Read Books Novel

To Hate Adam Connor

I didn’t have it in me to pout; I was more interested in getting him inside me.

I made a point of closing my eyes and not looking at his body when he took off his pants and climbed onto the couch. His big hands pushed my knees open.

“Can you make love on a couch?” I asked, a little breathless already. “Isn’t that against the rules?”

I’d probably die before the whole thing was over. Now that we were actually naked, just like I’d wanted for quite some time, I was starting to freak out for no apparent reason.

“Where would you want to make love?” he asked, his hands moving down from my thighs toward my very excited vagina.

“I don’t know.” I squirmed in place when he pulled my pussy lips open with his thumbs. “Isn’t it supposed to be in bed?”

“I had a few fantasies of fucking you right here; couch will do.”

Then I was suddenly pulled down, and I squealed, goose bumps rising on my entire body. I was scared shitless to open my eyes and look down.

“You’re not going to open your eyes?” He took my breast in his mouth, his tongue swirling around my hard nipple, then sucking and biting.


I arched my neck, practically melting under his mouth’s assault on my poor boob. His other hand cupped the lonely one and tweaked my nipple.

“Answer me.”

“I don’t want to be disappointed just yet.”

“The four-inch thing again?” A not-so-gentle bite had me hissing and pretty much dripping under him.


“Open your eyes, Lucy.”

I didn’t hesitate.


My eyes met his and he was all I could see. That determined face. Those round shoulders.

I was lying right under Adam Connor, and I didn’t mind one bit that I was giving the control over to him.

“I told you I don’t play games, Lucy. Are you sure this is okay?”

Whatever the hell did that mean?

“Does it look like I’m not okay with anything? Come on.” I arched up and reached up, moaning when he attacked my lips with the same amount of greed. I lowered my voice. “I want your cock in me, Adam.”

“You want it?”

“Yes.” I smiled. “All four inches of it.”

He laughed, a low, throaty sound that vibrated through my body. I smiled back.

“Okay, Lucy. Close your eyes.”

I closed them and then curved my arms around the arm of the couch. I was nothing but a trembling wreck when I felt his lips next to my ear.

“I’m going to un-break your heart, Lucy,” he promised in a low voice.

I couldn’t stop my body from shivering.

“My heart isn’t broken, Adam,” I whispered back just as quietly.

His hand moved down from my breast.



Leaving a burning path in its wake.

A finger teased my opening.

“It is,” he whispered, leaving open-mouthed kisses along my neck.

Was this making love? Torturing each other until one of you lost your mind?

“It is,” he repeated right before he took my nipple between his teeth and pulled. I wanted to close my legs, or touch myself, or hell, hump the couch. “And I’m going to make it whole again. I’m going to heal it so you can feel what you do to me.”

I’d never been so ready, so slick, so scared.

Then I felt him move away from me and heard the sound of foil ripping open.

I counted. It took him around seven seconds to put it on. Was that good news? Had I counted right?

I was breathing hard and still holding on to the cushion under me as if my life depended on it.

“Is it in?”

I mean, I thought I was feeling fingers moving in and out of me, but maybe it was his cock? Maybe life was that cruel?

“Lucy…if nothing else, just because of that comment I’m about to ruin you for any other man.”

My lips quirked up. “Oh? You wanted me to lie and say your dick is the biggest gift to humanity?”

“Let’s see if your smart mouth will be able to do anything but scream and moan in a few seconds.”

It didn’t even take a few seconds for me to release my first groan. He pushed his cock into me, stretching me wide open. When my hips started sliding up, his hands grabbed my legs and adjusted them around his back.

“Oh, shit,” I cursed when the move only pushed him deeper into me. “Oh, shit.”

I opened my eyes and found him looking straight into mine. I swallowed and held his gaze. He pulled his hips back, hands still holding my thighs, and gave a little more of himself.

I bit back my groan.


I nodded.

Fuck, yes!

He looked down at where we were connected and watched his cock pull out of me, which made my brain go all mushy. Then his thumb found my clit, pushing, circling, stroking, and yet he still pushed in deeper.

“You’re creaming all around me, Lucy. Dare I say you like my cock?”

I might have whimpered. He might have groaned. I can’t remember a few seconds of it.

I let one of my legs fall down from his back and lifted the other one so I could throw it over the couch.

“Is that your way of saying you want more?”

I couldn’t laugh; something was lodged in my heart, making it hard to do much of anything.

“I doubt you have more to give.”

My answer was a deep fucking thrust that had my toes curling with the exquisiteness of it.

I gasped and smiled. I let go of the cushion so I could run my hand all over his chest and scratch his burning skin, leave a mark, my mark.

“Oh, Lucy,” he rasped. “Oh, what am I gonna do with you?”

He put one of his hands next to my waist, the other one on the arm of the couch.

He drew out that monster cock of his then pushed it back in farther as he settled over me.

I was lost. Gone. Completely and utterly shattered.

He was so deep in me, filling me to the brim. I was trying my best to stay still so I could get used to his size and not lose it in two seconds flat. I wanted to watch him work. I wanted to see how he made love.

“Ready?” he asked, his body as tight as a rubber band.

“Do your worst,” I replied.

And he did. Oh, he did. The thrust…that delicious thrust deep into me.

“Holy fuck,” I muttered, my eyes rolling back in my head.

His next thrust had me scrambling to hold on to him. Every time he pushed harder into me, jarring my bones with pleasure, I clawed at his body. To push him away or pull him in deeper, I had no idea.

I had to admit, he was kind of huge. Okay, fine, he was absolutely huge. But, hell, the thickness, that was what was killing me in the most perfect way.

“Jesus, Lucy,” he rasped out, going back to more shallow thrusts. His body still covering mine, moving against mine like hot liquid, he looked at me. There was something happening behind his eyes, but before I could put my finger on it, he pressed his mouth against mine and kissed me.

I ran my hands up his back and threaded my fingers through his hair, groaning my pleasure into his mouth.

“Big enough for you?” he asked when we broke apart so we could breathe.

“Just,” I answered, my body a shivering mess under him.

His lips latched onto my nipple and it pulled at something right between my legs. My muscles clenched around Adam, and he cursed.

“Do you feel my cock?” he murmured, his eyes as dark as the night outside.

“Yes,” I moaned, trying to open my legs wider so I could take him deeper into me.
