Read Books Novel

The Tied Man

‘I’m sorry, what scene?’

‘It doesn’t matter.  Let’s just say that I was forced to do some rapid re-evaluating.’

In truth, I was shaken by the anger that still lingered in me.  I had done my best to ignore the whole appalling mess while I worked: I was not yet ready to deal with the shadows from Finn’s unwitting revelation.

‘I’m afraid I can’t give you any more information.’ Henry moved off, declaring the subject closed.

‘Can’t, or won’t?’ I began to follow him.


Instead of heading upstairs to Blaine’s private quarters Henry led me down a tight spiral staircase, and the damp flagstones under my feet made me regret my decision to remain barefoot.

‘We’re nearly there.’  If his words were meant to reassure, they failed.

I peered into the gloom of the subterranean corridor and shivered.  ‘God, Henry, where are you taking me?  The dungeon?’

Henry simply pushed open a huge oak door that creaked in finest horror movie fashion.  In my head, a string ensemble played something menacing in a minor key.

‘Good evening, Lilith.’  Blaine stepped out to meet me in the hallway.  ‘Thank you so much for coming at such short notice.’  She wore the same elegant grey silk suit that she wore in the brochure, and looked as though she had just finished a busy day at the office.

I expected her to invite me in, but instead she gestured me into a small anteroom that had borrowed its furniture from a boutique hotel.  A bottle of Cristal in an ice-bucket stood next to two crystal flutes: this didn’t look anything like the ‘quick chat’ promised by Henry.  ‘Please, take a seat.’  She pointed me at a mahogany-brown leather sofa.

I sat, albeit reluctantly.  ‘Blaine, I’m all too happy to agree to as many of your demands as I can, but I feel I earn the right to my own time.  Believe it or not, I do try to unwind occasionally.’

Blaine ignored my complaint.  ‘I understand you had a somewhat challenging afternoon?’

‘In what way?’

‘In that you had an unwelcome visit from Finn.’

‘It was nothing.  Crossed wires.  I’m sure there was nothing to it.’ To my irritation I was blustering.  I’d probably caught it off Henry.

‘Really? I’d heard that you were furious.’

‘I have a temper,  and it’s not something I’m particularly proud of.  I flared, and Finn probably received far more than he deserved.’

Blaine nodded sympathetically.  ‘That’s a remarkably generous response.  However I don’t feel you’re always honest with yourself.’

This was turning out to be nothing like the conversation I had expected.  ‘Look, Blaine, I don’t mean to be rude -’

‘You must be thinking I’ve gone mad -’

I didn’t disagree.

‘- I just feel that you should gain a deeper insight into the real philosophy of Albermarle.’

I felt the adrenaline begin to tighten the muscles across my chest: I should have guessed that anything that involved my father’s endorsement would possess some dark element.

‘I operate an exclusive club here on the island, Lilith – one that you’re fortunate to experience, and one that could bring you great benefit if you’ll allow yourself the freedom.’  The light in Blaine’s eyes was positively evangelical now and she leaned towards me, one hand resting on my knee to suggest sorority.  ‘I think you’re about to find this extremely interesting.’

I placed my untouched champagne on the table.  ‘Blaine, I’m tired, confused and more than a little irritated.  As I think I made perfectly clear, I don’t consider myself to be a guest here.  I’m a temporary employee, and perfectly happy to keep it that way.’  I went to stand.  ‘And I don’t play games.’

‘Then perhaps you should start.  You see?  There’s that anger again.  It never quite leaves you, does it?  It just stays beneath the surface, driving you ever onward.  Though with your past I’m hardly surprised.  I’m sure I’d retain a certain fury with the world.’

‘This isn’t a conversation I’m prepared to have right now.’

‘Lilith darling, I’m on your side here.  I think the way you’ve been treated is appalling, and you have every right to defend yourself.’  She gave a knowing smile.  ‘We were very impressed by your handling of Johnny Buckle.  In fact, that was what first attracted Finn to you.’
