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Tipsy (Take It Off #5)(30)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Julie’s hands came up and gripped my forearms, so I pinched at her, knowing it was shooting fissures of pleasure right down into her waiting vagina.

This wasn’t going to be a quickie. This wasn’t going to be me slipping a part of me into her. I was going to take my time. I was going to get to know every last inch of her body the way I’d craved since the moment my eyes met hers.

Reluctantly, I released her breasts and took her hand, leading her around the coffee table and over toward the blanket laid out on the floor. The fire threw off a cozy warmth, combating the chill in the air outside, and cast a smoldering hue around the room.

Pulling Julie around so she was standing with her back to the blanket and her chest to mine, I reached between us for the drawstring on her sweats. One firm tug loosened the fabric and I slid my hands—one on each hip—into the waistband.

Before sliding them down, I paused to look at her. “Say yes,” I told her. “Say yes to all the things I’m about to do to you.”


It was immediate. It was absolute. It was my new favorite word.

The pants were gone in a matter of seconds. Julie kicked them away and reached for my shirt. Her eager hands slid up beneath the fabric and caressed my sides. Using one hand, I yanked the shirt over my head, dropping it to the floor.

She slid her palms around to the small of my back and stepped forward, lowering her head to take one of my nipples into her mouth. My entire body jerked when her moist, hot mouth closed around me.

My fingers knotted in her hair and held her still while she lapped at my chest with unrelenting passion. All the blood in my body drained to one place and my penis grew so hard that I thought it might pop a hole in my jeans.

When Julie’s lips started to venture lower, I pulled her back. “No, you don’t,” I told her. Quickly, I swept her up and onto her back, laying her out across the blanket like she was my own personal all-you-can-eat buffet.

The scrap of lace and cotton that covered the juncture of her thighs teased me with what lay beneath.

I came over her, holding my weight on my palms, enjoying the way she fit perfectly beneath me. Her hands went back to rubbing all over my chest and occasionally flirting with the waistband of my jeans.

I lowered my face close enough to kiss her, but before I could, she sucked the piercing into her mouth and laved at it with her naughty little tongue. I used to hate this hunk of metal in my face, but damned if I didn’t change my mind. There was just a hint of pain when she tugged it a little too hard and it mixed so perfectly with the passion flowing through my veins. It was like without realizing it, she somehow mixed up the perfect tonic of pleasure and pain.

When she was done, she lay back with a contended sigh.

It was the perfect opportunity to swoop in and begin my onslaught of passion. Wedging my nose in that vulnerable soft spot between her ear and jaw, my tongue licked out, wetting the skin before I gently blew my breath over the moist spot.

The little groan she rewarded me with caused a smile to play on my lips as I trailed lingering, hot kisses down the side of her neck and across her chest. Her skin was so smooth. If it weren’t warm from the blood that beat beneath its surface, I would have thought it marble.

So entranced by the feel of her against me, I turned my lips and brushed the side of my jaw against her, the roughness of my stubble creating friction between us.

Her body moved restlessly beneath me. She wiggled her hips and used her hands to explore my body, to try and pull me closer. Finally, I gave in. I lowered so my weight pinned her to the floor and halted her movements. She was now completely at my whim.

I liked the power. I liked the feeling of knowing she would likely let me do anything to her because she trusted I would keep her safe. I pinned her arms above her head, using one hand to anchor them against the softness of the blanket.

Even though I held her down, she still found a way to touch me, to participate in what we were doing. Her bare leg came up to wrap around the back of my thigh and pressed my jean-covered cock right against the tender junction of her thighs.

A throaty laugh worked its way out of me. She was naughty. “You’re gonna get punished for that,” I promised right before I closed my lips over her nipple.

She gasped and tried to arch up off the floor, baring even more of her pliant flesh. I sucked deeply, taking in as much of her as I could and rolling her fullness around the interior of my mouth. I worked at her breast until it became heavy with need and she was begging for more. Then I moved to the other one, scraping my teeth over her nipple and using my free hand to gently grip her mound and bring it closer to my lips.

She tasted like peaches, sweet and creamy. I couldn’t get enough of the way she felt in my mouth.

After I released her breasts, I kissed beneath them, sucking small mounds of flesh into my mouth and pulling at them. I didn’t do it hard, but in the back of my mind, I hoped she was left with at least one mark on her flesh. I wanted to brand her. I wanted to stake my claim. Every time she looked in the mirror, I wanted her to remember what it was like for my mouth to be on her skin.

“Harder,” she urged as if reading my mind.

I obliged, trying not to cause her pain, but giving her what we both wanted. She was a vocal lover, making little mewling sounds, little moans, and gripping my hand with hers where I pinned them.

Inside my jeans, my cock throbbed. It begged for release. Never in my life had I been so ready to slide inside someone as I was right now. I wanted to pound away in her. I wanted to lose myself inside her taut, wet heat.

Anxious to go lower, I glanced up, catching her eyes, and said, “Keep those hands right where they are.”

She nodded and bit her lower lip. I removed my hand and moved lower, grasping the fabric of her panties with my teeth and sliding them down her legs. Once they were gone, her legs parted unabashedly and the heady scent of her damp juices was like a siren, like I was a boat, lost at sea, and I was finally coming upon my port.

I sat back on my haunches, splaying my hands out on each of her inner thighs and just looking at the display before me. Perfect pink folds were nestled beneath short, dark silken curls. The passion she felt was clearly visible. She was swollen and throbbing, slick with lubricant.

The engorged button partially concealed by her other tender parts was shiny and heavy. Slowly, I climbed my fingers closer. She sighed and mumbled something neither of us understood. Using my fingers, I parted her folds and caught sight of the depths of her body.

Using a single finger, I swirled just the tip in her wetness and then traced a circle around her, spreading the juice wherever I could. I liked seeing her drip for me. I liked knowing her body was readying itself for me to enter.
