The Young Elites (Page 29)

The Young Elites (The Young Elites #1)(29)
Author: Marie Lu

I try for several minutes before I sigh and look up. Raffaele only nods at me. “Cheer up, mi Adelinetta,” he says. “You were able to conjure your energy during your first test. Take your time and keep trying.”

I concentrate on the rocks again. This time, I close my eye. In the darkness, I tune out the sounds of the others training, revisiting instead the night of my father’s death. My thoughts turn from my father to my sister. A memory emerges of our early days, the way she would tuck my hair behind my ears, how she’d fall asleep against my shoulder in the warm slant of afternoon light. The image flashes away, replaced by one of her crouched in the corner of a dark prison cell. Teren stands behind me, whispering in my ear. Trapping me. Anger stirs painfully in the pit of my stomach, and I let it fester there, gathering weight and pulling my heart down until I feel the familiar lurch in my chest.

I open my eye and reach into myself. This time, I feel strings of energy pulled taut inside me, and my mind brushes past them like hands on a harp. I pull on them. My pull is unsteady, and I struggle to control the grasp. My brows furrow with the effort of hanging on to them. Before me, the rocks still stay as gray as ever . . . but a few feet away from them, a small ribbon of darkness creeps up from the ground. I gasp at the sight.

“Raffaele,” I breathe. “Look!”

The instant I say it, my concentration breaks and the strings of energy slip out of my grasp. My illusion falls back into the ground. I let out my breath as the fear pooling in my stomach trembles. Raffaele watches me quietly. I try again. My hand brushes past the strings of energy. I grab at them.

Suddenly a blade flashes silver before me. I duck on instinct. Someone laughs over me, and I realize that it’s the Spider. He’s rushed at me from the other side of the cavern. “A little dark ribbon,” he says with disdain. “I’m terrified.”

Raffaele gives the enormous boy a warning stare. “Don’t,” he says.

“Or what, consort?” Spider sneers at me as he sheathes his dagger. “Does it scare the little lamb?”

Raffaele arches an eyebrow. “Would you like to take this up with Enzo? I would not test his temper a few weeks before the Tournament of Storms.”

The Tournament of Storms? What do they have planned for the biggest festival of the year?

A moment of doubt flickers across Spider’s face, but he hides it immediately. “Tell Enzo whatever you like,” he growls. Then he turns his back.

Irritation floods me, a release of all my pent-up fear and anxiety. Before I can think through what I’m doing, I stand up and reach out. This time, I see the energy threads connecting me to Spider. I pull on them. A dark silhouette bursts from the ground before him, stopping him dead in his tracks. It’s thin and transparent, hardly threatening. But it’s there. The shapeless phantom bares its teeth at him and lets out a hiss. Spider whips his dagger out.

I can’t hang on—the illusion vanishes. I stand still, unable to believe that I just pulled it from the ground. The other Elites stop to watch what’s happening. Star Thief frowns at me in concern. “Leave her alone,” she calls out to Spider, but he just ignores her.

Spider turns back in my direction and smiles. In an instant, he has a blade pointed at the base of my neck. Cold metal presses against my skin.

“Careful you don’t take too big a step, little girl,” he mutters. “You and your silhouettes.”

“Soon I’ll know more than just silhouettes,” I murmur back. The illusion I created makes me suddenly bold, and I clench my teeth, eager for violence. “Wait and see.” His lips curl at my challenge, but I just stare back, unafraid.

“No, you won’t.” He smiles, then leans close to whisper in my ear. “When that becomes obvious to everyone else, I’ll enjoy watching Enzo slit your throat.” His blade digs into my neck again. I fantasize about turning around his dagger, cutting him slowly from ear to ear, seeing his blood bubble from his mouth. The image flashes through my mind like lightning, leaving me swimming in a moment of terror and absolute delight. My father’s delight. Go ahead. I want to see you try it. Maybe I should give Teren his name, when I go to the Inquisition Tower.

“Enough,” Raffaele snaps. The sharpness in his voice startles me. I don’t think anyone has ever defended me so adamantly.

Spider pulls away with a laugh. “I was just playing around,” he says in a nonchalant voice. “No harm done.” I shiver. I don’t think Raffaele heard what Spider whispered to me. I hope he didn’t sense the image I fantasized about. At the other end of the cavern, Star Thief casts me a sympathetic glance and then rolls her eyes at Spider.

“Are you okay?” Raffaele asks me. I manage to nod, and he sighs. “I apologize. He resents Enzo’s interest in you. He has always considered himself Enzo’s best fighter, and he dislikes that the prince’s eye has now wandered. Give him time.”

I silently thank him for his concern. My heart lurches embarrassingly at the thought that Enzo is interested in me. In my potential powers, I correct myself. Spider’s words remain in my thoughts, taunting me, and I feel the ghost of his blade cold on my neck. Would Enzo really slit my throat?

As if on cue, the cavern doors swing open. I jerk my head in its direction.

Enzo comes back in, his long robes trailing behind him. He pauses for a moment at the door, looking quietly around the cavern. Then, he whistles at Star Thief. “It’s time,” he calls out. “How are you feeling today?”

Star Thief whispers at her two coyotes to stay, then hurries over and skids to a halt. She gives him a cheeky look. “Feeling pretty good,” she replies with a quick bow. “As always.”

A faint smile plays at the edge of Enzo’s lips. “Excellent. Let’s move.”

Star Thief’s face lights up, and I have no trouble believing Raffaele’s words that she aligns with joy. She waves over the others. Raffaele rises to his feet in one fluid movement, then gives me a nod. “Stay a while longer, if you’d like to practice,” he tells me. “We’ll return tonight.”

They leave the cavern without a word. I’m the only one remaining. Enzo doesn’t even glance at me.

I realize I’ve been holding my breath. My darkness stirs in me, and I let it churn. I have no idea what they were talking about. Obviously they’re off on another mission without me.

This is my chance to meet with Teren.