Read Books Novel

The Last Boyfriend

The Last Boyfriend (Forever Love #1)(33)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“Are you hungry?”

“Yes.” I laughed. “Are we going to get food? Please say yes.”

“We’re going to get a hot dog from Pinky’s. I think they have to be the most famous hot dog stand in the world.”

“I think I’ve seen them on the Food Network. Don’t they have a long wait or something?”

“We won’t have to wait. You forget my dad runs this town.”

“Oh well sorry.” I put on a posh accent.

“I’m joking.” He grins. “Well somewhat, my dad is pretty influential, and we won’t have to wait.”

“Will I get to meet your dad?” I asked hesitatingly.

“I’m not sure.” He frowned. “He’s overseas right now.”

“Oh.” My heart panged for him slightly and I suddenly realized why he felt like such a kindred spirit. For all intents and purposes, we were one and the same. We were both alone in the world.

“But I can still introduce you to some movie stars if that’s what you’re worried about?”

“No.” I laughed and grabbed his hand tightly. “I don’t really care about actors and famous people.”

“You’re definitely one-of-a-kind.”

“I like to think so.” I smiled up at him happily and we walked back to his car. “So now we go for hot dogs, what next?”

“That’ll be a surprise.”

“You and your surprises.” I shook my head and pretended to frown. I was delighted that he had gone out of his way to make this special for me. Maybe the Zane I was hoping to find was already coming to the surface. Maybe we would fall in love and this could be our happily ever after.

“Let’s go get some dogs.”

“Sounds good.”

“So Lucky, I want to know more about you. Tell me about what makes you tick.”

“I love watching criminal TV shows. Law and Order, Criminal Minds, CSI, and Dexter—”

“I love Dexter. The books are great as well. Jeff Lindsay is such a great writer. His sense of humor is awesome.”

“Oh, I’ve never read the books. I’ll have to check them out.”

“I have some at home. You can borrow them if you want.”

“That would be great.”

“Oh, by the way, the garage called me this morning, your car does have a head gasket problem.”

“I told you.” I hit him in the arm. “I’m not just some dumb girl, you know.”

“Ow, that hurt,” he grinned, as he rubbed his arm. “I’m not sure I want to be your sub, I told you that already.”

“You’re an idiot.” I hit him again.

“Lucky, I do own handcuffs, you know. You don’t want to test me.” He grabbed my hand and held it tightly. “I’d quite enjoy handcuffing you and—”

“Zane, I’m going to start to think you’re only after me for my body.” I was only half-joking, but I kept my tone light.

“Lucky, you’re body is just one of the reasons I like being with you.” He let go of my hand and rubbed my leg. “You’re the first girl I’ve ever been able to just be with, with no expectations. You’re not expecting me to take you shopping on Rodeo Drive, you’re not—”

“You mean I’m not going to be able to live my Julia Roberts’ Pretty Women moment today?” I pouted, and he laughed.

“We can go to the lingerie shop if you want. There’s a La Perla in Beverly Hills that I can take you to.”

“Ooh you’re going to buy me pearls. What’s next, a diamond?” I joked, but immediately wanted to slap myself for my gaffe.

“La Perla is a high-end lingerie store.” Zane’s voice was amused. “And no, no diamonds will be coming from me I’m afraid.”

“I’ve only been to Victoria’s Secret before.” I kept the conversation away from the jewelry talk, and tried to ignore the hurt I felt, once again, at his words. You know he’s not looking for forever, Lucky. Just deal with it.

“Then let’s go get you a teddy. I’d quite like to see that.”

“That’s okay.” I paused and bit my lip. I was starting to feel like all he wanted from me was sex. I hoped it was about more than that. I knew it was stupid to want more, but I couldn’t stop myself from hoping and wishing. Hopes are for fools, Lucky, the little devil inside of my head whispered. Don’t be a fool. Enjoy the sex, have some fun, hope for him to change, but don’t get emotionally involved.

I sighed and turned on the radio. I didn’t want to keep thinking and analyzing the situation anymore. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen. I just had to make sure to keep my heart protected. I had chosen to walk away from my rules. If I got hurt, it would be my fault. “Maybe we can go another day.”

“After hot dogs, I’m going to take you to Griffith Observatory.” He slapped his mouth. “Oh shit, I let the cat out of the bag.”

“What’s that? A place we can see stars?”

“We’ll be up in the hills and will be able to see most of LA from above. And it’s an unusually clear day today, so we should have a great view.”

“Sounds amazing.” I sat back and listened to the sounds of smooth jazz coming through the stereo system. It wasn’t the genre of music that I normally listened to, but it seemed to fit this moment.

“I’m glad you’re here Lucky.” Zane interrupted my reverie. “In case you couldn’t tell. I’m really glad that you’re here.”

Chapter 12

“I can’t believe we’re having the party tonight.” I grinned at Zane as he prepared me a sandwich for lunch.

“I know.” He groaned. “I should cancel it. I want to have you all to myself tonight.”

“You’ve had me all to yourself for two whole weeks.” I laughed happily. “I’m surprised you haven’t gotten annoyed with me yet. We normally see each other for a few moments once a week, and now you see me 24/7.”

“I couldn’t think of a better person to work and sleep with.”

“You don’t let me sleep.” I stretched and Zane stared at my br**sts through my top. “Looking at something?” I grinned.

“Well, you can’t not wear a bra and expect me not to notice.” He stepped away from the counter and walked over to me. I hit his arm as he stood next to me and reached over to grab my br**sts.
