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Tiny heard the fighting start as he lashed out at Snitch.

Snitch sliced down, catching his arm. Tiny growled, feeling the sting of the blade.

Gunshots went off, but the only sounds he heard were the sounds of Snitch’s men, failing. The Skulls were hard and wouldn’t let the other biker club get away with it. Also, they had Chaos Bleeds on their side. Devil and his men made a hard impenetrable wall.

Kicking out, Tiny threw Snitch off him. He dove on the other man sending them both to the floor.

Snitch landed a hit to his temple. Tiny’s head hit the floor dazing him from the impact. Turning, he saw Snitch with a gun pointed at his temple. This was the end. Tiny didn’t want to die. There was so much for him to live for, but he wasn’t going to beg this bastard for his life.

Staring down the barrel of the gun, Tiny waited, determined not to run from death.


Murphy was alive. Eva felt a brief glimpse of happiness, which ended quickly as she watched the fighting around her. Every part of her body ached. She never thought she’d be so happy at the sight of all the men, but even bruised, she was happy to see them. Murphy’s bandaged face was even a pleasure to see.

Why hadn’t she been able to locate him?

Turning around, she froze as she caught sight of Snitch holding a gun pointed directly at Tiny’s head.

No, he was not going to die. She would not let her man go so easily. It wasn’t happening. Eva screamed, but the sound was drowned out by all the fighting. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the gun. Reaching out, she flicked the safety off. Her father and Tiny had both taught her how to use a gun. Getting to her feet, she ran the several steps to where Snitch stood over Tiny.

“I’m going to f**k her ten times a f**king day, and every time I’m going to make her remember how I put a bullet in you. She’ll be begging for my cock, and when she wants me I’ll f**king kill her.” Snitch was sneering and gloating. His words made Eva feel sick.

Her stomach turned, but she kept the vomit inside. Raising her gun, she pressed it to Snitch’s temple.

“That’s my man,” Eva said.

“You’re not going to shoot me,” Snitch said. She saw him tense. Not taking her eyes off her target, Eva tensed, knowing the warm flush running over her was coming from what she was about to do. She’d never killed anyone, and she was about to end a life right now.

He’s going to kill you and your man. Kill him. Save Tiny.

“I’m going to shoot you. Your biggest mistake, Snitch, was coming out of hiding.”

He turned, but it was too late. She pulled the trigger and ended Snitch’s life. The bullet went through his head, tearing out the back. Eva watched the body fall. Tiny kicked it off him before the body collapsed on him.

The fighting had mellowed down. Looking around her, holding the gun in her hand, Eva bent over and vomited everything she’d eaten that day, coating the ground.

Tiny wrapped his arm around her waist, rubbing her back as she hurled everything out.

I’ve killed a man. I’ve killed a man.

“I’ve got you, baby.”

She continued to throw up until there was nothing left. Sinking against Tiny, she held on tightly to him, needing the comfort only he could give. “He was going to kill you.”

“I know. You saved me, baby. Thank you.” He stroked her back and hair. “I’m not going to kiss you until you brush your teeth. Vomit breath is not what I want to remember.”

Eva laughed, slapping him on the arm.

“Your woman is f**king hot,” Devil said, walking closer. She looked at him over her shoulder. “Will you be giving her away any time soon?”

“Not a chance, and if you try I’ll cut your balls off,” Tiny said.

Devil put his hands up in the air. “I’m taken, man. Got a bitch of my own who’ll be missing me, if she hasn’t taken off that is.” Devil whistled, rounding up his men. “We’ll clean this shit up, and then we’ll be on the road.”

Tiny offered him the hand that wasn’t wrapped tightly around her. “It’s a pleasure doing business with you.” Devil shook his hand. She saw the smile on his face.

“It’s fantastic to have that sick f**k in the ground. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She stayed by Tiny’s side while the men cleaned away the bodies. Tiny was talking with all of his men.

She didn’t know how long they were stood there until Tiny finally made his way over to her. Killer was sat behind the wheel, tapping his fingers on it.

“Call the women. Tell them to come to my house,” Tiny said, leaning into the car. Eva wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. “How are you doing, baby?”

“I’m fine.” And she was, which bothered her. She’d taken a life and didn’t care. Snitch was evil and was about to hurt her man.

“Devil and his boys are going to give us a ride through town. They’re going to know The Skulls are back.”

“This was your plan all along?” Eva asked.

“Nah, this was Alex’s plan. He knows what he’s doing.”

She smiled, running her hand down his chest. “I couldn’t handle anything happening to you.”

Cupping her face, Tiny pressed his lips to hers. “You’re still not getting tongue.”

Slapping him away, she climbed into the car. Tiny moved in the front, and Killer headed out. All the men had worked together to get rid of the evidence. Eva didn’t care about the bodies. She imagined the men who stayed behind were going to take care of the final clearance.

The journey to his house was short. Eva held his hand not wanting to let go of the warmth he offered her.

“Everything is going to be okay, baby,” Tiny said.

She believed him. The threat hanging over The Skulls was finally gone. Now was a time for celebration rather than being somber.

Tate rushed toward the car as they pulled into the driveway. Tiny got out, and Eva stepped out behind him. She watched Tate hit her father.

“What the f**k were you thinking? You could have been killed. Where’s Murphy? I need to see him,” Tate said, sobbing. Angel and Sophia stood by the door with Kelsey, pale. “Where’s Eva? Someone took her.”

“I’m here, sweety,” Eva said, smiling over Tiny’s shoulder. In the next breath, Tate had her arms wrapped around Eva, squeezing her.

Within half an hour the sounds of bikes started to get louder. Eva stood next to Tiny as Devil escorted Murphy into the driveway.
