Read Books Novel


Tipsy (Take It Off #5)(29)
Author: Cambria Hebert

He named himself after my eyes.

He named himself after my eyes.

I pinched myself in the arm. Hard. When I winced, Blue frowned. “What did you do that for?” he asked, snatching up my arm and studying the red welt.

“Because I sure as hell must be dreaming.” Guys didn’t say things like this in real life.

He threw back his head and laughed. He looked back at me, a twinkle in his eye. “Did you wake up?”

I shook my head. Butterflies were swirling around inside me like a mini tornado, sweeping everything around and causing my head to spin.

“Maybe this will help,” he said and swooped in.

The arm lying across the back of the couch came forward and his hand gripped the back of my neck. He leaned forward, crowding my personal space and bringing his face so near that I could feel the warmth of his breath against my lips.

Before I could adjust to the overwhelming closeness, his lips claimed mine. The kiss was urgent and demanding—like he’d been holding back for too long and just couldn’t stand another second. I gripped his shirt in my palms and yanked him closer, crushing my lips against his. He kissed with fevered ferocity that lit fire to my blood and caused the inner muscles deep inside me to clench so tightly they began to quiver.

Moisture slicked my crotch, coating my secret place with a lubricant that would welcome his body as part of mine. I groaned, the feeling of my body readying itself for him was almost too much.

His tongue swept between my lips, sliding over my teeth and then delving deep into the confines of my mouth. Our tongues circled lazily, the slightly rough textures of them rubbing together, creating sparks of friction that ran along my nerve endings and threatened to sizzle my brain.

I opened my knees and scooted closer, he wound his arms around my back and yanked me forward. I came up against him abruptly, but our kiss never broke. The second I felt his body against mine, I started moving, my hips grinding against his middle, searching—no, demanding—everything he had to give.

The throbbing erection between his legs brushed against the pulsing lips of my vagina, and a sharp moan bubbled up my throat.

Blue tore his mouth away and looked at me. His lips were glistening with moisture and slightly swollen from the intensity of our kiss. “This was not a booty call,” he insisted.

“Can it be?” I asked, thrusting my hips against him once more.

His hand tightened in a fist at my back and a shudder of pleasure rolled through his limbs. But then his body stiffened and he pinned me with a stare. “No.”

Well, that’s how I knew I wasn’t dreaming. Because if this were an actual dream of mine, he’d already be ripping off my shirt and ravishing my flesh.

I felt my nose wrinkle in obvious distaste. “No?”

“This cannot be a booty call.”

“Why the hell not?” I demanded. How dare he come over here looking all hot and bothered, whipping me up into a frenzy of desire, and then turn me down?

He set me away from him and stood. The way his manhood strained against his jeans told me clearly at least part of him wanted me. With a single tug, Blue yanked the blanket away from me and carried it over on the other side of the coffee table, right in front of the darkened fireplace.

He stretched the blanket out on the floor and then bent down (yes, I checked out his ass) and flipped on the little switch, causing a fire to ignite inside the hearth. When he straightened, he clicked the nearby remote and the television turned off, leaving flickering orange flames the only light in the room.

He prowled over to me. I almost forgot to be offended he just turned me down. When he reached out a hand to me, I snatched mine away. “I thought you were leaving.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Blue intoned. It sounded like the most delicious threat I’d ever heard.

Maybe I was slow… but he did just turn me down. Right?

After he pulled me to my feet, he reached for the hem of my T-shirt. “What are you doing?” I asked.

A slow smile curved his lips. “I’m going to lay you down over there,” he whispered as he lifted my shirt up, “and I’m going to make love to you.”

The shirt cleared my head and hit the couch. Cool air brushed over my bare skin as he reached out and palmed my breasts.

I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. Just the feel of his fingers caressing the sensitive flesh of my breasts made me bite my lower lip in anticipation.

“You see, Julie,” he murmured, lowering his face so his lips grazed my collarbone, “this isn’t a booty call. A booty call implies I only want one thing from you.”

His lips brushed my skin.

My head fell back.

More kisses trailed up my neck.

“And I want way more than just sex from you.” his teeth closed over my earlobe and the cool metal of the piercing shocked my skin.

I gasped. Damn, he’s good. So good that I was utterly certain I was going to be giving Blue whatever it was he wanted.



I didn’t come here for this.

For sex.

But her unapologetic longing wasn’t something I was going to deny. I mean, damn. She wanted it. I sure as hell wanted it.

I was going to give it to her.

And after tonight, she wasn’t even going to want to look at another man for as long as she lived.

Maybe that was unfair of me to do. Technically, I wasn’t available. Technically, I belonged to the job.

Technically, I didn’t give a rat’s ass.

Her soft probing questions about blurred lines and how I kept track of the real me sort of broke my resolve. Shit, I freaking picked my undercover name based on the color of her eyes. When I was starting to feel weighed down by the world, I thought about her. Everything I said to her was true. I meant every damn, sappy word. Maybe I’d been fooling myself up until this point. Maybe I thought that I had a choice in whether or not she was part of my life.

But I didn’t.

She was already a part of my life.

I didn’t want to fight how I felt about her anymore.

Not tonight.

I had no clue what tomorrow would bring. I wanted this, these moments. I wanted to show her the way she’d impacted my life since that morning I pulled over her speedy ass.

The skin beneath my touch was supple and the weight in each breast perfectly fit in my palms. I watched her face as I drew my thumbs across her soft nipples and enjoyed the way her eyes flared and the skin drew into fine pebbles beneath my touch. Using a thumb and forefinger, I rolled the little knobs around, tugging on them until she groaned deeply in her throat.
