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The Wild Ones

The Wild Ones (The Wild Ones #1)(20)
Author: M. Leighton

“Don’t be shy! Tell me how you really feel,” she teases.

I come around behind her and put my hands low on her waist. I know I shouldn’t be flirting with her, but God help me, I can’t seem to stop myself.

I bend down and whisper in her ear. “Trust me. You’re not ready to hear that.”

I’m thrilled when I see goose bumps break out on her neck and arms. It still has to be every bit of eighty or eighty-five degrees, so I know it can’t be the weather. It’s me. She reacts to me like I react to her.

But I’m not sure that’s a good thing at all.

Before she can speak, I continue. “Let me help you up on Runner.”

I hold onto Cami as she stretches to put her foot into my higher stirrup and then swings onto Runner’s back. I’m proud of myself that I resist the temptation to palm her ass under the guise of “helping.” I might be able to keep my job after all.

I climb up behind her and set Runner in motion. As we walk by the snake, Cami shivers.

“Not a fan of snakes?”

“Not particularly,” she admits.

“Well, that one’s not going to be doing much harm now.”

As if it’s trying to argue my point, the snake rattles its tail and its broken body writhes.

“You’re not going to leave it like that, are you?”

Actually, I was. After that snake had gotten Cami tossed on her back and nearly trampled, I would gladly have left it to suffer. But I can’t now. Not only because it would make me look callous, but, when put like she just put it, it would really be callous. And callous I’m not.

Pulling Runner to a stop, I hop off his back and look for something I can use to put the snake out of its misery.

“Don’t look,” I call to Cami over my shoulder. Even after I’m done and am once more sitting behind her on Runner’s back, she keeps her head averted. “Let’s get you home.”

Cami scoots forward in the saddle to give me room, but when she relaxes, her butt is rubbing me in all the right places. I bite my lip to keep from thinking things that will give…ahem, “rise” to certain body parts. I’m torn between wishing the ride could last a lot longer and wishing we were already back at the stable.


Of all the times for Trick to get quiet, why does it have to be now?

It seems like, without my mind concentrating on his flirtatious wit, all I can think about is his body behind me. How it feels to have his strong arms wrapped around me, how his chest moves against my shoulders, how his thighs and his crotch feel rubbing against my back side. His clean soapy scent surrounds me and, with his face so near mine, I can’t help but think of turning my head just enough to kiss that strong jaw.

Ohmigod! This is the longest ride ever!

After we’ve gone a ways, I have to say something.

“Thank you for doing that,” I say quietly.

That was the wrong thing to do because he has to practically press his cheek to mine to hear me.


Even though I know I shouldn’t, I let my head fall back further and turn it slightly to the side to speak closer to his ear

“I just said ‘thank you’.”

He leans in further and looks down into my face, his lips literally a couple of inches from mine. I see his grayish eyes flicker to my mouth and his tongue sneaks out to wet his lips. I think I might die.

“Any time,” he says softly.

Although I don’t want to, I turn my head away. But I don’t lean forward again. Instead, we ride the rest of the way back with me reclining against him, my head sort of tucked in the crook of his neck.

Once we leave the trail, Trick doesn’t pick up speed as we cross the field. I wonder if it’s because he likes me nestled against him as much as I like being there. I sigh a little in disappointment when the stable comes into view.

I wish I could stay like this forever.

My eyes are closed and that’s what I’m thinking when Trick stiffens behind me. I sit up and look around. My eyes immediately go to the thing that has him suddenly uptight. There’s no question why.

My father is standing at the entrance to the stable, holding Titan’s reins. And wearing a thundercloud on his face.

Other than stiffening when he saw him, there is no other evidence that Trick is the least bit affected by Daddy. He guides Runner right up to him, brings him to a stop and dismounts. He even ignores him while he helps me down off Runner. Then, very calmly, he turns to take the reins from my father.

“I’ll take those, sir.”

“What the hell is going on here?”

I’m surprised my dad waited that long to lay into him. I think he’s a little thrown by Trick’s demeanor, too. Most people tremble in their boots and kiss his ass. Trick does neither.

I can’t help but think that’s hot!

“Cami was nice enough to come and help me exercise the horses. Unfortunately, a rattlesnake startled Titan and he threw her. I was just bringing her back.”

He turns his murderous expression on me. I see it soften, but only minimally. “Are you all right? Did you get hurt?”

“No. Just took my breath for a minute, but I’m fine.”

That’s all he needs to hear. He’s furious again, and it’s directed toward Trick.

“Is this how you show you are responsible enough to take care of things in Sooty’s absence?”

“Sir, the horses are fine.”

“What was my daughter doing on Titan anyway? Both of them could’ve been seriously injured!”

My father loves me. I know this. But I’m not fool enough to think that he puts me that far above his horses, his business. It’s times like this I’d like to strangle him.

Angrily, I step between Trick and him. “It was my idea. I insisted that I could ride Titan. I told you I want to learn more about the business and the horses. You said it was fine.”

“I told him to stay away from you,” he fires back at me.

I see red.

“You what?”

I can see him retreating the instant I call him on it.

“I mean, I told him just to—”

“Let’s get something straight here, Daddy. I’m an adult. I can do what I want, when I want, with whomever I want. Unless you want me spending my summer elsewhere, you’d better just back off of Trick. He didn’t do anything wrong. I told him I could ride any horse in this stable.”

“And what’s worse is you bring her back on Runner, when I’ve told you a dozen times he’s too wild,” he says, turning his anger on Trick again.
