Read Books Novel

The Love Game

The Love Game (The Game #1)(43)
Author: Emma Hart

Besides, I can’t exactly see another round of sex with Braden Carter being too much of a hardship.

Chapter Thirty-Four – Braden

I’m falling in love with Maddie Stevens. I know it. It’s her laugh, her smile, her everything. For something that started off as a game, it’s damn real now. It’s more real than anything I’ve ever felt in my life.

It’s not even sex – although that’s f**king amazing. A part of me knows I could live without sex if it meant I could be with her. And I wouldn’t give up sex for anything.

Especially not when a red dress that hugs every inch of every curve I’ve touched is being worn by the girl in question.

But no. Maddie is more than that. She’s just more. She’s a little broken, a little cracked, but she’s also a whole lot of something I can’t even describe. She’s filling a part of me I didn’t even know was empty.

I slink up behind her, sliding my hands onto her hips and kissing the exposed skin of her neck. She finishes brushing her hair and turns her face into me. A small smile graces her glossy pink lips.

“What?” she asks.

“I like this dress,” I reply.

“So do I.”

“I think I’d like it better on the floor, or slung over that chair over there, though.”

“I’m sure you would,” she says dryly. “But since everyone is waiting for us, it’s gonna have to stay exactly where it is for now.”

“Damn,” I mutter, leaving a trail of kisses across her neck. “Are you sure they can’t wait a little longer, Angel?”

“Braden,” she scolds, wriggling from my hold. She turns and looks up at me. “If this dress comes off now, you won’t leave this room.”


“So it’s staying on.”

I groan and she laughs quietly, touching a hand to my cheek. She presses her lips against mine, hot and sweet, and I groan again.

“Do that again, and it won’t be f**king staying on, Maddie.”

She grins and turns, bending over to take her shoes from under the bed. I watch her as she slips each foot into the black heels, the material of her dress barely covering her ass when she’s bent over like that. A scrap of silky black material peeks out from under it, and my dick jumps to attention.

Okay, No one said the dress had to come off.

“Braden,” she says in a no nonsense voice.

“Maddie,” I reply innocently, taking in the view as she straightens.

“You know what I’m going to say-”

“I’m ready.” I stand and move towards her. “But you,” I mutter, running my hands down her sides. “Need to avoid bending over tonight.” I tug her dress down.

“And why is that?” Her voice is breathy.

“Because only one person will be seeing that tiny scrap of material you call underwear tonight, and he won’t be seeing it in public.” I tilt my hips towards her, and she inhales sharply. “Deal?”

“Deal,” she agrees, stepping away from me. Her green eyes flicker down to my pants. “And put that thing away.”

I smirk. “’That thing’ agrees, but only because he knows he’ll be out later.”

The twitch of her lips gives away her amusement. “Stop it.” She grabs a small black purse from the side and walks over to the door. “Are you coming?”

“If I’m not already,” I mutter. “I will be later.”


In the VIP viewing area for the Sirens of TI show, I realize this must be Aston’s idea. He’s the only one who would plan this – and since only Ryan and I aren’t single, I know all the guys would have agreed. Kay would have agreed, leaving Megan to chaperone her. Of course, I’d be here since it’s my birthday weekend, so by default so would Maddie, Ryan and Lila.

And I know exactly what the sneaky little f**ker is doing.

Send Braden to a sexy show and remind him he’s sexing Maddie, not falling for her. Too f**king late, dude. Too f**king late.

Maddie looks down and smiles as if she can sense my annoyance. Ryan nudges me.

“Aston’s a f**kin’ joker, right?”

“You’re tellin’ me,” I mumble.

He shifts. “I dunno how I’m gonna get through this without dragging Lila back to the room.”

I don’t intend to get through this. Dragging Maddie back to our room sounds promising already. Very promising.

“Right,” I agree, rubbing my face as the show starts.

Several incredibly hot girls run across the stage in the bare minimum of clothing. Is it wrong I’m imagining Maddie as one of those Sirens? Shit. I have this bad.

I shift in the seat as the girls begin to prance around the stage, grinding their bodies. Y’know what? I’m not even sure what they’re doing. It’s kinda blurry because they all look like Maddie to me.

Fuck this shit.

Maddie’s mouth opens and closes, and she casts her eyes downwards. A quick glance to the other side of me shows Lila in the same position and Ryan shaking his head. I nudge Ryan and tilt my head towards the door. He nods once and leans into Lila.

“Angel, we’re going,” I say in Maddie’s ear.

“Thank god,” she mutters, taking my hand and standing with me.

We follow Lila and Ryan out into the foyer and both of the girls sigh with relief.

“That was a live  p**n  show,” Lila says, unimpressed. “I’m not a prude, but Jesus Christ. How can they stand that?”

“He probably booked it before I started dating Maddie.” I kiss the side of her head. “I probably would have enjoyed it before this.”

Ryan’s eyes meet mine, and he nods, ever so slightly. He gets it. He knows it’s over. He winks.

“Well, baby,” he says, turning to Lila. “Shall we get an early night? It was late last night, and we do have to drive back tomorrow.”

“Sure.” She kisses his cheek and turns to us. “You two sleep well.” She winks at Maddie, and they walk into the elevator behind them, disappearing behind the doors.

“What about us?” I run my nose down Maddie’s cheek. “Shall we get an ‘early night’?”

She pulls back, a smirk on those lips I love. “I’m sure your early night isn’t the same as mine.”

“Hell no it isn’t.” I reach behind me to the wall and press the elevator button, turning her with me. The doors ping open and we get in to the empty elevator.

I run my hand around her side, my fingers smoothing the material of the tight dress she’s wearing. She shivers, turning her body into mine and resting her hand on my chest, her fingers splayed.

“I’m pretty sure our early night is running on the same schedule, now, Angel.” I trail my lips down her earlobe and walk with her as the doors open on our floor.
