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To Hate Adam Connor

He pushed his hand between the couch cushion and my waist and lifted his body up from mine.

“Does it feel good?”

I bit my lip and nodded. He was thrusting into me so slow, dragging my nerves all over the place.

His lips parted, and he whispered, “Good. Now you’ll never forget how it feels to have all of me inside you.”

I wasn’t ready for the way he started driving into me, his hand holding my waist in place as he pushed his cock all the way in only to pull it back and work it into me again.

He was hitting me so deep, so hard, there was no way I could hold back my screams and groans, nor did I want to.

I started to feel myself tighten around him, his own moans and groans a distant sound to my ears. My toes curled and something started to grow inside me, building right in my core. Adam kept fucking me at a relentless pace, his hips grinding into me every time he went in too deep. The sound…oh, the sound of our thighs slapping together, my wetness…

“That’s it, Lucy. That’s it.”

I grabbed on to Adam’s hard-as-stone biceps and started to shake with my orgasm. Oh, when this was over, I was going to kill him.

“Come on, Lucy,” he murmured through clenched teeth. “That’s the best you’ve got? Give me more. Give me everything you have.”

Just when I thought the pleasure rippling through my body was about to stop, he changed his angle and hit a different spot in me and it all started again.

“Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!” I kept chanting and threw my hand back in the hopes of grabbing on to the arm of the couch. What my hand connected with wasn’t the couch; it was the lamp shade on the side table just next to the couch.

My body burning up with my release from the inside out, I ignored the crashing sound and tried to calm my body down instead. He was not going to give me a heart attack! My body still shaking, I pulled at Adam’s hair.

“You have to stop,” I gasped, my words barely making any sense. “Something’s wrong. Adam, stop.”

He slowed down his thrusts, but they were still too deep, making my boobs bounce at every thrust. The tip of his cock was still touching that perfect spot. I was feeling too damn much.

My legs were still shaking, my body still on fire. “You bastard,” I managed to say. “You said you’d make love to me, not fuck me out of my mind.”

His eyes followed mine and saw that I was trying to keep my legs steady with my hand. Leaning back, he pushed his arm under one of my legs, holding it up and straight against his chest.

“There are no rules, Lucy. This is how I make love to you.”

“Oh, you stupid, handsome asshole. You broke my vagina.”

He pulled out until only the head was in, curved my leg behind his back, and then slowly slid all the way back inside. He had me moaning under him in seconds.

“Your pussy feels perfectly fine to me,” he murmured and took my lips again.

He was pushing into me so slowly, playing with my nerves.

Since it was all shot to hell, I held his face in my hands and stared at him. “Make me come again, Adam. I want to come on your cock again.” If this was my one night with him, I wanted to come around him and on him as many times as possible.

“Fuck, Lucy, you’re still pulsing around me. Don’t worry, I’ll make you come around me all night.”

I let go of his face and arched my back, pulling him inside me again. He licked my nipple and the wetness, the warmth of his tongue made my entire body shudder under him.

“I love seeing you tremble under me.”

I arched an eyebrow and stayed quiet. My entire focus was on arching my back and moving my hips so I could meet his thrusts and take his cock deeper into me, where it needed to be. “And this pussy…” He pulled out completely, giving me my first look at his hard, thick cock as he held it in his hand.

God! I really liked his cock. I really, really liked his cock.

Then two of his fingers were pushing into me, and he was swirling my wetness all over my stomach. “Look how wet it is for me. Look how much it loves my cock.”

Oh, he had no idea.

While his eyes were taking in every inch of my body and how I glistened with my own juices spread out all over me, my eyes were on his cock and that thick vein I could see through the condom.

I promised myself I would take him into my mouth before the night ended, with the sole purpose of making him just as crazy as he was making me.

Chapter Seventeen


My heart thumping in my chest, my cock as hard as a rock in my hand, I took in the expression on her face. When I’d dropped Aiden off at his friend’s house, I wasn’t expecting a visit from Lucy. I didn’t think she’d come anywhere near me, at least for a few days while her anger burned out.

But she’d come. She’d managed to clear my head of my troubling thoughts and dropped a bomb right at my feet.

Pregnant. She was pregnant.

And she had ordered me to make love to her.

How could anyone say no to that? More importantly, to her. I certainly couldn’t, not when she looked at me as if her world would crumble if I turned her down. Even more importantly, I didn’t want to say no to her.

The pregnancy…it didn’t change how I felt toward her. It didn’t change the fact that I still wanted her. But where did it put me? What did it mean for her? Would she get back with her ex? Move away?

Instead of getting answers to those questions, I decided to give her something she wouldn’t forget, something she couldn’t just push away with the back of her hand.

Standing over her with my cock in my hand, I gave myself a few lazy strokes as she watched me intently.

After having a taste of her tight pussy, my hand wasn’t doing it for me. But for her, for that look in her eyes, I didn’t mind giving her a little show.

I let go of my cock and let it rest for a moment.

Getting up, I took Lucy’s hand and pulled her up.

“Hold on to the back of the couch.”

She arched an eyebrow, but didn’t question me. In seconds she was on her knees, arching her back and giving me the best fucking view of her ass.

“What the hell is that?” she asked. I followed her eyes to the couch cushion.

Reaching for one perfect ass cheek, I gently stroked and then pulled it apart so I could see her pink, wet pussy. I pushed my hand between her legs and heard her whimper when two of my fingers entered her.

“Sore?” I asked.

“I’m okay. You didn’t answer me. Did you come?”

I looked at the wet spot on the couch and got closer to her so I could push my cock against the soft, soft skin of her perfect ass.

“Did it feel like I came? That’s all you.”

Her head whipped back, and she gave me a shocked look. “What?” she whispered.

I pushed my fingers deeper into her and her back arched to take more. I couldn’t look away from her red lips, those teeth pulling on the swollen skin.

Pulling my fingers out of her, I found her clit and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“All you, Lucy,” I repeated. “I told you, your pussy is very happy with my four-inch cock.”

She gave me a small smile over her shoulder, her fingers white knuckled as she held on to the couch. “Thank God you’re not four inches. It would be so disappointing and I’d feel so very sorry for you.”

I pushed my cock in between her legs and gave her a gentle thrust so she could feel it slide against her sensitive clit.
