Read Books Novel

To Hate Adam Connor

“Just a small taste,” I said. “Just to hold you over.” Her scowl came back in full force. “Maybe I’ll put my cock right in here and let you have a taste before I do anything else. Or maybe I won’t. Maybe I won’t be able to stop myself from going deep inside you before I make a mess in your mouth and watch you swallow it all.”

“Who said I’d swallow?” she asked as her hands made little fists.

I grinned—I couldn’t help it—and watched her eyes flick over to my mouth. “Oh, you can’t wait to swallow it all up, can you, Lucy? Just like how I can’t wait to lick every inch of your pussy.”

Seconds ticked by as we stared at each other.

Finally, she swallowed. “What else would you do? Not that you’ll get a chance, just curious…”

“Oh, I’ll do a lot of things to you, Lucy. I’ll definitely let you do a lot of stuff to me, too, because I know you’ll enjoy getting your hands on me.” I looked down at her body where my hand had pulled her shirt up, and I could see the bare skin of her stomach. Don’t ask me how I managed to stop my hand from going higher, but I did, and covered her up again.

“Too bad I can’t just tear off your clothes and show you how many things I can make you feel if only you let me, how loud I can make you cry out when I overwhelm you in the best possible way as your pretty little pussy contracts around me,” I murmured, looking into her eyes. “I bet you have a greedy pussy. I bet you’d beg me to give you more.” If I thought seeing and touching her bare skin was too much temptation, the look I saw in her eyes was the killing blow. “Too bad I need to leave and can’t have you to myself all night.”

She cocked her head and pulled herself up on her elbows as I leaned away from her. And then she was pushing against my chest and climbing up on me again.

“You should stop doing that,” I mumbled as I reached up to hold her hair away from her face, away from those beautiful eyes I couldn’t seem to look away from. Seeing her cheeks slightly flushed and her chest rising and falling with deep breaths made my already hard dick jump in my pants.

“Are you ready to admit how much you like me?”

She shook her head. “Every time I tell myself maybe I don’t hate the guy, you go and do something to show me that I actually hate you very much.”

Surprised, I asked, “What did I do now to earn your hate?”

“You’re speaking. And touching me. And whispering. And leaning in too close. And looking into my eyes. You’re making your voice go all throaty. Stop it. When I tell you we can’t have sex, you talk about my heart and all this stuff that isn’t your concern.”

I let go of her hair and raised my hands up in surrender.

“I didn’t know you wanted to have sex with me that bad, Lucy.”

She groaned. “I don’t! That’s my point. But you made me talk about big cocks that know what they’re doing and…” Unexpectedly, she grabbed my wrist and pushed my hand right in her pants.

I could’ve stopped her. I could’ve pulled her down on me and told her to behave right before I took her lips in a crushing kiss. I could’ve done a lot of things instead of curving my fingers and letting them slip into her slick heat, but she was too intriguing, and I was too damn curious to see how she would explain her dripping wetness while insisting she felt nothing when I put my hands and lips on her.

“So this happened,” she explained lamely in a breathy voice.

“Look at that,” I murmured, softly playing with her pussy lips and clit, spreading her wetness all over her. “This happened because I made you talk about cocks?”

She nodded eagerly, and my eyes fell down to her hands, which were still gripping my wrist in an effort to keep my hand in place.

“I guess I should apologize for this,” I relented, pushing my middle finger a little deeper until it passed through her tight muscles. “For making you this wet, I mean.”

She tipped her head back, just slightly, and her hips jerked, pulling my finger in deeper.

“You didn’t make me wet,” she whispered, releasing a small moan when I swirled my finger inside her and then roughly pushed all the way in. The way her body came alive right in front of my eyes, the way she bit her bottom lip as a small gasp escaped her lips…every little thing she did was pulling me right to the edge of insanity.

“I didn’t?” I pulled my finger out of her tight pussy and ran my finger over and around her sensitive clit. “That’s too bad then.” Before I could take my hand out of her panties, she stopped me.

“Wait! Wait!”


She scowled at me and let out a frustrated sigh. “This is why I don’t like you.”

I pulled my hand out.

“Wait! Goddamnit!” Determined, she grabbed my wrist and pushed it back in. God, her eyes really did something to me, that determined but unfocused look combined with that stormy color. She was a storm all on her own. Hell, she’d been a hurricane ever since she had tumbled into my life.

“Fine. Fine, your voice did me in,” she admitted finally.

“Hmmm,” I murmured, gently pushing my finger back into her pussy. “You like my voice, and my hand. For a girl who claims she hates me, you seem to like a lot of things about me.”

“Just your hand and your voice. Everything else about you…I hate it.”

Pressing my free hand against her back, I flipped her under me again.

“Hate is a very strong emotion, Lucy. And you know what they say about love and hate: it’d be so easy for you to tip over that edge into love.”

She opened her legs to me willingly and then got in my face. “Keep dreaming.”

I smiled at her.

“We’ll see.”

Widening her legs a bit more, I pushed another finger inside her burning heat and watched her eyes lose focus again.

“I think—”

Sneaking my free hand under her neck, I held her mouth to mine and kissed the words out of her mouth while I enjoyed her arousal soaking my fingers. Every time I kissed her, I could hear the blood humming in my veins. And more than that, I could feel her trembling under me, her body vibrating with the need she was trying her best to conceal.

Even though I knew it would piss her off, I had to take my raging hard-on and leave. So I pulled my fingers out of her pussy, gripped her chin, and deepened the gentle kiss I was giving her just before I let her lips go and got up from the bed to saunter to the door.

“What?” she mumbled, looking up at me in confusion. “What are you doing?”

Damn those beautiful boobs of hers. The way I could see those perfect nipples moving up and down as her chest moved with her labored breaths was pushing my cock’s patience to its limits. “Good night, Lucy.”

Her face sobered, and she gave me a blank look. “You’re leaving? Now?”

“I’d love nothing more than to listen to you moan under me all night as I bury my cock in a certain part of your body, but you don’t even like me, remember? Tell me you like me and maybe I’ll change my mind.”

“I don’t like you.”

I nodded. “That’s what I thought. Besides, I need to get back to Aiden.”

When she heard Aiden’s name, her shoulders seemed to relax a bit, and she pulled her knees up to hug them against her chest. “So you weren’t planning on staying even if I lied and said I liked you. Nice. What a standup guy.”
