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The Love Game

The Love Game (The Game #1)(42)
Author: Emma Hart

I’m stretching to take him, and he swallows the moan that leaves me. The sensitive skin can’t take it – I can’t take it. He moves out slowly, finding a steady rhythm that has me going crazy.

“Braden, please,” I whisper against his neck, sucking lightly on his skin.

He slides a hand behind my back, and the other cups the back of my head. I graze my teeth along his shoulder, and he drops his head into my neck, kissing me repeatedly.

I clench my muscles once, and he loses pace, picking back up faster. Yes. This is what I want – what I need. I move with him, my hips undulating against his and I arch my back.

Breathing heavy. Forceful kisses. Desperate touches.

He kisses me hard as the sensation takes over, and I cry out his name, my whole body tensing as the waves roll over me. He falters, stops, and I feel all the air leave his lungs. He relaxes on top of me, his kiss slowly becoming softer.

We lie there, together, and when he discards the condom in the wastepaper basket and pulls me against him under the sheets, I know its game over – but not in the way I thought.

It’s supposed to be over. We’re supposed to be over.

But when his every touch tells me I’m beautiful, every look tells me I’m sexy, and every smile tells me I’m all he wants, what’s really over is my part in the game.

What’s just beginning, is the very thing I set out to avoid.

And because of that crazy little thing called love, I don’t even care.


“Hash House A Go Go,” Braden suggests, glancing at the screen on his cell. “Their food looks really good.”

“Okay.” I lean over the bed and kiss his cheek. “Your choice.”

“We can go somewhere else.”

“No. It’s your birthday, we’ll go to this a go go place.”

“You’re going to insist on paying, aren’t you?”

I grab my purse and stop by the door. “Of course I am.”

He groans and pockets his cell, standing up. He grabs a light jacket from the chair and stops behind me, reaching for the door handle. He touches his lips to my bare shoulder, and I turn my face to him, smiling.

“You know what I’d really like for breakfast, Angel?” he murmurs against my skin.

“No idea, but I’m sure you’re about to tell me.” I smirk.

“I’d really like breakfast in bed. With you.”

“With me being the breakfast?”

He chuckles and moves my hair away from my face with his nose. “You learn fast.”

He opens the door, and Megan freezes, her hand in a knocking position.

“Maybe another time,” I mutter and step away from Braden. He lets out a tortured breath.

“Good morning, Meggy. Can I help you?” he deadpans.

She blinks, offended. “Well, I was coming to offer to buy you breakfast, but if you’re gonna be like that, I’ll make you buy your own, you grumpy shit.”

Braden laughs and wraps an arm around her shoulders. “Maddie is already buying mine.”

Megan kisses his cheek. “Happy birthday, stud. And no, she’s not.” She looks at me. “I’ll buy breakfast.”

“Megs-” I argue.

“You can buy dinner.”

“It’s only gonna be pizza.” Braden turns his blue eyes to me and smiles.

“Pizza is fine by me. I love pizza.” She turns and flounces down the hall to the elevator.

“Uh, Meggy?” Braden raises an eyebrow and takes my hand. “Is it just the three of us?”

“Don’t be silly. Lila, Ryan and Aston are already downstairs.”

“Let me guess – Kay’s still out?” I roll my eyes.

“Of course she is,” Megan says it like I shouldn’t even have to ask.

I shouldn’t have to ask, to be honest.

The elevator doors ping open, and I spy the others sitting by the main doors. Aston looks like he’d rather be anywhere other than here, Ryan looks like he needs more sleep than he’s got, and Lila looks like Lila. She’s the only morning person out of us – and it’s already nine a.m.

“It’s a good thing it’s your birthday,” Ryan says as we approach. “’Cause otherwise I’d have to kick your ass for having me up at this time to go out for breakfast. Go out.” He shakes his head.

“Right, man,” Aston agrees. “What’s wrong with f**kin’ room service?”

“What’s wrong with room service is they don’t have soap to wash your mouth out with like I do.” Megan smiles sweetly at him, and Lila flicks Ryan’s ear.

“You miserable shit,” she scolds, then looks at Braden. “Happy birthday.”

“Thanks,” Braden half-smiles.

We all make to leave the hotel, and the dry desert heat hits us as soon as we step outside. There’s no sea breeze, no reprieve from the heat that’s already burning down on us.

“Sheesh.” Lila fans herself. “I think I just stepped into the desert.”

I look down at the sidewalk to hide my smile, and Braden laughs silently. I elbow him.

“Um, Lila, honey?” Megan says softly. “You are in the desert.”

“Oh shit.” Lila laughs at herself, and when I look back up, Ryan’s head is shaking. There’s always one – and it’s nearly always Lila.

We walk for what feels like hours, and after a while I start wondering how anyone knows where we’re going. I mention as much.

Megan replies by holding her phone over her shoulder. On the screen is Google Maps.

“You planned our route on Google Maps?”

“I did.” She winks.

“And you didn’t think it would be easier to oh, I don’t know, call a cab?” I raise my eyebrows, and Lila stops.

“Why didn’t we think of that?” She looks back at me.

“I didn’t know it was so far away.”

“It’s round the corner,” Braden says. “Is it really that far?”

“Yes,” I grumble, walking again.

He drops my hand and wraps his arm round my waist, pulling me to stop. He bends and hooks his other arm around my knees, sweeping me up into his arms. I shriek and grab his neck.

“What are you doing?”

He laughs, burying his face in my hair as we walk. “I’m making sure you’re not too tired for later,” he whispers.

“And what would that be?”

“Whatever you want it to be,” he breathes, kissing my ear. I shiver and tug a lock of his blonde hair at the bottom of his head.

“It’s too early for dirty thoughts.”

“Hell no it isn’t.” He glances down at my chest and legs before looking back ahead. I sigh and shake my head. Sometimes I know I won’t win with him so I’ll just leave him to it.
