Read Books Novel

The Redhead Revealed

The Redhead Revealed (Redhead #2)(7)
Author: Alice Clayton

“I know. It was last minute. But I finished up what I needed to in L.A. yesterday, and it seemed silly to wait until this morning to go. I couldn’t wait any longer, Nuts Girl,” he said, ruffling my hair and tucking me into his side like he always did.

I looked at Leslie, and while she’d recovered somewhat, her eyes were still as big as dinner plates.

“So, Leslie, this is my boyfriend who I was trying to tell you about. This is Jack.”

He extended a hand, and to her credit she took it, beginning to realize this was in fact real. She was meeting her celebrity crush.

“Leslie, it’s nice to meet you. Grace has told me all about you. Sounds like the two of you are quite a handful together, yes?” He grinned wickedly at her.

He was doing that on purpose…that flirty f**k. Those fans didn’t stand a chance.

“Hi—hi—um, hi,” she stammered, and then quickly got control. “Sorry, I’m not usually so ridiculous, but we were just cutting up pictures of you, and then you’re standing there, and Grace is trying to mount you in the hall—it’s a lot to take in. It’s nice to meet you, and wow, you sure are hot,” she finished.

I heard someone else come in, and when I turned I saw Michael.

“Hey, I heard there was soft-core  p**n  going on in the hallway,” he said. I noticed his fists were clenched.

“Hey, Michael. Sorry about that. Jack kind of surprised me. You remember Michael, right?” I asked, turning to Jack.

They looked at each other for a second, then Michael held out his hand. “Hey, man, good to see you again. That was quite a surprise. Grace wasn’t expecting you until tonight,” he said, pumping Jack’s hand twice, then dropping it.

“Good to see you too. Yeah, I have to keep her on her toes. I’m good like that,” Jack said, running his hand down my back and wrapping his arm around my hip.

We all stared for a moment, then Michael cleared his throat. “So, obviously, Grace, why don’t you skip rehearsal this afternoon? We can block around you. Why don’t you take off?”

“Are you sure? I’m sure Jack has things he has to do…,” I started, but Michael interrupted me.

“Nope, we’re cool. Get out of here, Grace,” he said, nodding his head toward the door.

“Well, if you’re sure, then I guess we’ll take off,” I said, thrilled at this sudden turn of events. Jack grinned down at me. I knew he was thrilled as well.

“That’s cool, man. Thanks,” Jack said, grabbing his bag and mine and throwing them over his shoulder.

I hugged Leslie goodbye. She was still slightly dazed. I gave Michael a hug as well. “Thanks, O’Connell, I appreciate it. See you tomorrow?”

“Yep, have fun.” He nodded vigorously, eyes distant, as Jack clasped my hand and pulled me to the door.

I waved over my shoulder, and we left. We grinned at each other the whole way downstairs as I took him in. Seeing him, being able to touch him and breathe him in—wow. I had missed me some Hamilton.

When we got outside, Jack had a car waiting for us. It wasn’t quite a limo, but it was longer than a town car. It was long enough that it had a divider between the front and the back.

I saw him, and I saw the car, and I knew we were in trouble. We simply were not going to make it to the hotel in time. When the driver opened the door for us, I asked him to take us to Grant’s Tomb. He nodded, we both climbed in, and we were off.

I quickly found the button for the divider and raised it, sealing us in our own little leather-embellished world.

“Grant’s Tomb, Grace? What’s that about?” he asked, his hands beginning to roam across my shoulders.

“Simple. It’s all the way uptown. It’ll take us a while to get up there.” I shrugged, swinging one leg over and sitting on his lap.

“Okay, but why are we going up there, love?” he asked again, sweeping my hair off my neck so he could kiss it.

I moaned as I felt his warm lips caress my skin. It had been too long.

“Well, I could’ve asked him to just drive around while you f**k me until I black out, but I wanted to uphold at least a modicum of decency,” I purred in his ear, my hands digging into his silky curls.

He groaned under me as he understood, and his eyes blazed liquid emerald. “Gracie, you want me to f**k you in the car? You bad girl…” His voice trailed off as he buried his face in my neck, beginning to nibble. I could feel myself getting hotter by the second.

“George, you have no idea how bad this girl wants to be.” I sighed as he found that sweet spot on my neck. He was determined to find out.

He pulled me back so he could look in my eyes. The green was on fire.

“Be my bad girl, Grace,” he whispered. It was like a dam broke.

I lost all control. It was on. I roughly pulled his shirt off his body, and my hands moved across his warm skin, desperate to feel him. I flew through the buttons on my own shirt, not even bothering to remove it, just letting it fall open to the sides. I flicked the front clasp on my bra, grabbed his hands, and brought them home, to me.

His hands surrounded my br**sts, and I moaned at the touch. He bent his head to my collarbone and swept long licks across my skin, making me shiver. I heard him groan as his mouth found my nipple, and my head fell back as I indulged in the feeling of his mouth on me. I began to circle my hips, feeling him rise beneath me, wanting me.

This would not be slow and sweet. I needed it too badly.

I slid down to my knees on the floor of the car, in a Hamiltonian frenzy. I needed to taste him. I needed him to fill me up. I snapped open his button, unzipped, and had him in my mouth—fast.

His hands came to my hair and guided me up and down as I sucked at him furiously. I heard his groans, and as he said my name, I ached for him. I gave him one last long, strong pull with my lips, then I released him with a flourish. I looked up at him from beneath my lashes, struck once again by how beautiful he was, especially when he was close to coming for me. Wow.

I nudged my yoga pants down, kicked off my shoes, and sat back next to him. “On your knees, love,” I instructed, and his eyes widened. A wicked smile crept across his face.

He sank down and pulled at my hips, positioning me at the edge of the seat.

“Take these off,” I said, hooking my fingers through the band of my white lace panties, which were already positively soaked.

He obliged, scooting them down over my hips, my thighs, my knees, and finally my ankles. He threw the panties over his shoulder, then appraised the situation. I kept my knees firmly locked together, and when I saw him begin to pant heavily at what I was keeping from him, I slowly parted my legs, revealing myself to him. I felt the cool air rush in to hit me, and I saw his face change to something very close to abject worship.
