The Wolf's Pursuit (Page 35)

The Wolf’s Pursuit (London Fairy Tales #3)(35)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

With shaking hands, Hunter slowly reached up and pulled the mask away from his face.

"They are a joke, you know." He tucked the mask into his pocket and faced her head on. Allowing her to see the man few ever saw anymore.

"What are?"

"The idea of masks."

Gwen reached up and touched his face. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips to the inside of her wrist. She gasped. "Why is that?"

"I tell myself it hides reality, when in fact, I lost touch with reality long ago. The mask and I are one and the same, never to return to the shell of a man I was before. I am the Wolf, the Wolf is I, and Hunter… he died ten years ago."


"That, my dear, is the question. Why? Why live when death of one’s heart and soul is so much less painful? For if I return to that place, I die all over again, and I’m too selfish to experience death twice."

"Now you speak in riddles." Gwen brushed the hair away from his forehead and kissed his chin.

"I speak in truths. The man everyone knows as the Duke of Haverstone ceased existing as a person the day he watched his other half, his soul mate, die in his arms."

For a moment, Hunter couldn’t believe he had actually said all of that aloud, but he had no time to think. Voices interrupted his thoughts, so without pause he pulled Gwen behind the drapes and closed them. They were trapped between the balcony and the room, nothing but a bit of material hiding them and their costumes.

Chapter Nineteen


I would not hold my breath if I were you. And if I’ve given you false hope, I sincerely apologize. My intention was to give you Hades. Of course they both start with h so you can see my confusion. Apologies.


Gwen tried to calm her breathing as she heard the door open. The hushed voices grew louder as the footsteps approached the curtains and stopped directly in front.

"I always hated this house." The man sighed and touched the curtains directly in front of Gwen’s face. Her breath hitched as Hunter drew her closer to his body. She could feel every hard-planed muscle tense against her.

"Ah, Redding, do stop complaining. You are not the first man to despise these masquerades or this house. The decorations are less than to be desired. This much is true, old friend."

Redding? Old friend?

"Hollins, we are not, nor have we ever been, friends."

"Partners?" Hollins laughed. "Let us be partners then, for I believe I have some information you may find… interesting."

"Interesting how?" Redding sounded bored.

"Do you remember when you asked me a few months ago if anything was amiss at the War Office?"

"Of course." Redding scoffed. "It was not long after that that we became partners, as you call it."

"Precisely." Hollins cleared his throat. "I’ve made a new code. One that we will begin using immediately, starting this week, but I need you to become familiar with it before it is sent out. That way if I die, you will be able to continue in my place."

Silence, and then the feet shifted in front of Gwen and walked away. She exhaled and waited.

"Morbid but necessary," Redding said. "Well, what is it we are trying to communicate to the soldiers?"

"That, I cannot tell you just yet."

"Then what can you tell me?"

A few minutes went by and then Redding said, "I understand. I will meet you then."

Footsteps echoed across the floors and then the door clicked shut. Gwen peered around the curtain and saw that the room was empty.

"That was close," Hunter said from behind her, and then with a thud she fell to the floor as he pushed her out of the way.

Gwen opened her mouth to yell, but Hunter was on his hands and knees in front of the fireplace, where a piece of paper burned brightly.

"Help me," he ordered, as he pulled the paper from the fire and stomped on it. Gwen knelt down to look at it.

"I am sorry." She shook her head. "I cannot decipher it."

Hunter turned pale and cursed. "That is because it is in code."


That following afternoon loomed. Gwen dreaded her meeting with Redding. Especially considering he was more than likely the man they were looking for. All signs pointed to him and Hollins. Then again, Trehmont was just as slippery. But he hadn’t made an appearance since Hunter called him out.

Truly it all gave her a headache. One could not simply call Bow Street upon suspicion of a crime. They needed evidence, and she had no idea how to gain any, short of waiting for one of the men to of course take a false step.

She pricked her finger on her needlepoint and sighed. Redding would arrive any moment, for he had specifically said that he would walk with her during the fashionable hour.

Oh joy.

The Montmouth butler, James, entered her sitting room and cleared his throat. "The Duke of Haverstone to see you, my lady."

What the devil was he doing here? He was going to ruin everything! Surging to her feet, she threw down her needlepoint and crossed her arms.

Hunter entered the room and gave her a weak smile.

Weak smile? Nothing was weak about Hunter’s smile. Was he ill? What the blazes was wrong with him? Perhaps his gunshot wound was acting up?

"Hunter?" She narrowed her eyes. "Did you—" Truly she was losing her mind. "Did you cut your hair?"

"But of course. So glad you noticed." He winked.

She was convinced now, more than ever, that she needed to quit spying lest she finally lose her mind. "Hunter, I swear by all that is holy that if you do not be quick about what you came to say, I will strangle you with my bare hands! Redding will be here any minute, and we both know how important this meeting is!"

"Then I am right on time." Hunter approached her and took her hand in his. He smelled… different. Not unpleasantly so, but oddly like a stranger. She leaned in and sniffed again. No alcohol fumes? Is that why he looked so healthy?

"When you are done sniffing me, I will proceed." Hunter grinned.

Gwen leaned forward. "Your teeth, they look…" They were perfectly straight like Hunter’s except the way his mouth formed around them was all wrong. His smile seemed wider and almost forced.

Hunter groaned. "Like teeth. Now, do stop getting distracted. This is important."

"Right." But Gwen could not for the life of her take her eyes away from Hunter’s. That feature she knew about him. His eyes had always been an eerie golden brown, but right now they looked positively green! Impossible! She shook her head.