Read Books Novel

The Love Game

The Love Game (The Game #1)(16)
Author: Emma Hart

That was a f**king close call.

Chapter Fifteen – Maddie

“The whole ‘do you always ignore the girls you sleep with?’ line was magic, Maddie. Pure freakin’ magic.” Megan laughs across the room. I pause, my mascara wand suspended in mid-air and smile at her through the mirror. I’m glad she’s thinking about the plan, because I’m not.

I’m too preoccupied with how I feel when he’s touching me.

When he did the hand on thigh move earlier I wanted to castrate him. Really, I wanted to rip off his gentlemanly parts and rub them against a cheese grater. Repeatedly. When he started rubbing my leg, I wanted to punch him, yet when he took his hand away I wanted to grab it and demand he left it there.

That thought makes me feel slightly ill. I wanted Braden Carter to touch me, and when he did I enjoyed it. I damn well enjoyed that innocently sexy move he did with the pad of his thumb against the inside of my leg. This plan is getting dangerous.

It’s a week in and already I can feel a little crack against my attraction to him. Yeah, the same attraction I locked away in a steel box complete with heavy duty padlock and a coded password.

What gets me is how I could be disgusted with him one minute and kissing him the next. And I didn’t care. I still don’t care. Ugh, how can I like kissing someone I hate so much? I need to remember this is a game, and to win I have to play. I have to play by the rules. His rules. The only way to win is by playing by the rules of the player.

Sex governs the game. It’s the aim, the grand prize. Anything other than sexual attraction and feelings of sexual want don’t have a place here, not on my watch.

One week down and three to go. He’s feeling more than just sex with me, that much is clear. My act is believable, and I know he’s falling for it. And me.

I just have to remember to hate him.


My hair blows in the wind, and I scrape it round my neck, holding it to one side. The breeze is a welcome addition to the too-hot fall weather, so I don’t mind. I just wish I’d thought to bring a hairband with me.

Lila hums loudly as we step onto the sound, following the sounds of laughter and cheering to the far end of the beach. The whole freshman year is here, it seems, and music is pumping from somewhere. A bonfire is being set up, and I hear Megan’s groan.

“Why do they need a bonfire? It’s still 80 degrees out.”

“Because they’re cool.” Kay laughs. “Dicks.”

I grunt my agreement and look through the crowd, my eyes searching for Braden. Do I get five minutes to actually enjoy this party before I’m forced into playing the doting new girlfriend?

Apparently so.

We find a spot, and Lila immediately begins to examine the sand for pebbles and driftwood. God help any piece of driftwood that scratched or grazed her leg. Apparently deeming it safe to sit, she settles down and leans back against a tree. Megan shakes her head, and both she and Kay drop themselves to the sand. I follow suit, but more conservatively than they did it.

I run my fingers through my hair, loosening small tangles from the soft curls at the ends. Sand shifts behind me. Two hands grip my waist, and I jump, letting out a shriek.

“What the-” I turn to look straight into bright blue, amused eyes. “Braden. You scared me.”

“I’m sorry, Angel. I thought I’d surprise you,” he replies, shifting and moving closer to me.

“I think you achieved that,” I mutter, hating the way his skin feels against mine. Or am I hating the fact I like how it feels? I don’t even know.

He rests his chin on my shoulder, pressing his cheek against mine. “I thought you were starting the party without me, girls.”

“Like we’d ever do that,” Kay says in a fake pleasant tone. “We all know you’re the life and soul of the party, Carter.”

“Put your claws away, kitty.” Lila shoves a plastic cup in her face. “Then shut up and drink.”

“Yes, zookeeper.” Kay rolls her eyes, and Lila smirks before turning to Braden.

“Where’s Ryan?”

“He’s grabbing beer from the car with Aston. They’ll be here in a minute,” Braden replies, moving his head so his breath fans across my cheek.

“Lila, can I have a drink?” I ask her. I need something to stay sane tonight.

“My work is done.” Kay throws her hands up, her cup resting in the sand. “I have successfully corrupted Maddie.”

“Not completely,” Megan half-smiles. “She still doesn’t swear or sleep with everything in sight.”

“She isn’t going to, either,” Braden mutters. “The sleeping with everything part, that is.”

“Because you’re a fine one to talk.” Lila raises an eyebrow.

“Hey.” He points a finger at her. “I was single then. I’m a changed man.”

I want to roll my eyes. Several times. Of course he is – and if he isn’t, he soon will be, courtesy of yours truly. Because I can do this.

Lila rolls her eyes for me, and Ryan and Aston approach us. Ryan beelines for Lila while Aston casually sits near Megan. Oh ho, does someone have a little crush? No, that would be stupid. The only thing he has a crush on is what’s inside her panties.

“You’re quiet,” Braden says softly to me.

I smile and turn my face into him. “I’m just listening.”

“Oh, you can listen?” He tickles my side slightly, and I wriggle.

“Don’t tickle me.” I squirm.

“Why? Are you ticklish?”

“I’m not. Nope. Not. At. All.”

“I bet you are.”

“I’m not!”

He moves his fingers against my waist, and I squeal, moving and wriggling in his hold to get away.

“Braden, stop!” I sputter out through controlled laughter.

“Not until you say you’re ticklish,” he teases and tickles me some more.

I shriek and fall backwards, kicking up a little bit of sand. He comes down with me, half lying on me, his arm still around my waist.

“Say it,” he whispers, looking into my eyes.

“No,” I whisper back. “I won’t give in.”

“Neither will I.” He drops his head, and his lips capture mine, soft and warm. My eyes flutter shut, and my hand rests against his neck. My fingers press into his skin, holding him to me.

Braden flicks his tongue out and runs it along my bottom lip, sucking it gently into his mouth. His teeth graze it slightly, nibbling as he releases it. I ignore the gasp wanting to escape from my mouth and the heat spreading down through my body. It pools in the pit of my stomach like molten lava, a swirling, boiling mass of want and need.

And then I remember that I hate him.
