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He watched as the men turned their bikes off and climbed off the machines. These men were responsible for hurting his own men. Tiny knew his men, and they would be after blood.

“So, you do come back from the f**king dead,” Snitch said, grabbing Eva by the hair.

“I’m sorry, Tiny. I was going to town, and they passed. I tried to escape,” she said. He was shocked to see the anger on her face rather than the fear.

Don’t worry, baby. I’ll get us both out of this mess.

“Shut it,” Snitch said, punching her in the ribs. She went down, grabbing her side. Tiny fisted his hands, wanting to sink his knuckles into the man’s face. He was going to pay the bastard back for all the f**ked up memories he had.

If Mikey was still alive, the old bastard would be exacting revenge along with him.

“So, Tiny, you’re here, surrounded by my men. What the f**k do you think you can do?” Snitch asked.

Staring at the man, Tiny tried to blank out Eva. He needed to be able to think as otherwise he was f**ked. “I heard you were one man down.”

Snitch reacted, producing a knife, which he put to Eva’s throat. “Do I look like I’m in the f**king joking mood? I will slit your slut’s throat, and I’ll do it for f**king fun. You know I will.”

“You’re not leaving here alive, Snitch. You should have died long ago.”

“Is this what this is about? The slut you saw me f**k? The bitch I f**king killed. I’ve got news for you. She wasn’t the first woman I put in the ground. I’ve got a whole f**king list of dead bodies to my name. What do you think you can do, Tiny? You’ve got nothing. I’ve got your woman, and all my men are ready to put holes in your body,” Snitch said.

Eva was struggling against the other man. Tiny was proud of her fight. His woman was never going to give up, not even to a man like Snitch.

Smiling, Tiny stared at his enemy. Memories of the night Snitch had hurt that girl flooded him. If he died today and took Snitch with him, Tiny would be happy. Ending Snitch would make him feel better, and that was all Tiny needed to feel in that moment, better.

“You’ve got no men. What do you have to smile about?” Snitch asked.

Tiny didn’t bother answering the other man. “You’ve got no idea what’s coming to you.”

Snitch leaned down, licking Eva’s cheek. He grabbed her breast, squeezing her hard. Eva howled in pain at the hard grip of her tit. Tiny tensed knowing he was going to kill Snitch over and over again. “Your woman has a lot of meat on her, Tiny. I can hurt her a lot, and she won’t even break.”

Disgust clawed at him. His stomach turned as sickness threatened. Tiny held everything in, refusing to back down as he kept Snitch in his sights. Everything was in place. He had to bide his time otherwise everything would fail.

“Remember what I said to you, baby,” Tiny said.

“I know. I remember.”

The cell phone he hadn’t destroyed buzzed against his leg. It was time to get this show on the road. Snitch had thought he was in control, and all along he didn’t have a clue what was about to happen. “Tell me, Snitch, did any of your men find my own men dead on that road?” Tiny asked.

“They f**king died. We saw to that.” Snitch yelled, spitting onto the ground. “Over twenty years ago you sent me out of his f**king town, and I had to start again from the beginning. Now it’s time for me to take it the f**k back.”

Tiny glanced over Snitch’s shoulder seeing what he was waiting for. The rumbling of bikes sounded first. Devil was on his way, and Snitch was living his last few moments.

“Snitch, what do we do?” one of his men asked.

“This town is ours. The Skulls are f**king dead, and I’m going to take this bitch as my whore and use her like I used that slut on that night.” Tiny tensed as he saw Snitch smirk. “I saw you that night. The disgust on your face at what was happening. I had my gun trained on you the whole time. I thought about taking you out, but then I thought of a better game of making you rape a woman for your life.”

Tiny knew none of that had ever happened. He’d gotten away before Snitch could destroy him.

“The slut screamed so f**king good. I wonder if your woman knows how to scream just like I like.” One of his hands went between her thighs. Tiny tensed, ready to f**k up his whole plan.

Eva jerked out of Snitch’s arms, rounded on him and slapped her palm across his face. “Don’t you f**king touch me, you f**king pig.” She spat into his face.

Wiping the spittle from his face, Snitch backhanded her, sending her to the ground.

Hold steady. Don’t f**k this up. You can cut his balls off and feed them to him all in good time.

A kick landed to her stomach, and Tiny couldn’t handle it anymore. Charging at Snitch, he forced the other man to the ground. He’d do everything to keep Eva safe. The sound of the bikes was growing louder. It was only a matter of time before they got there.

Snitch landed a jab to his cheek sending Tiny down to the ground. He wasn’t stunned too long before he kicked Snitch in the stomach. They tumbled together, landing blows to the stomach, chest, and face. Tiny ended on top of him with Snitch facing the floor.

“Do you know why you’re going to lose this fight, Snitch?” Tiny asked. Snitch struggled but didn’t give the order for his men to intervene. He heard Eva gasping in pain. This f**ker was going to know torture before he killed him.

“You’re a f**king ass.” Jerking Snitch’s head up at the approaching bikes, Tiny forced him to look.

“You’ve never been a good leader, Snitch. Your men will desert you faster than a f**king woman who knows the scent of death. My men are f**king loyal to me. They know what I want, and they fight for me. They know I’m the f**king boss.”

Standing up, Tiny released Snitch in time to see all of his men climb off the back off the bikes of Chaos Bleeds. Lash and Nash were the first men to approach. They were carrying crowbars by their sides. Tiny saw the anger on the men’s faces. They wanted revenge, and it was so close they could probably taste it.

Devil climbed off the bike with Murphy behind him. Tiny tensed when he saw the bandage across half of Murphy’s face. He’d not been able to find him. How the f**k had Devil found him? Murphy looked the worse for wear.

“Don’t worry, Tiny, I’m still f**king pretty,” Murphy said, holding a gun by his side.

Smiling, Tiny was so f**king relieved to see the other man. Now was not the time to ask questions. Snitch kicked him in the leg, sending him down.
