Read Books Novel

The Wild Ones

The Wild Ones (The Wild Ones #1)(19)
Author: M. Leighton

“So that’s what you were doing earlier, going over the books.”

She squints over at me, a little smile playing along the edges of her lips.

“How do you know? Maybe I was lying in wait.”

“Waiting to charm the first person through the door. Is that it?”

Her grin develops, showing off her pretty teeth. “Did it work?”

“Yes, but it was a wasted effort.”

“And why is that?”

“You already had me with that wet t-shirt of yours.”

She giggles and looks away, but not before I can see her cheeks turn pink. Oh God, how I’d love to drag her off that horse and onto mine, have her wrap those long legs around me and…

I adjust in my saddle. Thoughts like that aren’t going to do me a bit of good.

She clears her throat. “So, how is it that you came to know so much about horses?”

“My father used to be in the business.”

Her head jerks toward me. “Really?”

I nod. “He had a financial partner, but he did all the work with the horses on a rented farm. I went with him a lot at night and on the weekends. He used to tell me I was meant to work with horses. Seems like he was right. Here I am.”

“Do you like it? I mean working with the horses here?”

“I love working with horses. It’s what I was going to specialize in after school. As for working here,” I pause, just to see what she does. After a few seconds, she glances at me from beneath her lashes.

She just can’t help but be sexy.

“I’m discovering it has its definite…benefits.”

She grins. “Is that right?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I say in my best Southern drawl.

“And what would those be?”

Good God, she’s teasing me!

“The view around here is very nice for one thing. Rounded hills, lush valleys, gently-curving roads, tight, firm…turns.” I look over at her from the corner of my eye and grin. “And sometimes there’s a hint of strawberry in the air. Makes my mouth water.”

“Wow, it, uh, it sounds pretty spectacular when you put it like that. But I’m sure it’s just a plain ole place, much like any other.”

“See now that’s where you’re wrong. This place is special. I knew it from the start. This is the kind of…place that gets under your skin and won’t let you have a moment’s peace until you give into it.”

“But you don’t want to give into it.”

“I didn’t say that. I said I couldn’t give into it. There’s a big difference.”

She looks away. I see her chest rise and fall like she sighed. “I guess it’s for the best then.”

“We’ll see.”

If I had been watching the trail and not looking at Cami, I’d have seen the snake in enough time to warn her. But I didn’t.

Cami and I are both relaxed on our horses, neither prepared for Titan to freak out. But he does. It happens so fast, I can’t stop it.

I hear Titan snort just before Runner feints to the left. Titan screams, backs up a step and rears up on his hind legs, tossing an unsuspecting Cami onto the ground before he starts backing up.

My heart leaps up into my throat. It’s like I see him backing up in slow motion, making his way toward Cami who is lying in the dirt, stunned.

Reaching over, I slap Titan’s hind quarter as hard as I can, sending the horse barreling forward. One big foot mashes a hoof print into the snake’s body. I doubt he’ll be doing much striking in the future.

I hop off Runner.

Cami is sitting up, trying to catch her breath. I’m sure landing the way she did knocked the wind out of her.

She’s gasping when I reach her. I squat down and pull her gently into my arms.

“Are you okay?” I rub soothing circles on her back. Her breathing grows deeper and more even as she calms down.

“I-I’ve n-never been thrown off b-before. I don’t know wh-what happened,” she stutters, still a little breathless.

“You were overcome by my wit and charisma. It’s my fault. I should’ve warned you.”

She smiles up at me and I know she’s fine. She scared the shit out of me, but she’s fine and that’s all that matters.

“Those were some pretty stunning acrobatics you did there. I’m impressed.”

“Yeah. The product of a lifetime of working at Cirque du So-Lame.”

Her comment catches me so off guard, I throw back my head and laugh. Hard.

“Smart, beautiful and witty—the feminine trifecta!”

“And apparently outrageously good on a horse,” she quips as she tries to stand.

I grab her under her arm to help stabilize her. She loses her balance a little and leans into me for support. Being the guy that I am, I can’t help but use the opportunity to put my arm around her waist and draw her in closer.

“Let me help you.”

“Thank you,” she says, putting her hand over mine where it rests on her side and grabbing my free hand with her other one.

“It wasn’t your fault, you know.”

“Of course it was. I’ve had horses buck on me before and I’ve never been unseated. I should’ve listened to you.”

“You weren’t paying attention. I shouldn’t have been distracting you so much on a horse like Titan.”

Cami looks up at me, her violet eyes sparkling in the evening sun. “You are pretty distracting.”

“You ought to see me juggle.”

“Juggle? So you are familiar with the Cirque du So-Lame.”

“Baby, there’s nothing lame about me.”

When we stop in front of Runner, who didn’t follow Titan very far, thank God, Cami looks up at me, her face as serious as a heart attack.

“You know, that’s one of the things I admire most about you.”

“What’s that?”

“Your humility,” she replies, dead pan. And then she starts laughing. Hard.

“Do you really want me to throw you over the saddle and make you ride all the way back with your ass in the air? Because that sorta sounds like what you’re getting at.”

“Would you really do that?” she asks, doing her best to look wide-eyed and innocent.

“Damn straight. And I’d love every minute of it”

She laughs, but I can tell it’s got a nervous edge to it. I don’t think she really knows what to say. For some reason, I like the thought that I unsettle her.
