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The Redhead Revealed

The Redhead Revealed (Redhead #2)(8)
Author: Alice Clayton

I wrapped my hands in his hair and brought him down to me, pushing him where I wanted him to go.

“I need to come at least three times before you can f**k me. Can you handle that?” I asked, my breath beginning to hitch in my throat as I anticipated the work he was about to do to make me see stars.

Bossy Bad Girl Grace was in full effect. My Jack loved a challenge.

“Consider it handled, Crazy,” he whispered, grinning that sexy half grin. Then he pulled me, roughly, closer to his mouth. My hands clutched tightly in his hair as he kissed me, first on the insides of my thighs, and then—sweet Lord—he kissed me right on my gonna-see-God.

I bucked up wildly. Feeling his mouth on me after so long was almost more than I could take. His fingers swept me open so he could focus more thoroughly on my center, and his tongue fluttered lightly against me, bringing me to the edge quickly. Maybe it had just been that long, or maybe it was all those nights imagining exactly this, but within seconds of that magic tongue touching me, I was coming in his mouth. I screamed, and all the tension that had been building over the last weeks poured forth in a wave that left my brain scrambled and my sex pulsing.

“That’s one,” he whispered, immediately beginning to work me again. Not letting me down from the first, he pressed his tongue against me, licking me from top to bottom, his lips searching me out. He sucked me into his mouth, encircling me with his lips as his tongue worked feverishly against the tiny bundle of nerves designed for the sole purpose of pleasure.

Now that is intelligent design.

I could feel myself building again, and as I pressed his face into me, he moaned, sending the vibration straight into me. I threw my head back against the seat as I came again, thrashing about under his tongue. He leaned back a little, licking his lips.

“That’s two, love,” he said, winking at me.

“I changed my mind, get inside now. I need you,” I said, trying to get him to crawl up my body.

“Hell, no! I need you to really be ready for me, Gracie,” he said in a bookish voice. His fingers now began to dance around me, and when he grazed me with his knuckle, it was shocking. My back arched into his fingers as one, then two slipped inside.

“Fuck, you’re tight,” he said, his own voice becoming uneven and husky. I panted, and he watched as I began to shake. His fingers, strong and sure, stroked me, and finding that J-Spot, he brought me to another rough orgasm.

“And that’s three,” he said with a triumphant grin.

“Unbelievable as always. Now get up here, please. I need you inside me now,” I growled, my face flushed with passion.

“I think my bad girl deserves one more, don’t you?” he asked, slipping back down.

As his fingers plunged back into me, his tongue found me once more. His teeth nibbled lightly, and I almost came out of my skin. His fingers stroked me from the inside, manipulating my J-Spot as his tongue teased out another earth-shattering orgasm. I could feel this one—it was huge. The combination of textures and rubbing and sucking and licking and stroking and pushing and incredible sweet invasion was too much. I let out a long, lusty scream, which became his name, over and over again.

“Oh, God, Jack! Oohhh!” I screamed, collapsing against the seat. He kissed the inside of both of my thighs, and when his lips found the site of my original Hamilton Brand, he bit down, marking me once again as his. I hissed and dragged him back up to me.

I pushed him into the seat, swung my leg over him, and sat down. I felt every inch, every perfect inch of him as he sank into me, and we both cried out.

“Jesus, I missed you, George,” I said as I felt my body clench down around him, never wanting to let him go.

“Fuuuuck,” was all he could get out as I began to move my hips, encouraging him to sink deeper into my body. He drove into me as I bounced above him, his mouth capturing my nipple and teasing me with his teeth. I rolled my hips back and forth, letting him feel all of me, his c**k exploring me from the inside. His hands were rough on my hips, guiding me, slamming me up and down harder and harder as we both felt the explosion building.

“I missed you, Jack. I missed feeling you inside me,” I chanted as he moved me up and down.

“Oh, God, Grace, you feel amazing. You’re so warm, and wet, and tight around me.” He groaned. He sped up, and I matched his rhythm. He looked me in the eye, brow furrowed, jaw clenched. I knew this sweet face. My Jack was about to come.

I squeezed him with all I had, feeling my own orgasm begin to rip through me as my walls crashed down around him, taking him with me.

I screamed loudly.

He grunted lusciously.

And we came together. In the back of a town car in the middle of Manhattan. What must that poor driver be thinking?

Bossy Bad Girl and her Johnny Bite Down. This long weekend was going to be insane.

Chapter 3

Now that Jack was in New York, things felt right. They felt good. I know my oonie felt good for sure…

After the town car incident, we headed to Jack’s hotel. I’m sure the driver was mildly curious about why we didn’t spend any time at Grant’s Tomb once we got all the way up there, but no matter.

We pulled up to the Four Seasons on Fifty-Seventh, and as we climbed out I suddenly remembered we weren’t supposed to be seen in public. Especially checking into a hotel. Bad idea.

“Hey, why don’t you get checked in, then call me and let me know what room you’re in, and I’ll come up,” I said quietly, beginning to move off in the direction of Madison.

“Grace, that’s silly. Hey, Grace…” he protested as the bellman took his bag inside, and I walked away toward the avenue.

I pointed at my cell and mouthed the words, “Call me.”

He grimaced, shook his head, and went inside. I walked around the block, waiting for his call. I knew he thought I was being stupid, but based on the press coverage he was now getting—ugh. I didn’t want the scrutiny that would surely accompany another “unidentified redhead” sighting. I was taking no chances.

His premiere was coming up so quickly, and he was about to start a huge press junket. Then he’d be traveling all over the country to make personal appearances. He wasn’t sure how many people would actually show up to see him. I didn’t want to tease him, but I had a feeling it was going to blow his mind. He was going to be freaking swarmed.

And speaking of the premiere, nothing had been said about whether I was invited or not. I’d mentioned it to Michael just in case I would maybe need to head back to L.A. for a weekend. It would be tricky because our rehearsal time was so limited—the show was set to go up the first week of December. We’d locked in three weeks of performances initially, and then we’d wait and see what kind of response we got.
