Read Books Novel

To Hate Adam Connor

“You do know I just broke up with someone, right? It’s not like I’m not capable of love. I’m just practical. I know what will happen, so why step off the cliff if I know I’m just gonna fall into the ocean? And like I just said, I did step off that cliff just a few months ago and look what happened.”

“I never said you aren’t capable of love. And what happened exactly? So you jumped off the cliff and told the guy you loved him. Then you fell into the ocean, and what? Did you love him so much that you will never ever fall in love again?”

She let out a frustrated sigh and sent me an annoyed look. “It’s not that. Of course I walked out of the ocean. Just because a guy cast me aside doesn’t mean I’m gonna wallow in my tears and secretly love him for the rest of my life.”

I pulled her down and under me, causing her to release a sound between a gasp and squeak.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked.

“I really, really like you, Lucy Meyer. So I’m doing some thinking,” I replied, keeping my gaze on her face.

“About what?”

“About how long I’ll have to wait until you get over your hang-ups and I get to touch you like I want to touch you.”

She gave me a lazy smile and before I could take my eyes away from her smiling lips, she somehow managed to surprise me enough to push me onto my back and maneuver herself over me. The next thing I knew she was straddling me—not all the way down, she made sure our bodies weren’t touching, but she was close. We were close. I lay there, completely shocked, completely hard, and utterly pleased with her. I’d let her do whatever she was planning to do until I had to stop her. I wasn’t interested in playing with her, not like she wanted to. Or maybe that was wrong. I was very interested in playing with her, exactly like she wanted to, but not on her terms. Not a quick fuck. Not when every word out of her mouth turned me on beyond any reason.

She placed her hands on either side of me on the bed, leaned down with her body, causing her boobs to press against my chest, and stopped when her lips were only inches away from mine. My hands found her hips, and I lightly held her above me. “You’re so sure of yourself, aren’t you?” she whispered. “Probably always had girls throwing themselves at you since you were what, fourteen, fifteen? Well, newsflash, Hot Dad, I’m not your fan, not anymore.”

She lifted her boobs, cast her eyes down, and looked in between our bodies. I didn’t have to follow her eyes to see that my hard-on was noticeable. She had no idea what she was getting herself into.

I tightened my grip on her hips and pulled her slightly forward. She lifted her eyes back to mine, and I watched her throat work as she swallowed. She must have realized she was pressing her boobs against my chest because suddenly she jerked her body upward and did her best to avoid touching my body.

“Why don’t you have a seat, Lucy,” I suggested, fighting the urge to rip her pants off and guide her down onto me. “Get comfortable.”

She pressed her lips together and kept hovering over me.

Just when I thought she was about to climb off me… “Do you know what I like, Adam Connor?” she asked and kept talking instead of waiting for an answer. “I like tattoos; I find them to be very sexy on men. Like, I give you permission to rip my clothes off and take me right where we are standing kinda sexy. I also like a big cock because it feels amazing when a guy knows how to use it.” She leaned in farther. “You have no idea…no idea whatsoever how much I love a big, hard cock that can give a good, rough fuck, Adam. The way it feels when I come on them, around them…like it’s too much, but not enough at the same time.” Her lips stopped next to my ear, and she released a small moan that came from deep in her throat and reached right down to my dick. “And believe me, they make me come very hard,” she added.

I closed my eyes and smiled before she could catch it. She lifted her head and kept talking, not realizing that she was digging herself deeper into me. There was nothing, nothing that could ever be sexier than a woman who knew what she wanted from a man in bed, who didn’t have any issues with sharing what got her off, or how she wanted to get off. And Lucy Meyer was already dangerously sexy in my book.

Right at that moment, Lucy Meyer was pushing herself under my skin without even realizing it, and I was about to push myself right under hers, even deeper than I already had.

“I like a man who knows what he can do with his tongue, his hands, and his cock. I like a man who makes me beg for more, who makes me burn for him, over and over.” She kept going. “He’ll have to know how to take everything from me.” She patted my chest with her hand and her tone changed as she backed off. “You’re not that guy, Adam Connor. You look like you could be that man, but no, you’re not.”

“You really think I’m not that man?”

She nodded. “I’ll even give you an explanation free of charge. First of all, you’re not a good kisser. You make me feel nothing at all. We learned that the hard way. And we also established the fact that you have a small cock. Small for me,” she corrected hastily. “I’m sure some girls would be into that since you’re a movie star and all. And hands…” She licked her lips. “Okay. You have big hands. I’ll give you that much. But I’m doubtful you know how to use them properly.” Standing on her knees, she straightened up. “So, as you can see, we don’t match. You’re a good actor and all, but I need more than good acting in bed.”

She lifted her knee to get off me, and I used that moment to take back the bit of control I’d let her have.

She dropped to her back with a shocked gasp and this time it was me hovering over her, inches away from her lips.

“You want to hear what I’d like to do to you, Lucy? What I’m going to do to you when you stop with all the acting?”

“Goody. Can’t wait to hear it.” Her words came out breathlessly.

I nudged the side of her nose with my own and gently forced her to bare her neck to me. Then quietly and unhurriedly, against her throat, I said, “First, I’m going to kiss you until you forget your very own name, Lucy Meyer. I don’t care if it takes hours to taste every inch of this beautiful mouth, I won’t stop kissing you until you’re a dripping mess for me and your heart is beating out of your chest with excitement about my kiss.” I curved my hand right under her neck and let my thumb gently caress the soft skin. Her eyes glazed over with lust. “While I’m still kissing you, Lucy…” I whispered, ghosting my mouth right over hers. Her lips parted, and I realized her eyes had already closed on their own. You’re not that guy, my ass.

“I’m going to undress you so I can touch every inch of your body. With my lips, my hands…” I kissed a path down from the edge of her lips to the neckline of her T-shirt and let my hand travel down to her waist. When I reached the hem, I ordered my cock to ignore her harsh intake of breath and reached under her shirt to touch her skin. “So soft,” I murmured as I pressed my lips right underneath her ear and let my palm wander upward, slowly heading toward her breasts.

Her breathing quickened, and she opened her eyes.

Storms. Two beautiful storms looking right into my soul.

She was angry, I could see that much, but she also looked hungry, so I gave in and gently kissed her lips. My hand tightened around her waist when she started shifting her hips under me. Her tongue came out to wet her bottom lip, and I softly bit into it, pulling a low moan from her.
