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The Last Boyfriend

The Last Boyfriend (Forever Love #1)(34)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“Zane.” I laughed. “I’m hungry and we still have an interview this afternoon before we have to get ready for the party.”

“We still have time for a quickie.”

“It’s never quick with you.” I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him and gave him a quick kiss. I ran my hands through his hair and pulled away as he ran his hands over my ass. “Okay, that’s enough. I’m going to go change, and then hopefully, my lunch will be ready.”

“You tease.” He groaned and hit me on the ass as I ran out of the room giggling. As I ran up the stairs to get some clothes from my room, I marveled at just how great the last two weeks have been. I had been slightly worried that Zane was going to have next-day regrets after we had sex the first time, but he had been great. He had been sweet and caring, and we had been inseparable since we arrived in Los Angeles. It was almost surreal—I hadn’t expected us to have gotten so close so quickly. It was even more wonderful than I could have imagined. I walked into my room and looked at the bed with a smile. I hadn’t slept in it one night and while it looked comfortable, I wasn’t sad about that.

“Lunch is ready,” Zane shouted up the stairs.

“I just got to my room, Zane,” I shouted back, as I went through my clothes. “I’m going to be a few minutes.”

“Want me to come up and help?”

“No thanks.”

“I’m real good with getting clothes off.”

“That’s the least of my worries.” I laughed and grabbed a pair of shorts, a bra, and a paisley shirt I had gotten at a vintage shop. I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair, letting it hang loose instead of in my usual ponytail. I applied some light makeup and a dash of lip gloss, and smiled at my reflection. I looked pretty and in love, and I thought that this moment was perhaps the happiest I have ever been in my life.

“Aren’t you ready yet?” I heard Zane at my doorway, and spun around.

“You are so impatient.” I rolled my eyes.

“I missed you.” He walked into the room and grabbed me, pulling me towards him. I clung to him and stared up at his handsome face, his blue eyes seemed so open and there was a devilish spark in them.

“I am not having sex with you, Zane Beaumont.”

“Who said I wanted sex?” He pouted, and trailed his finger down my throat. “I just came to make sure you were okay.”

“In case I fell in the toilet or something?”

“You know, you can’t be too careful.”

“Well, of course not.”

“You are the girl whose car broke down in the middle of the night, after all.”

“Indeed, I am.”

“And you’re the girl that accepted a job with a strange guy and moved across the country.”

“I know. What was I thinking?” I shook my head in despair. “I’m a silly, silly girl.”

“Yes, you are.” He kissed my nose. “So, of course you understand why I had to come up and make sure you are okay.”

“Hmm, I still think you’re not going to get laid right now.”

“Well then, let’s go eat.” He laughed, planted a firm kiss on my lips and dragged me out of the room. “And by the way, your lip gloss tastes like strawberry milkshake.”

“Yummy.” I stuck my tongue out at him and he squeezed my hand. As we walked into the kitchen, I picked up my phone to see if I had any messages.

“Everything okay?” Zane looked up at me, and noticed my frown.

“Yeah. It’s just Leeza.” I offered him a quick smile and looked back at the text from Braydon.

Hey Lucky, I miss you. I haven’t heard from you in almost two weeks. Give me a call. I’m coming to Los Angeles soon. I’d love to take you around and show you a good time. I hope all your history knowledge is paying off and that Zane isn’t being a complete and utter jackass. I saw Angelique last night, and she told me she dumped him. I’m sure he’s pretty sore, so just ignore him. Text or call me.

I read the text message twice before putting my phone down. I felt my heart thudding as I accepted the sandwich from Zane. I studied his face to see if I could see any stress lines around his eyes. I was quiet as I ate my sandwich. Braydon’s text had ruined my mood, and all of a sudden, I just wanted to be by myself.

“Hey Lucky, what did Leeza have to say?” Zane looked at me from across the table with a guarded expression.

“She just wanted to know when I’d be back in Miami.”

“Oh.” He looked away. “What did you say?”

“I didn’t respond. I don’t really know.”

“I guess when the documentary is finished.” He stood up. “Are you done with your plate?”

I nodded and bit my lip as he carried our plates to the sink. “So do you have a date place in Los Angeles as well?”

“Sorry what?” He turned around with a frown.

“Do you have a place you take your dates every Friday night here as well?”

“No.” His reply was curt.

“Why were you in Miami?” I asked him cautiously. “Were you researching for the documentary?”

“No.” He paused. “I had some other stuff going on.”

“Like dating a different girl every week?”

“What can I say? I like the company of beautiful women?” He walked away from me. “Are you ready?”

“Did you date Angelique?”

“Angelique?” He looked back at me brusquely. “Why?”

“I was just curious. You were very cozy with her at the party, but I never saw her with you at the diner.”

“I never took her to the diner.”

“So she was more than a one-time date?”

“Why are you asking me these questions, Lucky?” He sighed. “We have to get going, Mr. Johnson will be wondering where we are.”

“Why is my bedroom so feminine?” The words shot out of my mouth before I could stop them. “Did Angelique design the room?”

“What’s your sudden preoccupation with Angelique?” He sighed. “Can we talk about this later?”

“Why won’t you tell me?” I continued, now frustrated. “Was she your girlfriend or not?”

“Look Lucky, Angelique was not my girlfriend, and neither are you. Stop nagging me please.” He opened the door and waited for me to walk through.

Tears stung my eyes as I walked through the front door, my heart was beating so loudly that I was positive Zane could hear it. You’re not his girlfriend, Lucky. You’re not his girlfriend. That’s all I could think about as I got into his car silently. His words hurt me to my very core and I stared out the window. Well, that puts you in your place, I thought to myself. We may be lovers and we may have a developing friendship, but that’s all it was and all it would ever be. I sighed as I sat back. I wanted to go home. This was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, and if I was honest with myself, I knew that I wasn’t cut out for rejection. Not after everything. I wasn’t the sort of girl who could and would put up with anything just to get the guy she loved. That realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I was falling in love with Zane, and I didn’t want it to be an upward battle. I wanted him to know and realize, as surely as I do, that we had a connection. I wanted him to be the one pursuing me, and not vice versa.
