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The Love Game

The Love Game (The Game #1)(15)
Author: Emma Hart

Shaking off my x-rated thoughts, I grin at her when she stops in front of me. She smiles at me, and I bend down slowly, cupping her head and capturing her soft lips with mine. One of her hands rests on my waist to steady her, and the other grips the arm holding her. She responds to the kiss almost eagerly, and I’m in no hurry to pull away.

This girl can do crazy shit with her mouth on mine. I’m not gonna lie and say I don’t want that mouth elsewhere on me, ’cause I do, but until that happens I could stand here and kiss her all damn day.

Megan coughs discreetly, and I reluctantly release Maddie.

“Good morning, Angel,” I say softly.

“Good morning.” She bites her top lip and looks up at me with those pretty little eyes.

“Good morning, Bray. I’d ask you how you are today, but you seem pretty damn good,” Megan says sarcastically.

“Good morning, Meggy.” I wrap my arm around Maddie. “I’m fine and dandy this morning. How are you?”

“Oh, you heard me then?” She rolls her eyes. Maddie smirks next to me.

I tug on her hair. “I’d have to be seriously hearing-impaired to not hear you.”

“That, or busy playing a serious game of tonsil tennis.” She opens the door to Starbucks and winks at me.

“No tonsils involved,” Maddie replies casually. “I haven’t had my coffee yet. If he’d tried that, I would have bitten him.”

Maddie Stevens, biting me? Yes. Fucking. Please.

“Sounds promising,” I mutter. Megan elbows me.


“You should know I’m a pig.” We approach the counter. “I don’t know why you’re surprised.”

“What can I get for you?” the barista says. I think it’s the same one as the other day – and she’s hot. Dark where Maddie is fiery and maybe a little more meat on her bones. Still, I’d give her one. Or two.

“I got this.” I wink at Maddie. “Two grande double chocolate chip fraps.”

“Impressive.” She looks up at me and smiles.

“I got it right?”

“Yes, but you forgot the muffins.”

I laugh and pull her a little closer to me. “And two blueberry muffins.”

“And I’ll have a caramel frap with extra cream,” Meggy puts in. “He’s paying.”

I shrug as if to say ‘what can I do?’ but I don’t care. It’s f**king coffee.

The barista bustles around making them and sets them on the counter, sticking her chest in my direction. Her name tag tells me she’s Amanda. Like I care – her name is irrelevant.

I pick up a coffee and hand it to Maddie, training my eyes to ignore the way Amanda’s boobs are popping out of her blouse. Shit, this exclusive shit is hard work. Maddie takes the coffee and curls right into my side, shooting Amanda a look. Oh yeah, the girl has it bad for me.

“He has a girlfriend, obviously.” Meggy picks up her cup. “Don’t be so cheap.”

I smirk, and Maddie sputters on the mouthful of coffee she’s just taken. I rub her back soothingly. “You okay, Maddie?”

“Fine,” she squeaks. “Just fine.”

Meggy smiles at Amanda and turns to the plush sofas in the far corner of the room. I lead Maddie over and slide in next to her, making sure my leg touches hers. She settles her coffee on the table and picks at her muffin the same way she did on Tuesday, popping small pieces between those lips of hers.

I’d love to be that muffin right now.

I watch, mesmerized by the way she licks her lips after every bite, her tongue flicking out daintily to wipe away the crumbs. I’d love to be those crumbs too.


I turn to look at Meggy. “What?”

“I said, are you going to the beach party tonight?” A slow, knowing smile breaks out on her face. She caught me watching Maddie. Busted.

“Depends,” I answer, sliding my hand onto Maddie’s thigh. Her skin is silky smooth, like marble. My dick stirs, and I instantly imagine those thighs wrapped around my waist…. My legs… My neck….

“On what?”

“If my girl is going.” My eyes meet hers, and I draw gentle circles on her bare skin. Fuck. I’m actually torturing myself.

“Lila said earlier that she and Ryan are going. I don’t mind,” she says. “It could be fun.”

“Then yes, I’m going,” I tell Meggy. Her lips purse into an amused smile, and I graze my teeth along my bottom lip. “What?”

“Nothing.” She relaxes back into her seat. “Nothing at all.”

Fucking liar.

The door opens, and I glance over. I glance again – and one of the girls is Blondie from last weekend. The one I blew off. This could be a little awkward.

She looks over at me and wiggles her fingers. “Hi, Braden!”

I see Maddie’s eyes flick towards her, back to me, back to her. I know she’s making the connection, and I know what she’s thinking. Shit.

I take my hand from her thigh and link my fingers through hers, bringing her hand to my mouth and pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. She looks at me and her eyes are guarded, hardened, and definitely not showing the playful look she had in them earlier.

“Do you always ignore the girls you sleep with?” she asks quietly, looking at a spot on the wall behind me. Meggy gets up, mumbling something about needing the ladies room. Whatever.

“Maddie, I didn’t sleep with her.” I tug her hand. “She tried, but I wasn’t interested. Not after I saw you that night.”

At least that isn’t a lie.

Her green eyes collide with mine. “I don’t know whether to believe you or not. She looks like she knows you pretty well.”

“If she does it’s because she spent the better part of twenty minutes rubbing her surgically enhanced body up against me while I watched you.”

She scoffs and shakes her head. “Wow. Is that a compliment or an insult?”

I don’t think I’m supposed to answer that. Am I? Girls are f**king complicated.

“Believe me when I say I’ve only got eyes for you. I’m not interested in anyone else.” When we’re alone. I turn her face towards mine gently and lean in. “Just you, Angel, okay? Not Blondie over there.”

I brush her lips with mine. This might be a game, but I could get used to kissing her.

She smiles against my mouth. “Blondie? Don’t you even know her name?”

I pull away so our foreheads are touching. “No, like I said, I was too busy watching you to care if her name was Laura or f**kin’ Popsicle.”

Maddie giggles and I grin.

“Okay,” she says softly. “I believe you.”

“Good,” I mutter and kiss her again, for longer this time.
