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All too soon he was pressing the buttons on his cell phone and putting it to his ear. She wanted to snatch the phone off him. Instead, she stood listening to what was happening.

“Who the f**k is this?” She heard the man snarl over the line.

“Hello, Snitch.”

Standing close, Eva listened in to the conversation.

“What the f**k?”

“Yeah, you can’t f**king kill me, Snitch. It’s time you and I settle this once and for all.”

Tiny stepped away, and she didn’t get to hear Snitch’s reply.

“Gladly. Let’s end this.” The cell phone was dropped and smashed into the ground.

“You shouldn’t do this.”

“I’ll have Killer with me.” The sound of a car approaching had her looking over her shoulder to see the man himself approaching.

“I want you to head on over to Tate and the others. Killer kept them off their scent by killing one of Snitch’s men. I want you to keep them calm, and I’ll get to you as soon as I’m done,” Tiny said, getting into the car.

“What exactly do you want me to say?” she asked, leaning against the car.

“Tell Tate I’m handling it. Play cards, cook, I don’t know. Do something that will keep her mind off everything else,” Tiny said.

Glancing over at Killer, Eva shot him a glare. “You keep him alive, or you’ll answer to me.”

“Yes, Boss lady.” Killer smiled even though his expression was all serious.

Stepping back, she watched the men drive away. Fear tightened around her heart, but she kept it at bay. Heading back inside the warehouse, he grabbed her backpack and hiked it on her shoulder. She wore a pair of jeans, a long shirt of Tiny’s, and a pair of pumps. Eva hadn’t given it much thought to walking to town, but she didn’t have much choice.

Exiting the warehouse, she headed in the direction of town and turned her own cell phone on. She dialed Tate’s number.

“Do you have any news on Murphy?” Tate asked.

Eva sighed. “No, I’ve not got anything on him, Tate. I’m headed your way. Where are you?”

“We’re stuck in Kelsey’s apartment. Killer left a little while ago leaving a gun for our protection.” She listened to the younger woman knowing interrupting Tate’s flow would make her remember Murphy was missing.

Suddenly Tate stopped. “I can’t raise this baby without him, Eva.”

“We’re all hoping that’s not the case.” Even as she said the words, Eva felt her hope disappearing.

“He should have phoned by now or gotten in touch. You and I both know it’s not good if he’s not gotten in touch.”

“Stop thinking about it, Tate. That’s an order.” The sound of bikes approaching made Eva tense. She looked behind her to see the emblem Tiny described. Turning back to face the road, she swallowed past the lump in her throat.

“Shit, is that them?” Tate asked.

“Yes, be calm. Hopefully they’ll pass.” Eva started laughing and talking about a comedy movie she’d seen a few weeks ago. Tate didn’t say anything, which Eva was thankful for.

The bikes slowed down beside her. Eva couldn’t believe the rotten f**king luck. “You really should have seen it,” Eva said, almost slipping up by saying Tate’s name.

“Miss,” a man said.

Taking a breath, Eva turned around, trying to look unaffected by the bikes. She recognized the man from the photo she’d seen of Snitch.

“Hold on a minute, honey. I think some guy has stopped to ask me for directions.” Dropping the phone, she smiled at Snitch, wishing she could beat the shit out of him and save Tiny the trouble. “Can I help you?”

Snitch stared at her. “Are you from around here?”

“No, I’m just wandering through. Backpacking my way across the states. My mom and dad are funding it. I’m trying to find myself.”

Shut up, you’re giving away too much information.

“Can I help you with anything?” she asked.

He kept his gaze on her, looking her up and down.

“Look, mister, I’ve got to go.”

“Where is he?” Snitch asked.

“Who? I don’t have a clue who you’re talking about,” Eva said. Crap. Something in the way he was looking at her unnerved her.

“Tiny, where is he?”

Eva frowned, trying to pretend she didn’t have the first clue who Tiny was.

“You’re Tiny’s whore. Don’t even try to deny it.”

Snitch climbed off his bike. Eva didn’t need further warning. She ran in the opposite direction hoping to get away.

She knew her quick getaway wouldn’t work, but she tried. Snitch slammed her to the ground.

“Leave me alone,” she said, screaming. No one came to her help. She felt the sniggers behind her from his men who were laughing and mocking her attempt to escape.

He grabbed her hair, pulling her head back. “I know Tiny. He’s got something planned for me. The one thing I know is he won’t let a f**king thing happen to you.”

His hand went around her throat, choking her. She cried out, clawing at his hand.

“No wonder he loves you.” Snitch caressed a hand down her side. “You’re some f**king piece of meat. I can’t wait to get my dick wet.”

Snitch picked her up off the floor and carried her back to his men. She struggled against him, dropping her phone and backpack.

“Leave me alone.” Eva screamed as he back handed her. Hitting the floor, Eva hoped Tiny would make this bastard pay. There was evil inside him, and if Tiny didn’t win, God help them all.

“You either hold on, bitch, or you fall off.” Eva held onto Snitch’s waist. Falling off was not in her future if she could help it. She wanted to see Tiny end this motherfucker.

Chapter Thirteen

Tiny stood on the outskirts of Fort Wills. Killer had driven off and was coming back with the Chaos Bleeds crew. Devil was not far from the town, and he trusted the other leader to right their past mistake.

The sound of rumbling bikes made him aware of Snitch getting closer. It was time to end the past. Reaching behind his back, he felt the gun he was going to use to end Snitch. He shouldn’t be happy or feel joy at the thought of ending another man. Tiny couldn’t stop it, though. This day wasn’t going to end until he watched Snitch take his last breath.

It’s been a long time f**king coming.

The smile on his face dropped when he saw the person on the back of Snitch’s bike. Blood was coming from her lip, and anger replaced any satisfaction of killing him. A swift kill was too f**king nice to this piece of shit. Tiny was going to take his time and make him pay for everything he’d done and all the men, women, and children the f**ker had hurt.
