale, we are on someone’s property, what are you doing?”

I unzipped my pants and pulled them down as I reached up her dress. I yanked her lace panties and they fell apart in my hand. I loved that she wore such delicate panties.

She smiled and placed her hands on my shoulders. I knew that Maddie loved it when we made love—slow and sweet. But I also knew she loved when we did things like this—spontaneous, raw, passionate sex.

Picking her up, I placed my dick at her entrance. She dropped her head back and moaned as I entered her. I pushed her against the car, taking us to heaven and back.

MADDIE WALKED THROUGH the door and into the kitchen. Monica looked up and smiled. “How did it go?”

“She’s such a bitch.” Maddie said, whispering the word “bitch.” Continuing, she said, “I hate her. She’s never going to get within a foot of Lily.”

Maddie picked up Lily, who smiled and said, “Mama, bird!”

Maddie walked to the sliding glass door and out onto the deck. She was smiling as she talked to Lily and pointed up to the birds. She sang to her as she danced with Lily.

I let out a long sigh and turned to Monica. “Jesus, I hate to see Maddie so upset. But, I have to tell you, I almost yelled out, ‘Hell, yeah’ when Maddie told Zoey’s mother to fuck off.”

Monica covered her mouth as she started to laugh. Jack came over and slapped me on the back. “I always did like that girl”.

I threw my head back and laughed.

“How about some dinner?” Monica asked as she stopped and put her hand on her stomach. “Oh God…Oh God…”

Jack and I both looked at her and said, “What?”